Friday, August 20, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The worst parts of the voting integrity bill pushed by Republicns are those that have nothing to do with voter integrity and are purely partisan. 

Namely, Democrats should fight to keep curbside open for everyone (could not find a single instance in Texas of voter found due to younger people voting curbside, while scores of instances have been documented of elders coerced during curbside voting). And they should also fight for very large cities to have 24 hour voting, again, which has not resulted in documented fraud. 

The 24-hour voting is a good idea for cities with over 300,000 people because the current voting hours in those heavily populated places are not sufficient for everyone to vote. If all 300,000-plus people tried to vote during normal hours, there wouldn't be enough time for everyone and that should be the basis of why, with one person one vote, it should be mandated there should be a calculation of population times  voting hours and number of locations. 

Curbside voting for everyone would speed things up. The best provisions of the election integrity bill are those that actually do prevent voting fraud as it has been documented in practice, and both parties should work together to pass measures to limit coercion and fraud, particularly to protect the elderly from voter abuse. 

Excellent provisions in SB1 include the $30,000 fine for those caught hiring politiqueros, the recording of ID of van drivers bringing 3 or more people to vote, installing cameras outside the polling place to record license plates, upgrading these crimes to felonies with mandatory sentences, requiring assistants to state they have not been paid and recording their ID, preventing van drivers from serving as assistant except to direct family members. 

No one should have a problem with the provisions that run citizenship records against voter ID and remove noncitizens from voting. The idea that vote by mail should require a Social Security or drivers license number on it isn't bad, but it is strange that the law appears to be worded that voters must use the same number both times. 

So, if someone uses the last four digits of their social on the application, then several months later uses their driver's license number on the ballot because they didn't remember whether they had provided their social or license on the application, is that ballot voided because the numbers don't match? 

That would be wrong. 

I'm not opposed to poll watchers but the state constitution states every citizen's vote must be "private and free from intimidation." Giving watchers the power to be close enough to watch people vote, people they may know or work with, is violating their right to vote in private. 

At the same time, both side should agree to laws to end the politiqueros and vote harvesting abuses, which are also a infringing on a voting in private and free from intimidation.

I don't recall reading it in the bill, but mandatory penalties for those who are caught not signing as an assistant on those ballots in order to hide their participation in a paid harvesting scheme, would be fair. 

Also, additional penalties if the victim is found to be mentally disabled, blind, or otherwise extremely vulnerable to abusive harvesting.


Anonymous said...

This is spot on.

Anonymous said...

Ya se le apago la mecha a El Paya Jerry McHale. Ni madre de Trump por primera vez en un pinche mes.

Eh, Paya, ya te vendiste, puto.

Todos saben que eres white supremacist, arrastrado!!!

Anonymous said...

A non working holiday including schools to vote, there will be no excuse for not voting.

Anonymous said...

Valley chicanos are as corrupt as inner city blacks when it comes to voter fraud. Los Espiggas.

Anonymous said...

Finally details of SB1, the bill addresses voters Fraud, laws to keep politiqueros and politicqueras from coercing the elderly and literate from electoral voter's abuse. This is what has and still controls the Democratic Party in Cameron County. The passage of such a bill for the Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr and other counties would be devastating for our so called corrupt political leaders. Voters ID requirement, harvesting abuse and finally mandatory penalties for those who are caught not signing an assistant on those ballots in order to hide their participation in a paid Politiqueros harvesting scheme. Punish our political leaders for allowing the elderly community were mentally disabled, blind, or extremely vulnerable abuse of harvesting. This is how Cameron County in particularly is run. Leaders such as Filemon Vela, Alex Dominges, Carlos Casco, should ROT in hell. This is my opinion. Did they discuss these coerced issues with Vice President Harris? She might have been to busy getting the troops out of Afghanistan that they forgot to get the Civilians out first. Big F--K up. God help us United States of America. this is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Look for suspicious numbers like when there is a candidate who people in person do not vote for, the voters do not support them in the early vote or on election day. But somehow this same candidate like magic, wins lots more mail in ballots than anyone else. The recent city races there is one Republican candidate who had the most mail ins even though people voting in person did not support this individual. How did that happen?

Anonymous said...

Here is the full text of SB1

what do you think about it?

Anonymous said...

Los gringos set the example of voter fraud they start their own shit than cry foul, never mind the hillbillys they can't read or write voter fraud should be rampant in those areas where you find hillbillys...

Anonymous said...

Voter fraud amongst the rich and famous they sent their servants to go vote for them is this voter fraud and the majority are gringos...

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the first comment. National Holiday. You have so many early voting days and then a mandatory day off. If you don't vote it is because you don't want to. Also agree on requiring voter ID!

Anonymous said...

Damn the Brownsville City Commissioner's still don't see what is happening at the Brownsville Police Department. FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has No Clue WTF he is doing..The guy is so clueless he has allowed his Life Partner El Rata Bernal to run the Police Department..
With Criminal Indictments falling left and Right for Officers and one coming for El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal. Chief Sauceda- Bernal has made the Police Department and extremely Hostile work environment.

Anonymous said...

I like the national holiday idea.

Wish talking about voter fraud wasn't hush hush like talking about incest. Incest victims believe if they talk about the incest they "destroy the family", if you talk about priests molesting boys you're "hurting God", if you talk about voter fraud corruption you are "hurting the Democrats" but none of that is true. It never hurts God to bring the truth out to the open. It only hurts the evil and complicit. So why protect the evil and complicit with your silence?

The evil ones demand victims keep quiet so the wicked parents, priests and politicians never pay the price. These idiots were telling us its a "bad bill". read it yourself, what is bad about it?

Valley people should talk about corruption, openly. We've dealt with it for years. SB1 is overdue.
