Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

City of Brownsville sources who request anonymity because they are not authorized to confirm or deny it, say that it is more certain than not that the administration will give city workers a one-time $1,500 stipend for having worked through the pandemic as essential workers.

This open secret has been making the rounds at City Hall and reportedly the funding will be provided by the federal government under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), mirroring the announcement by Cameron County of stipends of $3,500 for low-paid workers.

COB employees will be receiving the stipend of less than 1/2 of what the county employees will be receiving. In an interesting twist, the city is picking up the taxes on it. The city has not formally announced the stipend awards or the exact amount workers will get.

What isn't obvious is – if the report is accurate – that this scheme benefits the higher paid employees more than the front line workers. Higher paid people pay more taxes so the city is kicking in more dollars to the people making more money.

Just a little over 2,000 Cameron County employers – depending on their seniority – will receive raises, including a one-time pandemic bonus ranging – this time based on their salary – between $3,500 to $2,500. The stipend will reportedly go to all full-time personnel who worked in the last year as “critical infrastructure employees.”

It is estimated that the county's move will pump more than $4 million into the county's economy.

County commissioners said the bonus was a way of saying thanks to all its full-time employees in the form of lump-sum bonuses they described as “premium pay fiscal recovery funds.”

In announcing the payments, the county court said it was following  U.S. Department of Treasury guidelines and prioritized  the county’s lowest paid employees. It is unknown what formula will be followed by the city to make its stipend amount determination.

County personnel making up to $40,000 annually will receive $3,500, those making between $40,001 and $59,999 will get $3,000, and employees earning $60,000 and above will receive $2,500 payments. 


Anonymous said...

$1400 one time stipen to all employees across the board even the new employees that get hired before 09/01/21. if the upper employees were the ones working in the office believe they wouldn’t share that stipen with everybody but since they were at home taking care of there kids and not working like the frontline employees. Check there job titles changes just so they can get a big stipen to cover there butts.

Anonymous said...

Every city employee needs to be wearing a body camera which is randomly reviewed by supervisors. They will find that about half of their workers are as lazy as the day is long.

Anonymous said...

I agree, many city employees (mainly directors and supervisors) worked remotely from home and shouldn't qualify for the extra money. In fact, many are still not showing up for work, they are "working " from home which translates to babysitting their kids.

Anonymous said...

Do it when there are NO elections bola de mamones using tax funds to improve their election chances PINCHE ENANO will not win pinche mamon...

Anonymous said...

BPD is a total wreck!!!! CHIEF Sauceda is a total fuck up!!!
When you have an incompetent leader others will fall ..#worstchiefever...
