Tuesday, August 17, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: This article appeared in the Brownsville Flag Dec. 2, 1859 and reprinted in the in the Corpus Chrsiti Ranchero on Dec. 17, 1859, just a little over two months after Brownsville was invaded and held for two days by 40 to 80 men under the leadership of local rancher and land-grant heir Juan N. Cortina. It's authorship has been questioned with some historians speculating that it might have been penned in part by Brownsville founder Charles Stillman who had been in New York and Washington D.C. tending to his steamer business and lobbying the U.S. Government for help when Brownsville was taken over.  The alarmist tone and high-flown hyperbole indicates a creative editor probably added his flair to the alarm and braggadocio of the note. We use italics in the text blow  to point out some of the embellishments of the time.

Others think it may more likely be a composite between Stillman, Mifflin Kenedy, Richard King (King and Kenedy pictured at right) and/or the editors of the Brownsville-Matamoros newspaper. The editor's note sates that – because of the armed siege the cortinistas had on overland routes in and out of the city – the newspaper and all mail matter from Brownsville had to come the circuitous route, semi-monthly via Brazos Santiago and Indianola per Southern steamship line.

The article under a headline “As Things Appear” showed how matters stood, 'how they still stand, and how they will remain unless the government General Government or State authorities use some effective measures for stopping the high–handed course of Cortina.'" It says:

"Upon our return to the city after an absence of several months, we were rejoiced to find that our citizens were enjoying free respiration once more, and no longer laboring under the fear of immediate attack from the banded outlaws still fortified within an hour's ride of our family camp (at Rancho El Carmen, near Santa Rita). 

"Without exception there is full confidences that our volunteer arms would be abundantly powerful to beat back the large and gradually increasing force of the border desperado, should he venture from his fortification on still another errand of butchery; and within range of the fifty regulars under command of U.S. Capt.  J. B. Ricketts, no hopes are entertained that he will, with his probable strength, soon be found. Consequent upon the removal, from the public mind, of all fears of immediate attack, comes the second sober thought of the people, upon which alone can reliance be placed for a correct understanding of affairs as they exist – as they have been and are likely to be.

Two months and more have elapsed since the morning when five of our citizens were murdered by the band in question – two months of fear, prayer and watchfulness – of action, defense and doubt – of a sleeplessness that knows no parallel in times of even border warfare – two months of anxious supplication for all from any quarter of any kind. At last that aid came, but the citizen guard, without diminution in numbers is still kept up; under rigid rules our streets are heavily patrolled and our entire citizen population sleeps only upon arms at the designated rendezvous, full ready at a moments warning to defend the cherished fireside against the vassal invader. Still I the trenches remained unfilled, the heavy barricades unbroken, the streets are yet commanded by the well-charged ordnance and it, in turn, by men who sleep not on duty.

Notwithstanding these evidences of defense of danger – these evidences of needed protection to property in life, are accustomed frontiersmen are cool, calculating and on the alert. Do they fear Cortina and his (coajuter?) peons? Certainly not in their present reported force. Then why this surveillance? Do they fear large accessions to the his force in its menacing position? This we cannot answer – will not answer. Do they wish to fool themselves and alarm the country? 

Or is it a trick, a catch – soldiery, a deception, a swindle? If yes, all we have to say is, let the souls of the twenty-seven, now in another world, bear eternal testimony against the actors in the fatal tragedy. But no! deeply false is he to his Creator and his fellow man, who, by word or deed, robs the people of the Rio Grande of even one week (arm?) at the approach of that hour which all feel may, without warning, speedily come.

To prove that there is cause of apprehension, cause for the belief which prevails among thinking men, that design not only against the people of Brownsville, but the extreme West as well, serious and subtle, are constantly being plotted, constantly maturing, needs but a reference to facts as they are. To such, however, as do not and cannot understand our peculiar position. It is unnecessary to offer even a suggestion. To the ever suspicious, ever doubting croakers, whether at home or abroad, we have only to add, suspect on, doubt on, croak on, for, by so doing, you only lay bare your own characters and make patent your private opinions of your fellow men. 

In every direction the country through, as well on one side as the other side of the river, there have been discovered dangerous throbs and palm pulsations in the hearts of the pale masses, beating in perfect unison and sympathy with the quotation 'Revolutionists,' as the outlaws are often denominated (?) who have invaded our city, ravaged the country and broken up trade, and travel. 

Though the authorities of Matamoros and the enlightened Mexicans are with us, it needs to be borne in mind that this ancient place has been time and again assailed by the aid of just such material as stand arrayed against us, to satisfy all who choose to think that this augurs nothing to arriving at the solution of that important question, as to whether or not we are in danger from the masses of Mexicans who swarm around the Rio Grande in thousands. 
It is a noteworthy fact that not an American is in Cortina's camp; and all who were there, as prisoners, have been shot though many Mexicans are firmly adhering to us, none but Mexicans are against us; and the horrible and disgusting mutilations of the bodies of those murdered by Cortina and his cooperators, warn us hat instead of a “Revolution,” we are being warned upon by a set of atrocious savages, who would as soon beat out the brains of an infant as shoot an undoubted spy. Call it by what name you please it is a war upon the American race and of its full extent no one knows.

Unsettled now is everything in this section of the country; and there being an entire want of concert in whatever action is proposed or taken, we can only hope to remain in defense until a stronger force than is now here shall have arrived. That the present force could whip twice its own numbers in an equal contest, is clear; possibly, nay probably, could drive Cortina out of his in entrenchments, nevertheless it would be attended with an unwarrantable loss of life; but the tardiness with which the Government is moving may render this course necessary, be the cost great or small. 

To bear much longer the rule of the savages will be to bear the ruling of the agricultural interests of Cameron County, the obliteration of commercial pursuits, the continued suspension of mail transportation, a complete estoppage of judicial proceedings and a deathblow to everything American on the Rio Grande; for which reason, as we said, the Rangers may be called upon to storm the entrenchments of the invaders and sacrifice many lives, whether or not a war of races should follow the denounment.

The Flag also says:

It is the opinion, we believe alike of Capt. William G. Tobin and of Capt. Henry W. Barry, that Cortina is so strongly entrenched and so well provided with men and munitions, from what they could learn and discover, that no less than 500 men, well prepared for the express purpose can, with any safety attempt his subjugation. Both of these gentlemen are reported to be brave as brave men ever are, and the latter has had much and very credible experience in warfare.


Anonymous said...

could be, gringos son puros mentirosos.

Anonymous said...

At last Cortina is even considered by these land grant thieves, that Cortina was Strongly entrenched and so WELL provided with men and amunition with no less than 500 men and well prepared. Cortina was defending his land grant which was granted to Salvador de la Garza, who was Juan Cortina's Great grandfather. The invaders and trespassers were Stillman and Mifflin who stole large land grants. The agriculture business interest long belonged to the heirs to these large land grants. Cortina grew up and was the heir to All of Brownsville and many, even Fort Brown. These invaders, Stillman and Mifflin were in the steam business, which was used to bring in slaves to clear the forest land which belonged to Cortina and many more land grant heirs. Cortina was not a Mexican, he was born in Brownsville to Dona Estefana Goseacocha , she was granddaughter to Don Salvador de la Garza who was the heir to the large land grant, where Brownsville sits on. Cortina was fighting to protect his land. Cortina's land grant was not in Mexico and has never being in Mexico. Stilllman and Mifflin cowardly used the Mexican issue to get military help to help them with their thievery to get Cortin's land. They created the judicial proceedings to corruptly manipulate and steal the land grant heirs of their land title, or deeds to these land grants. This knowingly, purposely, intentional, willingly, maliciously plan still continues in the Cameron County Judicial system.

Anonymous said...

When are the Cortina descendents going to demand reparations from the Biden administration or sue the King's and Stillman's and raise taxes on gringos living on "their" land? Show then all these articles about Cortina to help their cause. You're welcome ☺️😁

Anonymous said...

August 17, 2021 at 10:20 PM

It already has happened idiota YOU'RE WELCOME!

Anonymous said...

Need to wake-up and smell the coffee vato idioto or idiota

Anonymous said...

Just more La Raza bullshit....Keep it coming...over and over and over. The ignorant will believe anything if said often enough.
