Monday, July 26, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Sometimes in the course of this chronicle you run into some situations that make you ponder.

Take, for example, the recent tragedy involving the 54-year-old cyclist who was run over by a speeding Mercedes-Benz sports car in the middle of the night in downtown Brownsville.

The man was struck and killed and then dragged for almost half a block and all that was left of the bicycle was a tangled mess. He died instantly.

The driver – found two days after he hit and fled – had a warrant for a Driving While Intoxicated charge (second offense) issued by the Cameron County Sheriff's Department. That will be the least of his problems because he is facing three charges including Accident Involving Death 2nd Degree Felony and bond has been set at $75,000; Manslaughter 2nd Degree Felony, $75,000, and Tampering with Physical Evidence 3rd Degree Felony, $30,000.

The accident occurred at about midnight right in the middle of town which makes you wonder whether he had been drinking and driving at the time. He will have time enough to ponder his situation as his case makes its way though the courts. Everyone, it is said, is innocent until proven guilty.

But things happen, we want to think, for a reason.

No one wishes that kind of death on anyone. Just thinking about it makes one wince. You can only imagine the pain it caused his family and loved ones. 

But the victim in this case also battled with his demons. 

The Cameron County District Clerk's public portal lists about 10 different cased where he was arrested and charged with at least two felonies and eight adult misdemeanors involving acts of deviant sexual conduct. He also had a previous conviction of a sexual assault on a 14-year-old girl as far back as 1984 for which he served prison time. His most recent charge was indecency with a child (under 17) for which he was arrested in May 2020. That case was still pending in the 107th District Court when he was killed.

Then, in one split second, both these life trajectories clashed in the middle of a city street. One is gone, and the other, if found guilty, faces some long years behind bars, a kind of living death.

The driver will not be behind the wheel – sober or otherwise – for a good while. And the victim will not pose a danger to young girls around him anymore. Is it, as some in our group said recently, a case of divine justice, or just sheer coincidence that these two lives came together with such tragic results?


Anonymous said...

I hope este cara de verga gets the maximum punishment! There's a blogger I won't mention his name, only that his last name starts with a "M"...he also likes driving drunk! Hopefully he learns from this pendejo borracho! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

And another pedophile bites the dust...Wish Freddy Mercury was still here...he would sing it for us!

Anonymous said...

Great job district Attorneys

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Two less to worry about, Brownsville. Sometimes it's for the best, as we say in church on Sundays.

Uno no queria ver a su Dios, y el otro nunca lo vera.

Asi es, Juan.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance! Who wants these criminals living in our community? Cheaper that locking him up.

Anonymous said...

Divine justice? If a divinity was involved would anyone have been sexually molested? You have low standards as far as gods go.

Anonymous said...

No police officers are ever seen downtown!

Anonymous said...

Stay out of downtown Brownsville at night there are no police officers and you have a 90% chance you get Robbed!

Anonymous said...

Oh but they have cameras so I'm sure they will make an arrest a few days after you are Buried!

Anonymous said...

Criminals invading downtown Brownsville but the only place you see the Police is at the Bus Station and sitting outside local politicians place of business!
Don't worry there are cameras in certain locations so the Brownsville Police Chief El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal doesn't put Officers he can save enough money by defunding his own department so he can give his lover El Rata Bernal another raise!

Anonymous said...


El Paya nickname for Jerry McHale was not invented by Duardo, whoever he is.

I heard it in a downtown bar months ago.

True story.

Anonymous said...

Brown lives matter. At least we're not as dumb as blacks.

Baby Cakes said...

What is denstiny?

BobbyWC said...

The good news for you Juan is there is no one else sick enough as you to trash a man who died because of a homicide. If there were, they would write a book on all of your long history of criminal conduct upon your death. You are one very deranged human being.

Truth Teller

Anonymous said...

@9:33 PM

Let's see, a Black is vice-president of the United States. A Black is the best player in professional basketball. A Black this week hosted "Jeopardy". A Black invented peanut butter. A Black is U.S. Secretary of Defense. A Black is QB of the Dallas Cowboys. A Black was in Star Wars. A Black is mayor of Chicago, Atlanta and New York City (just elected). A Black married a British prince. A Black (or two, or three, or a hundred) Olympian won Gold Medals. A Black, etc., etc. etc.

The Browns?

En las cantinas y cagando el palo.


Anonymous said...

There’s a right and wrong, and what comes around goes around. The business of karma is robust.

Anonymous said...

Neither a coincidence nor divine justice. After mid-night there are just drunks and low lives in downtown Browntown. Go stupid places, with stupid people, at stupid times and shit will happen.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

It's called a twofer folks. As in two for the price of one.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, how about writing an article about city management staff parking their personal cars on downtown metered parking. Everyone at city management including secretary staff parks on metered parking taking away much needed revenue from city coffers. They require every other city employee working at city hall to park at city plaza. I guess they are too lazy to walk two blocks. Sometimes they park on commissioners parking spots in order to avoid walking. Is this an example of "Total Alignment " do as I say not as I do. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Difficult topic. People that entice minors to have sexual encounters, that touch children inappropriately and thus end their innocence, that are around us: social security office, church, community clinic, etc . and nobody knows about their weakness.

Anonymous said...

baby cakes is the McAllen impotent

Anonymous said...

Divine Justice..

GOD work in Mysterious Ways.

Something we humans cant Comprehend.

As per.. Black Brown or Which ever color
You pick ..We are all

Smart/disobedient(dumb in human terms).

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal asking his lover Brownsville Police Chief El Chapo Sauceda to continue to continue to defund his department so he can hire more assistant City managers and give himself another pay increase..
