Wednesday, August 11, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: Does Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza do his own graphics? It appears to be that way, because he posted the graphic on top warning motorists that there will be a Click it or Ticket" campaign here in the coming few days. Unfortunately, he forgot to change the sheriff department logo and included the one from Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Sheriff's Office. 

That campaign lasted from May 24 thought June 5. So it's all over in Louisiana. But is it over in Cameron County? We were told that after the Facebook post was put up for about an hour, it was suddenly removed. One of his minions probably alerted him when they noticed the snafu. Call him the multi-skilled challenged Deputy Dawg.)


Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale back to push more Trump. Every story he posted today is about the crazed, racist Republican!!!

Anymore doubts El Paya Jerry is NOT a White Supremacist?

He's now out pf the closet, raza!!!

Fock him.

Anonymous said...

Watchdog to Scrutinize Fox News Host’s Claim the N.S.A. Spied on Him.

Crazed Tucker Carlson accused the government of intercepting his emails without disclosing that he had been reaching out to the Kremlin.

- Ouch, joto.

Anonymous said...

Pobre "Sheriff" ta bien pendejo mijo

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza is a copycat. That's all he can be! Not a creative bone is his body.

But that's typical of valleyites in office, isn't it, Juan?

That almost looks like a John Chambers move, however.


Anonymous said...

Challenged sheriff LMFAO

Anonymous said...

He made us believe he was all about technology, bringing the SO to a new era... and after 8 months we come to realize he just bought us some security guard uniforms.... way to go Sheriff

Anonymous said...

There is 18 grievances filed against Capt. Rodriguez and more against "Chief" Gracia... time bomb about to go off... Garza is more worried about stealing facebook post from other pages

Anonymous said...

With all thos idiotas on the computers at the SO not one of them spotted the pendejete mistake? Fire all of them even if they kiss your ass erica. Kissing your ass don't fix stupid mistakes - bola de mamones y lambisques what you expect from a house mouse paper pusher...

Anonymous said...

The no confidence vote for the sheriff is coming up. If I were I would reach out to the association personally. Because he would be the first Sheriff to get a no confidence vote in recent history. How embarrassing would it be for the entire state of Texas to find out that his deputies and jailers have absolutely no confidence in his ability to lead his office. This will be all over national news

Anonymous said...

Hey "Deputy Dawg" it's the law.

Anonymous said...

Eric walking around like a goddamn mental health consumer... fix yourself man!

Anonymous said...

Are you guys expect anything from the clerk who holds a BASIC peace officer license..
come on..get real.... they are all committing crimes on a daily basis, Cornejo, Rivera, Cisneros, Gracia, Garza...

Anonymous said...

Do yourself a favor Garza, resign, you know where this is going if you continue the show..

Anonymous said...

He's a fucking plagiarist! Tucker Carlson was trying to get an interview not a job for his drug addict son like Biden. Puro racista pendejocratas.

Anonymous said...

Dam Montoya!! You're still on Sheriff Garza's nuts huh! Este vato give it a rest! He's not going any where!

Anonymous said...

Hey you at aug 11 at 1126pm I think thats the point sheriff is not going anywhere

Anonymous said...

And it's hilarious to think that after being on the Job for 8 months now he would of made some headway on changes. He ran his campaign on fake promises.
He obviously has no clue on running a department.
After 8 months his dumb followers that drink the Kool-Aid continue to blame Lucio and the Reynas. Unbelievable!!
Lucio and Gus are enjoining their Retirement! At this point, it's evident that the previous administration was doing something right. And that this administration is worthless.
Just do the county a favor Garza/Gracia RESGIGN.
Your deputy's now look like Security Guards with the new uniforms!!
Your department continues to be the laughing stalk of the RGV!!

Former RGV LEO said...

I guess that explains why no Sheriff units were patrolling the neighborhoods in the county! I wonder how many tickets were issued and will they get paid since it is not a moving violation? Aren't there enough outstanding tickets in the JP offices? I mean the JP' don't have time to mess with them since they get paid a lot of money to perform weddings? Oh, I mean get paid to perform weddings BUT not show up and then send fugly looking pigs who don't know how to make someone' day a memorial one!

Anonymous said...

We are in a world of collapse the worst presidential administration in US history narrows down all the way to the Rio Grande Valley , this is the worst Sheriffs administration in Cameron county history and the lowest moral of all time. Nothing has changed and nothing will ever change the ass kissers remain to be the top favorites and are still there in their divisions. We are doomed

Anonymous said...

Pobrecito...retarded SOB

Anonymous said...

1980 Gus KRAUSSE Sheriff no patrol cars they paid us a car allowance $500 month we served civil process made calls patrolled county island the river Eddie was chief deputy the jail ran daily so what happened, you happened you let slugs take over your county I'M old now I enjoy this shit show you'd be better with Cantu back at least he had some brain matter

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To run for an elected office in cameron county and brownsville there has to be a idiota test. If you score 100 you can't run for OFFICE..

Anonymous said...

Everyone copy and paste, why will he waste time creating new graphics. Point got across, que mas quieren.
