Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Less than a year into his four-year term, Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza has shown that he doesn't have a clue of how a real sheriff should act. 

Now, eight months into the job, he continues to perform acts in defiance of common sense and public-service propriety. In his latest self-promoting stunt, he has now had his name and image plastered onto political-neutral materials generated by the Cameron County Emergency Communications District (CCECD) to further his political interests. 

The board of the CCECD will be surprised to learn that the materials they distribute to teach children and other county residents how to use the 911 emergency phone system are now being used to promote Garza and his administration.

The community-education literature generated and distributed by the CCECD uses a cartoon personage called Cell Phone Sally that may as well now read "Cell Phone Eric."

In June 1986, county voters overwhelmingly approved (by  86.5 percent of the vote) a referendum creating a communications district and giving authorization to collect a service fee (26 cents per residential phone line, 62 cents per business phone line and 98 cents per business trunk line. 

The CCECD receives requests from schools, day cares, civic clubs and community organizations to attend events throughout the county such as safety expos, fairs, neighborhood watch meetings and National Night Out.

Garza hit upon a way to tap into the CCED  this community-education function to continue campaigning and further his political aspirations by plastering the political-neutral literature with his image. 

Despite the fact that he was short of corrections officers – as per the Texas Commission on Jail Standards – he gave up a few jailer slots to acquire three secretary positions for his front office. In many cases when he approved new hires, these positions went to campaign supporters and financial contributors, paying lip service to established Cameron County Human Resources policies.

Why the three secretaries?

He uses them while on county time to paste his name and photo on the materials, in effect, using the CCECD's literature as political advertising and county taxpayers to fund the salaries of the secretaries to promote himself. 

This is about par for the course. 

When he advertised for more jailers to make up for the 70 or so that left after January 1, he sent a mass mailer with his name prominently on the card and the photo he used in his campaign literature. The commissioner court then found out that he had dipped into some $4,000 in funds from a budget line item designated for the Cameron County District Clerk's Office for jury summons. 

The mass mailer looked more like a campaign mailer depicting his campaign photo and his name prominently on the sheriff's department logo. A similar pitch by Hidalgo County for corrections officer positions does not name the sheriff or bears his picture or uses jury summons mail permits to promote himself. 

Commissioners learned that Garza had asked the jury summons supervisor for the mail permit used for jury summons but that the clerk had refused to give it to him. A county auditor staff member received one in his mail, recognized the mail permit, and reported it to County Auditor Martha Galarza and the gig was up.

County residents have now experienced eight months of numerous Garza faux-pas.

Even before he took over on January 1, he had already handed over power to his chief deputy-designee Robert Gracia, despite the fact that he was neither a certified peace officer in the State of Texas, or even a Cameron County employee.

Then – despite the fact that he was short of corrections officers as per the Texas Commission on Jail Standards – he gave up a few jailer slots to acquire three secretary positions for his front office. In many cases when he approved new hires, these positions went to campaign supporters and financial contributors, paying lip service to established Cameron County Human Resources policies.

In fact, when Gracia was "appointed" chief deputy, he was not one of the eight applicants for the position but nonetheless Gracia was installed as head dog without a badge, and without applying. If he had, he would have learned that he did not qualify without a certification from the Texas Commission Of Law enforcement (TCOLE) required for the position in the job description.

Commissioners learned that Garza had personally asked the jury summons supervisor for the mail permit used for jury summons but that the official had refused to give it to him. A county auditor staff member received one in his mail, recognized the mail permit, and reported it to County Auditor Martha Galarza and the gig was up.

Despite the fact that in any other counties many of these acts that would trigger charges of abuse of official capacity that result when a public servant intentionally "misuses government property, services, personnel, or nay other thing of value belonging to the government that has come into the public servant's custody or possession by virtue of (his) office or employment, Cell Phone Eric continues to push the envelope.
In these eight months of his tenure, he (and Cameron County) has been embroiled in two federal lawsuits charging him and chief deputy Gracia with political retaliation, Gracia getting a free pass for impersonating a police officer, and has been sued by the commissioners court itself for inappropriately seeking to take over its courthouse security budget, and is witnessing the continuing exodus of jailers from the jails, etc...

County commissioners, the District Attorney's Office, and the voters of the county themselves might want to reconsider whether this is "the protection we deserve," and "the change we need."


Anonymous said...

In any other county of the United States, these acts would trigger charges of Abuse of Official Capacity but not in Cameron County right Mr. Saenz?????

Anonymous said...

This guy has no clue wtf he is doing

Anonymous said...

We can never find the so called sheriff and he is never available to meet with employees. Him and chief deputy bozo just hide now. Oh and for the pd guy that always complains about his job and administration stay in your lane this story is about C.C.S.O. hehehehehe! You have it way better than us buddy! But I know that you will be here with your same comment in 3-2-1!

Anonymous said...

..and the Lucio & Reyna administration committed acts of official oppression and nothing happened. Don't forget Gus Reyna retired and was rehired .under a different status. Not chief deputy. You never once posted on that.....

Anonymous said...

So Silverio Cisneros, a deputy not yet covered under civil service, is out campaigning for Garza during county time??? Aint that a crime??? How stupid can this people be?

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza is the Sheriff. The Reynas and Abel Gomez need to move on. Sheriff Garza is doing a great job at cleaning up the cesspool created by those idiots under Lucio’s protection.

Anonymous said...

All this bull shit is coming down, with the manipulation of the judicial system in Texas. Our so called Texas political leaders like Charles Stillman, Miffland Kennedy, and Richard King were the first manipulators to set-up the corruption of the Judicial System in Texas. Cameron county in particular, because Fort Browns was situated in Cameron County, where Stillman stole the land from Juan Cortina and set up the corruption of the judicial system to cover-up his corruption. He along with Miffland Kennedy and Richard King stole land grants that belonged to the heirs of large land grants. The heirs were denied justice for centuries, they were not only denied the rights to the land, but also the minerals, that brought lots of monies to these corrupt leaders. The recent Cameron County judicial system is copy cat of the corruption that was set-up by these corrupt leaders. Check out how former district clerk Eric Garza sets up a plan to continue the corruption. He as former district clerk knows exactly where money is hidden for denying justice , because the district clerk was designated by these corrupt leaders to hide and deny the land titles and monies received from minerals , that should have belonged the the true heirs of the land grants. This bull shit is coming to and end. Thank you Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I talked to a guy the other day that said the sun comes up in the west I agreed it does in Cameron county

Anonymous said...

August 10, 2021 at 8:52 am

Eres un pinche lambiscon y mamon looking for a pay raise.

Anonymous said...

Still texting while at work and getting a pay raise expect a tax increase from the county

Anonymous said...

Ohh yeah, Garza is doing such a great job that he got a 5 thousand dollar raise in 7 months of "work"... Guy barely comes to the office, and when he does he looks like a damn homeless, hair all fucked up, same blue coat... damn shame!

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio got raises and gave his favorite employees(providers) raises to shower him and clean his ass regularly. The fund 90 had its perks with only a few and not across the board. Fairness and justice were never in the agenda for the previous administration. That's a fact.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Lucio was hardly ever in office and when he was he fell asleep with Norma Hawkins at his side doing Sana Sana colita de Rana. Amongst the many episodes of loss of lucidity while driving himself in many areas of the county and having other agencies calling the department informing on his debilitating ming confusion with possible onset dementia in which it allowed the Reynas to control the department in a Totalitarian Dictartoship mode. Now that was interesting to watch. Do not get sucked into the low strategies of the Reyna circle of political alliances such as County Judge Eddie TreviƱo, Abel Gomez, etc..

Anonymous said...

Javier Reyna shredded many reports before January the 2st. Including disciplinary reports from some of his closest employees to use them without tarnishing them. Like Lt. Robert Rodriguez, Lt. Diaz, Lt. Guerra, etc.. list goes on and on.. Javier Reyna continues to use the minions to his advantage promising they will be back in power.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that Javier Reyna is much more well behaved and more social? He is probably running for office soon. Does he think employees forget how he treated them? Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Regardless, Eric is a super cute name for a Sheriff!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh Lucio did that... Reyna too...stfu Garza..get your fucking shit together boy... where is the change we need??? Fuck you!

Anonymous said...

Almost a year already and Garza keeps talking about Lucio and the Reynas.....yes pendejo they are the ones putting your dumb face on those books.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO Eric blaming Lucio for his fucking mess priceless... wake up dumb fuck! Its August 2021.

Anonymous said...

Chisme has over 70% of employees documenting everything that’s going on in the carcel. Poso living is not up to personal satisfaction and food quality is something to be reconsidered. Where’s Dean? The Chaplin is gone all well. Cameras, emails, report checks and balances, time sheet reconciliations, and daily roster reconciliation verification will be scrutinized at various levels of oversight and reporting agencies.

Better find someone that understands what’s on the horizon once TCJS places Cameron County on notice.

I’d call Gus, he’s been through this a few times and can navigate a positive result,

…….as only experience and networking and professional courtesy will build goodwill and unity within our county governance.

……oh yea…..Dan Sanchez was good for our County..

Anonymous said...

Pura Bola de pendejos los que siguen apoyando a los Reyna. Se acabo la chiche de sirveguenzadas!

Anonymous said...

It's getting old. How much are the disgruntled paying you to write the biased comments? More important issues in our county.

Anonymous said...

I heard there's a pink monkey in the SO's.

Anonymous said...

Reyna for Sheriff!!!

Former RGV LEO said...

And the county commissioners or the CCDA aren't doing anything about this official abuse or capacity? Oh, that' the democrat way in CC!

Anonymous said...

2 of Eric's clerks are doing this while "working" overtime from 6am to 8am while the office is empty.

Anonymous said...

Excremento County Employees.
Lambehuevos disque Law Abiding Police Officers. Sin educacion, Sin vision a hacer una comunidad UNIDA. Ningun puto de estos tiene honestidad, No saben hablar, Hablan POCHO. Hablan chueco. Hablan doblado, Torcidos, No saben escribir INGLES, y menos ESPANOL!!!! NO MAMES.

No saben vivir como DIOS MANDA. Mal pagados. Quieren mas dinero. Mas casa grande. Mas Tax revenue. Pero eso si, se burlan. Se rien de los ciudadanos. Eso si, PROFIT AND REVENUE verdad, es lo unico que les interesa.

Al Juez, al Policia, al Alguacil les vale VERGA si eres un buen ciudadano tranquilo y respetuoso y aun asi con todo lo bueno que hace uno por alejarse de los problemas, PINCHE ASCO POLICE DEPT te manda a CARRIZALES o OCJ . PAL POZO PUTO. CHINGATE y no jodas. TALACHA y te callas.

No tienen estudios de civismo. No tienen tolerancia ante NADA. No literature. No art. No world history. No conocen ni un pinche libro, ni un autor de Francia, ni Alemania, ni Polonia, ni Ruso, ni Mexicano. DA ASCO Brownsville OFFICIALS.
Commisionados, Juezes, Alguaciles, Bomberos, Policias, Secretarias, es
Mierda Police Department, Drenaje, Basurero Carrizales Jail.
Deben carro. Deben casa. Deben tarjetas. Carro nuevo. Casa nueva.
Pero CHARRO DAYS??? Si, Si, VAMOS! Nombre vato, ta bule el parade, esta con madre la fiesta por la ELIZABETH, tengo miedo dame amales de caca, Sugary COCA COLA, pasame un taco de cancer de higado y tambien dame dos hochos pa mi ninita de 4 anitos que esta pendejita no sabe nada.
OYE!! Hay festival en Matamoros. NO NO NO NO NO. MEXICO NO NO NO. PURO PINCHE MIEDO disfrazado de LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Lo que se merecen todos es una chingada madriza en el POZO en Carrizales. HAZ TALACHA PUTO Y PERRA COMISIONADO, PAYASO SHERIFF, MAMON JUEZ, OJETE POLICE OFFICER. Para que respetes, hagas bien todos los dias, te calles el puto osico, dejes de burlarte del la gente del condado y de Brownsville, dejen de pedir mas dinero, mas teta, mas paycheck.

