Thursday, August 12, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: We used to believe that all you needed for school was paper and pencil and maybe a few crayons and erasers. Well, as you can see from just one elementary teacher's supply list, this ain't your grandma's grade school anymore.

And once you get the basics, there's the "teacher's wish list" on the right for in-class activities, too. We wish the parents of elementary school kids parents the best and advice them to start procuring the supplies now while you have some cash and not wait for the last minute because the stuff will be all picked over. 

If you do, you might be disappointed. Or, rather, your kids might be. Unless, of course, you had one like ours.)

Image result for blue and red eraser

By Juan Montoya

Years ago, when we still had one kid – our youngest girl –  at Hudson Elementary when Dr. Rita Hernandez was principal there, it fell on my lot to go shopping for school supplies a day before the school year began.

This was always an unpleasant task and I always left it for the last minute and you would invariably find yourself pawing through piles of left over pencils, composition books, rulers, folders, dividers, etc. to try to get everything on the list the teachers ask parents to get for their students.

That was bad enough.

But when you consider that you are trying to do this against other desperate parents who procrastinated like you and find themselves trying to scratch off every last item from their list, it becomes a pitched battle on the school supply pile at stores like Walmart, Kmart when there was one, the Family Dollars, Target, etc. by parents with their back against the wall by an inexorable clock and the fast-approaching deadline.

The moms were the worse. They weren't above edging past you in the line and pushing you aside as they grabbed for that missing three-hole binder (had to be black), or the safety scissors they needed for their list.

To make the long story short, as 10 p.m. approached, things were getting desperate. Still unscratched on the list were two blue and red erasers. Everywhere I went, they had an eraser of one color, or some other types, some of them with a small brush at one end, and instead of the lead, it was an eraser point like a pencil.

I gave up after the stores started closing and the elusive erasers were nowhere to be found. I had failed.

This had never happened before and I arrived at the house with my different bags from the different stores bulging over with supplies. But no double-color gum erasers.

The little one was at the living-room coffee table drawing something on a paper with crayons when I arrived. She looked up and saw the supplies looking at me expectantly as she filled in her drawing with a crayon. There was no way out. I fessed up, a bit defensive, even as I tried to hide my exasperation.

"Nana, it took me half the night and I got everything on the list except for one thing, those erasers with the two colors, you know, the red and the blue. I went to the four Walmarts and everything is gone. Then I went to the Target, the Family Dollars, all of them. There are no two-sided erasers left in the city. I'm sorry."

God made little girls different.

She eyed at me somewhat distractedly, looked up from her creation and said: "Erasers? Oh, don't worry about that Dad. I just won't make any mistakes."

(Nana [short for "hermana" because her brothers couldn't pronounce it] starts her freshman year at UTRGV this year. Those are the type of uneraseable memories I have of my kids. Hope you make some, too.)


Anonymous said...

The Valley school districts receive millions of dollars from the Feds and from local property taxes. Schools have swimming pools, multi-million dollar FFA barns, high-tech football field scoreboards, performing arts centers, media centers and the list goes on. And they can’t buy school supplies to enable the teachers to give every student an equal chance on day one?! Remember this people...most Administrators have only three years in the classroom. Most have no clue what the needs of teachers and students are.The’re too busy eating pan dulce in the lounges.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful story Juan, thank you

Anonymous said...

Number of White people in U.S. fell for first time since 1790, new data shows

The first detailed race and ethnicity breakdown from the 2020 Census shows a country that has become more multiracial and more racially and ethnically diverse, especially among those 18 and under. (from

- Now you know why Whitey (Republicans) is running scared and chasing voter suppression laws.


Anonymous said...

Bro. Primero estaban chingando las mamas que cojieron y tubieron ninos que they couldn't be responsible for their kids education. Y aora resulta que se les hace muy caro mandarlos a la escuela. Tell the moms que papi Biden siempre les manda sus cheques y que ademas de comprar su soda y carne asada, porfavor buy their kids their schools supplies y que dijen de chingar. Fucking handout society. Jobs everywhere but people don't want to work cause democrats pay more than real work does and I'm here paying for these fools. Maybe I'm the fucking fool.

Anonymous said...

August 13, 2021 at 6:47 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

More things needed in the list.

Swimming stuff. ( water shoes, bathing suits, towels etc)
Musical instrument.
Paiting stuff. watercolors, brushes, etc
shoes for inside the classroom and shoes for outside the classroom
COVID stuff: gel, masks, etc
TEACHER APPRECIATION stuff: cards, flowers, gift cards,
Crafts: glitter, etc
Science: poster boards, etc
PARENTS: check homework, help study for Spelling Quizzes, etc
GRANDPA AND GRANDMA's Blessing for having a great school year, and for emergencies GRANDPA GOES AND SOLVES ALL ISSUES.
Mom's car: daily trips to school

Anonymous said...

@2:39 AM ...White people are responsible for over 98% of ALL INVENTIONS according to the U.S. Patent office. What have you Mexicans invented lately puto? A new type of taco holder? Bawhaha!

Anonymous said...

Why remove the how safe the vaccine really is post? Have some balls Montoya! Did Eddie Trevino force you to remove it? What a coward and mamon you are Montoya!

Anonymous said...

Three months off and with pay plus vacation with pay que mamones son.

Anonymous said...

I hope they really even use ALL these school supplies because students are STILL needing to be using their school computers in the classroom, as I was told by a BISD elementary teacher in Meet the Teacher day

but yes I agree that nowadays teachers and the districts ask for SO many school supplies, and I believe that they have some funds to cover those supplies, unless they're using all their funds for their ridiculous mask mandate lawsuit

Anonymous said...

You did not know kids were expensive or did the rubber break? If you are Hispanic, you can easily find a government program to pay for your little mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Teach your children how to write and read cursive, if it isn't taught in school. You will really need it when you do research in college. It will also set you above inner city illiterates like Trayvon Martin and his girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

August 13, 2021 at 1:33 PM

100% of all inventions were done by copy-cat grino trampas as the patent office never existed. White idiotas are good at that stealing and robbing. Bola de mamones ratas...

Anonymous said...

Parents are receiving $300 a month for each child.That’s what the money is for. It’s not to get their nails and eyebrows done. It’s for their kids.

Anonymous said...

In hillbilly country everything is free and working is never done they bring in the color to do the work pinches mamones huevones soup lines at every federal buildings gimme gimme gimme

Anonymous said...

“We're living in high cotton.” ...
“She was madder than a wet hen.” ...
“He could eat corn through a picket fence.” ...
“You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.” ...
“You look rode hard and put up wet.” ...
“He's as drunk as Cooter Brown

hillbilly idiotas learn to speak pinche gallinas huevonas ya al
