Friday, August 6, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

City of Brownsville manager Noel Bernal has reached out to some city commissioners to let hem know in a not-so-subtle way that – as is his purview – he will install City Attorney Rene de Coss as Municipal Court Presiding Judge. 

Bernal unceremoniously removed former presiding judge Bobby Lerma without notice from one day to another and reportedly told judges during a meeting he would officially take municipal court administration August 2. He then appointed Rigoberto Flores on an interim basis. Up to now, Flores's caretaker performance has been praised by most municipal court observers.

However, some city commissioners say that the appointment of presiding judge is still up in the air and that Bernal is apparently waiting to see how the wind blows before making the appointment official. Almost to a man (or woman), they say they that although the charter calls for the city manager to appoint the presiding judge, there should be a transparent process set up to consider all possible candidates and their qualifications.

The fact that all the municipal jidges are males and that no female candidates have been considered adds another problematic factor to the choice since a group of female attorneys have sued the city to open up the process to female applicants.

Others say that the interim appointment of Assistant City Attorney Victor Flores to city attorney smacks of manipulation by Bernal and that – depending on the outcome – may be enough for them to reassess the city manager's performance during his evaluation.

According to the city's salary schedules, Lerma was earning $109,634 as presiding judge while De Coss is listed at $150,000. If De Coss is officially installed by Bernal, does that mean that he will take a salary cut? And will the city commission take Bernal's machinations lying down?

According to press releases issued from the city manager's office, "Bernal’s focus has been to cultivate an organizational culture of leadership development at all levels of the organization. Through this process, an aspirational aim was developed for the organization to become the model of innovation, inclusion, and empowerment where bold people and ideas thrive."

This sounds fine, but to some it appears that Bernal is attempting to play a shell game with the city commission on the moves at the municipal court and city attorney's office and say that Bernal's idea of Total Realignment lacks inclusion and empowerment, especially since it doesn't allow for the aims and goals of his stated philosophy.

"City manager (Noel) Bernal talks a lot about his Total Alignment," said a mid-level administrator, "but all the benefits seem to go to department heads and his hand-picked staff. Some employees who have been with the city for years get discouraged because there doesn't seem to be any hope for advancement in the future. If Flores is left as city attorney, it will be just one more of Bernal's friends from outside the city being handed a cushy job based on his friendship with the city manager again. Where's the inclusion and empowerment for local professionals?"


Anonymous said...

Your preaching to the choir, Juan. Why not take the mayor and commissioners to task? They can do something about this if they want.


Anonymous said...

The "Total Alignment " concept is nothing but Total bullshit. Leaders lead by example, since coming on board, Bernal has been relentless on screwing city employees (non-union of course) and retirees benefits such as as health insurance while not messing with collective bargaining employee benefits. If this guy had the courage, he would have taken action across the board not targeting one group of employees. Another example is the fact that the city manager and his entire staff park their personal cars on metered parking areas taking away revenue from city coffers. All this while requiring all other city hall employees to park two blocks away at city plaza. Sometimes they park at city's commission parking spots which is right across city hall including the " Government affairs director. they are too lazy to walk two blocks. Total Alignment?

Anonymous said...

You hired him to administrate and that's what he's doing!

WTF is wrong with you dickless critics?!

Anonymous said...

Don't talk about Brownsville Police Chief El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal like that not only is he di**less but has no Balls can't stand up to his Lover El Rata Bernal and allows him to run the department.

Anonymous said...

@ August 6, 2021 at 12:24 PM

May I add: In reference to this lazy a*z group who park on metered spots free of charge, they are blatantly stealing from the tax paying citizens of Brownsville in broad daylight and don't even hide it. Aren't their hefty salaries enough that they steal in this way. What would this add up to for parking on a metered spot daily? Recommendation would be is for them to pay in advance ,fine them or give them a weekly bill. Makes me wonder what they do when no one is watching? I wish someone had pictures. As a private citizens , can we request for their cars to be towed if this is a habitual habit and they don't pay? Stop the arrogance. I bet they participate at Cyclobia events, but don't want to park where they're supposed to daily, because it's too far. Hahaha. Montoya maybe putting up picture may solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this headline on

DO YOU KNOW THEM: Brownsville PD asks public for help identifying theft trio

Brownsville PD, what about starting with city employees who park on metered spots daily, because they don't want to walk and don't pay up. Are these people untouchable? A regular citizen would've been cited. Put the camera on for these law breaking city employees. Stop abusing your titles.

Anonymous said...

Yup..I see Brownsville Pd park in the red zone all the time.. you won't see that type of behavior in McAllen PD.

Anonymous said...

Is he the one responsible for not allowing citizens from Brownsville to take the vaccine at Rancho Viejo? He had the Rancho Viejo PD stoping everybody who drive up to the entrances and if the had an address other than that place the PD would force them to leave.

Anonymous said...

Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda rehired Officer Rey Rios after he was terminated for a DWI accident and pursuit with DPS..and now is in the process of Rehiring Officer Diane Martinez after she was released from the de after several thefts from local department stores. BUT IN Brown town anything is possible if your price is right and it woul be the first time Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda has done this before starting with an Officer that was involved in a DWI accident that was released by the previous administration then rehired by El Chapo and given a promotion to Sergeant.
Then rehiring a Lieutenant and Sergeant that were both terminated for being liars.
Then rehired by El Chapo Sauceda and given promotions the Lieutenant to head the Training division and the Sergeant to the Narcotics division.The Sergeant was then moved again from the Narcotics unit after he was caught lying on Criminal Cases...Corruption and Liars is what this Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda will be known for...#worstchiefever..

Anonymous said...

All these city hall parking abusers have a "special" parking permit displayed on their cars issued by BPD. Very easy to identify, this parking privileges must stop ASAP. Leaders lead by example, something nonexistent on city management staff.

Anonymous said...

August 8, 2021 at 7:19 PM

They must be the ones parking on handicapped parking spaces also, ARREST OF OF THEM NOW

Anonymous said...

@ August 8, 2021 at 7:19 PM

Unfortunately, as you mentioned that our own PD gives them special passes as directives from who, the Mayor or do they make their own rules? These people are beyond SHAME. I'm surprised that the city hasn't installed bigger doors in the buildings, so their ego inflated heads fit. Who's kissing whose ring at the city and PD at this point. Does Bernal control everything? Mayor step it up for the rest of the city, not just downtown or special interest groups.

Anonymous said...

@ August 8, 2021 at 12:39 AM
Disgusting !! These people probably wouldn't get hired anywhere else, so they keep rehire them here? These law breaking rehires will arrest or ticket other law breaking citizens for the same crimes they committed. WOW, the pot calling the kettle black !! Whose ring did they kiss this time? Officials and public figures, BEHAVE !! Is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

Mayor and city commission, initiate control of the City Manager or do his decisions reflect yours, as well?

Anonymous said...

August 8, 2021 at 7:19 PM

Complain about all the free parking spaces that the mayor have at his place of business and other elected officials in the downtown area.

Better yet don't vote for these morons

Anonymous said...

@ August 7, 2021 at 9:06 PM

What a selfish act that was. Remmember when the Rancho Viejo Covid case happened? He wasn't kept at Rancho, but was tossed to South Padre. ( another selfish act) Convenincieros.

Anonymous said...

Who's idea was to hire this moron???? da mayor? He'll be giving free passes to everyone at that pinche rancho.

