Monday, August 9, 2021


By Brian Lopez
Texas Tribune

Texas school districts will not be required to conduct contact tracing this year if a student contracts COVID-19, according to new guidelines issued by the Texas Education Agency this last week.

The agency said a district should notify parents if it learns of a student who has been a close contact to someone with the virus. But with the relaxation of contact tracing, broad notifications will not be mandatory.

The TEA announced its rules in public health guidance issued Thursday. While districts must report positive cases to their local health departments and the state, the TEA said contact tracing will not be required because of “the data from 2020-21 showing very low COVID-19 transmission rates in a classroom setting and data demonstrating lower transmission rates among children than adults.”

But some public health experts quickly questioned that rationale, noting that the more contagious delta variant of the virus was not prevalent during the last school year.

“We’re going to find that the transmission rate in schools is going to be much higher with the delta variant and it’s absolutely imperative that people get back to masking,” said Dr. Marc Mazade, medical director of infection prevention at Cook Children’s in Fort Worth.

(Ed.'s Note: One of ou readers says the photo accompanying the Tribune article is misleading since "There are very few classrooms set up this way. Most are much more crowded and not all have the plexiglass dividers and individual computers. To present this as a typical classroom misleads the public and makes it seem as if the schools are taking many more precautions than they actually are.")

The new guidance allows for remote learning for up to 20 days for students who are sick with COVID-19 or have been exposed to it. If more time is needed, schools can apply for waivers. Longer-term remote learning has largely been defunded after it was offered at the start of the pandemic, and efforts to allocate funding for it have so far failed in the Legislature this year.

Texas schools vary in when they return to the classroom, with many starting in days or having already begun. Many hoped for a safer and easier return to school after COVID-19 hospitalizations and infections declined in the state. But with the emergence of the delta variant, cases and hospitalizations — including of children — are once again surging upward, especially among unvaccinated populations, alarming some public health experts, parents and teachers.

The TEA is also allowing schools to conduct rapid tests on staff to mitigate the risk of asymptomatic individuals being on campuses. With written permission from parents, students also can be tested. Parents and school officials are to continue keeping students out of classrooms if they have COVID-19 or are exhibiting symptoms. Parents also can choose to keep their kids home for 10 days after learning their children had close contact with someone who contracted the virus, according to the new guidance.

Dr. Seth D. Kaplan, president of the Texas Pediatric Society and a Frisco-based pediatrician, said his organization believes contact tracing should be mandated in schools. After the TEA announcement, his organization contacted the Texas Department of State Health Services to urge officials to mandate contact tracing and rethink the TEA guidance, he said.

“Our concern right now is that we’re being given guidelines based on old conditions, but we’re not adjusting for what the current conditions are,” Kaplan said. “We no longer have universal masking, and we have a much more contagious variant of virus. … Not doing contact tracing is based on the old rules of the game.”

Kaplan said physicians observed COVID-19 outbreaks at summer camps where the “numbers just started to explode.” He said he’s seen parents who had to be hospitalized in the intensive care unit after contracting the virus from children who returned from camp.

To read rest of story, click on link:


Anonymous said...

There are two hillbilly havens that just opened in Olmito, what the hell they gonna do there? pick cotton????

Anonymous said...

Write your own stories, Montoya. Are you Barton now?

Anonymous said...

95% of all teachers here in Tx are republicans you idiots you reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

It's time that parents who have students in idea schools are not required to pay any BISD TAXES! The parents are not receiving or getting education for their children from the BISD. It's time that the BISD comes to an end and give taxpayers a huge tax relief by having idea schools take over the BISD. This will end lazy teachers, lazy administrators, over pay superintendents in the BISD. Education should be fun not on a time base on standardize testing . Basically, teachers can't teach, they are just Screwing around with each other at school. BISD sucks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Duardo is doing his annual piggyback ritual on Jerry's blog. Nothing like a little help for the challenged.

Anonymous said...

I just read an article, BISD considering filing law suit against Abbott. Go for it!! Mask, sanitize, eat healthy (STOP the Stripes tacos).

Anonymous said...

Are you all really trying to shut things down again? A year and a half of missing education is not enough? Other districts didnt miss ANY face to face instruction. Are other hispanics my kid's worse enemy?

Anonymous said...

Aug 9 @8:45 AM...ALL work has dignity. But since you are a welfare cockroach, you wouldn’t know what work is! Just another lazy fucking Mexican.

Anonymous said...

Bobby tore Duardo a new one, showing the failed blogger can't even spell. It's Pfizer, you dumbass, not Phiser. Bobby has way more education than you and kicks your ass daily on blogging.

ja ja ja ja ja What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Duardo is piggy-backing on Bobby. Weeks ago Bobby identified the problem with the Lambda variant and the roller coaster effect of the Delta variant going into a lull before it is replaced with the Lambda variant. Acting as if a story is your own when you stole it from Bobby makes you a failed journalist.

Also the Lambda variant is the majority variant in South America not Africa and Europe. He cannot even get his facts straight when he steals his gibberish from other bloggers.

Anonymous said...

August 9, 2021 at 7:13 PM

No, for hispanics family comes first. They want to save their kids.

No funerals for 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12-19 year olds.

Abuelas can educate the kids....the old fashioned way:

breakfast: Beans and tortillas FRIDAY: nopales
Lunch: Soup, beans and tortillas FRIDAY: rice, nopales
Dinner: beans FRIDAY: eggs

EAT everything because there is NO SNACKS.

Teaching Lessons: garden, sweep the patio, water the garden, play outside, math, reading, writing, history etc
online, computer, virtual learning....

Anonymous said...

August 9, 2021 at 9:09 PM

Pinche hillbilly baboso since when has any hillbilly work? The are the original recepients of welfare and hand-outs and soup lines. IDIOTA

Anonymous said...

August 10, 2021 at 9:30 AM

sounds like a familia en mata-moscas

Anonymous said...

Hillbillys WORKING? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

The original huevones scum of the universe
