Sunday, August 1, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It's not often that we are treated to be the spectators of a pissing match between members of the board of the Brownsville Independent School District. But on Tuesday, during a regular meeting of the board of the BISD, that's exactly what we should get.

In this case, not only will residents be treated to a fight in an open meeting, but also a rematch of a fight that started during a special meeting June 24. That issue revolved around a unanimous vote taken March 2 to extend the BISD's bank depository contract to Lone Star National Bank for two more years. 

During the June 24 special meeting, board members Jessica Gonzalez and Minerva Peña submitted an agenda item seeking "clarification" on whether fellow board member Daniella Lopez-Valdez had violated the law by voting March 2 for the extension and not filing a conflict of interest form because her father – Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Joey Lopez – received compensation in the amount of $250 per month for his service as a member of the bank's advisory board, but not the bank's board of directors. 

It should be noted that on March 2, then-board counsel Baltazar Salazar did not inform the board of any potential conflict of interest with any board members or the vendor, Lone Star National Bank.

However, Gonzalez – who also voted to extend Lone Star's depository contract March 2 – did not disclose that she had applied May 14 for a loan with the same vendor, the Lone Star National Bank. 

That loan was approved and the amount exceeded 10 percent of her gross income. Under state law, the loan created a conflict of interest that required she fill out a conflict of interest form with the district. It wasn't until June 8 that Gonzalez filled out the conflict of interest disclosure form, almost a month later.

Yet, despite this fact – that she may have been in conflict herself – she asked during the June 24 meeting that the board look into fellow board member Lopez-Valdez's potential conflict of interest in her March 2 vote on the depository contract extension.  

This Tuesday, the tables are turned and it is Gonzalez who will be queried on whether her loan from the same bank created a conflict of interest.

The agenda item reads, in part, that "In the interest of transparency and full disclosure; discussion, consideration, and action to make the legal opinion of June 25, 2021, regarding Board member Jessica Gonzalez's conflict of interest part of the record and minutes of the August 3, 2021, School Board meeting... Shortly thereafter, (May 14, 2021), Board member Gonzalez applied and was approved for a bank loan with the same bank that exceeded 10 percent of (her) gross income. 

"Under State law, the loan created a conflict of interest that required she fill out a conflict of interest form with the District. Board member Gonzalez filled out the conflict of interest disclosure form on June 8, 2021. In the same month, Board member Gonzalez also submitted an agenda item regarding the possible conflict of interest of a fellow Board member without publicly disclosing her own conflict of interest. (Board Agenda Request Dr. Prisci Roca Tipton - Board Support Denise Garza)"

Both Salazar and new board counsel Kevin O’Hanlon, of O’Hanlon, Demerath & Castillo, said that Lopez-Valdez herself, by filing the disclosure form within the seven day period after she was made orally aware of the potential conflict, complied with the law. 

However, in the case of her father's relationship with the vendor, Salazar said that a potential misdemeanor violation had occurred and that it would be up to the board and the Cameron County District Attorney's Office to determine whether to follow up with a criminal investigation. 

Under Texas Local Government Code § 171.002, Lopez-Valdez would have a reportable substantial interest in a business entity if either she or, in this case, her father (a person related to the official in the first degree by consanguinity or affinity): 

(1) owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity or owns either 10 percent or more or $15,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity; or,

(2) received funds from the business entity which exceed 10 percent of the person's gross income for the previous year.

However, O'Hanlon wrote in his memo that Joey Lopez is "not employed by Lone Star National Bank in the traditional sense, but does receive compensation in the amount of $250 per month...(which is less) than 10 percent of his income from the previous year. However...(he) did receive taxable income in excess of $2,500.00 from...Lone Star National Bank during the 12-month period preceding the date... Lopez- Valdez became aware that Brownsville ISD was considering a contract renewal with (the bank). 

"Lopez-Valdez was first made aware of this requirement on or about June 3, 2021. She filed the required Texas Ethics Commission Conflicts Disclosure Statement (CIS) with the District’s Records Administrator on June 4, 2021. The filing of the disclosure was within seven business days after she became aware of the filing requirement."

Salazar – in contrast wrote in his opinion that: "The Board cannot and should not treat this violation as a minor oversight as this depository contract is the largest dollar value of any vendor for BISD. Finally, for purposes of transparency and for the integrity of the process the violation of Board Member Daniella Lopez-Valdez must be placed as a public agenda item for discussion to explain the violation to taxpayers, shareholders, and the public as trustees are entrusted with public funds and the process must be transparent."

Salazar – who had submitted a response for the BISD's Request For Qualifications for board counsel – was not chosen, but had managed to get a majority of the board to separate the special needs counsel services from the others listed on the RFQ issued by the district. Originally, the special needs services were included in the RFQ, but was separated and awarded to Salazar at $60,000 a year. 

Salazar had been board counsel since April 2013 and was earning $300,000 a year. O'Hanlon told the board that his firm would handle the original RFQ that included special services for $240,000, without adding the $60,000 that was carved out for Salazar. Board member Prisci Roca-Tipton was seconded by board president Eddie Garcia and passed 4-3 with Lopez-Valdez and Denise Garza joining them and Brown, Peña and Jessica Gonzalez voting against.

Brown lamented the fact that the previous vote was cancelled by the board and called the process "biased and tainted."

Peña heaped praises on Salazar's performance with special education services and said it was "disheartening" that the board opted not to keep him as special needs attorney. 

In the following item which had been negated by the previous vote, Salazar was stripped of the special needs contract and the motion made by Brown and seconded by Peña could only get another board member – Gonzalez – to join them. Again, Lopez-Valdez, Garza, Garcia, and Roca-Tipton voted against. 

Was Gonzalez – who like Peña received substantial campaign donations from Salazar – coached by the former board counsel to raise the issue on the very same day that the board was voting on whether to carve out the $60,000 special needs counsel contract for him? 

And how else would Gonzalez – an adult day care assistant manager– know about the arcane legal points raised in the conflict-of-interest statutes?

Roca-Tipton, who was often in the majority of the former board with Dr. Sylvia Atkinson along with Peña, and Brown, seems to be distancing herself from their influence after Atkinson was convicted and sent to federal prison. 

Is this the silver lining that came out of the Atkinson conviction for bribery and the the new board majority's vote to exclude Salazar from legal counsel and then the Special Needs services contract?

If so, this tempest in a teapot may be the end of the Atkinson-Salazar grip on power over the BISD board, and by extension, of the district. 


Anonymous said...

FYI, reporter:

Things center "on"


Things revolve "around"

Anonymous said...

Do the right thing for your family and try to put your kids at IDEA Schools. BISD is an absolute joke. Even for Browntown’s low standards. BISD faculty and employees have very low moral and hate their jobs. Board members are only there to enrich themselves. I received a crap education at BISD and nothing has changed.

Anonymous said...

Juan, geography!

Blogger Jim "Manteca" Barton has a post saying Anzaldua's Bridge is in McAllen.

Lazy Manteca could have done his homework.

From Wikipedia: "Anzalduas International Bridge is an international bridge over the Rio Grande, which connects the western outskirts of both the city of Mission, Texas in the United States and the city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas state, in Mexico."

Manteca Barton is huevon a lo maximo, hence his nickname.

ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Daniel Lopez Valdez is corrupt politician disguised as a goody two shoes little-girl. She votes to put money in her daddy, Joey Lopez’s pocket. You can hardly blame the poor thing… her dad taught her how to be that way. When Joey Lopez was at the district he took a trip to Disney Land on “BISD BUSINESS”, a d he took the family along….. little Daniela was a little girl back then. When Joey ran out of money by spending it on restaurants, drinks, and you can bet on a couple of Mickey ears…. He did what every good board member would do. He called the district and instructed them to send more money. Daniela also voted for the Delinquent tax contract for the district, even though her dad has close relations to them too. When Joey Lopez had to resign from South Texas ISD BOARD, another public entity that Joey squeezed for meals and vacations, what did Joey López do? He replaced himself with his wife! So you see, you can’t blame poor Daniela Lopez Valdez for having no idea what is right or wrong….. her parents did not teach how to distinguish those situations.

Anonymous said...

Lone Star National Bank should also be investigated for helping place moles/ratas on the ballots and buying votes from the board to get contracts, but what else is new? Sad that these so-called professionals (bankers/board members) need to stoop to such low levels. Conflict of interest Daniela and Jessica? I may be just one, but I will be closing my account with that bank. As this vicious corrupt cycle continues, I hope more is looked into this. This" Quid Pro Quo" never ends with BISD school board members. Enough !!

Anonymous said...

What a mistake to think that ending the Atkinson Saga at BISD would make things better on the board. Also, electing new young members did not prove fruitful, either. What a disappointment! I am a BISD product, had 99% of good teachers who assisted me in everyway they could, taught me well enough for me to graduate with honors and secure my post-graduate degrees, so I would suggest that the person who claims he/she received a crappy education from BISD, to reevaluate the cause of his misfortune. Could it have been he/she wanted things handed down to him/her. Besides, the teachers do not have the academic freedom our teachers did before and it is the upper administrative level that needs to move and not let the school board tell them what to do and even threaten them for not following their pet-needs so they can line their own pockets. I am willing to bet that the district would function better without a "so-called" school board.

Ah, so Prisci has finally learned! Ha! Look at "Howdy Doody" Brown. She looks like she has aged 10 years since she worked as a peon on the BISD scale. Talk about also gaining weight! Could it be all the eating they do at local restaurants where a possible business picks up the tab?

I see it; I hear it; I discuss it with concerned citizens and I still can not believe that elected officials are a bunch of liars and fake - All about children! My foot!

Anonymous said...

Otra vez esta pinche bola de rratas y sin verguensas! No se cansan de mamar y chingar!

Anonymous said...

Daniela, as a first time politician, it seems that you were well groomed by experienced people around you. So sad that this family who has/had a lucrative family business resorted to this type of shenanigans? Is practicing this type of behavior the only way to keep your type of lifestyle? If your family business had employees with your habits, you would have fired them or press charges. Stop using our taxpayer money to get yourselves ahead. Lone Star National Bank officers/board members shame on you, because you have become part of this Sh*t Show!!

Anonymous said...

Que, no hay nada de El Paya Jerry hoy?

ya se apasiguo ese guey? Ya era tiempo. Le han de haber regalado un poco de juicio!! ja ja ja

la cara de ese pendejo se parece mucho a la panocha de una abuelita gringa.

doble ja ja ja ja ja ja.

Anonymous said...

Calling Jim Barton "manteca" gives manteca a bad name. What do you expect from an old man that has to go to the Philippines to buy a young bride? Pinche viejito maniaco.

Anonymous said...

So now BISD is paying two attorneys to draft legal memos on the same issue(s)? Seems legit.

Anonymous said...

Daniela López Dad getting a monthly paycheck from LoneStar National Bank, is he giving back all of that money? Gonzalez took out a loan, she has to pay it back? Dr. Prisci is using this to buy votes from Daniela and Denise Garza. Denise Garza is lost. Dr. Prisci is up for reelection and needs a cash cow. No more Sylvia Atkinson to fund her. Linebarger is the way to go, just give them more contracts. Linebarger funded Daniela Lopez. Tax prayers are tired of the novelas these viejas selosas of the BISD Board. Tax payers take your kids to better schools non BISD. Es puro mugrero. A lot of backdoor deals still going on. Board Eddie Garcia is so entangled with so many vendors right now.

Anonymous said...

Otra vez con el pedo? Call Rudy Mireles. What about all the big time vendors that gave donations to Daniela Lopez Valdez? To Prisci Rocca. Eddie Garcia was put in by Sylvia Atkinson. It's been more than a year and not one board member, like Pricks Rocca, has said a word about the actions of Sylvia Atkinson to the BISD and is now a felon board member in jail. Prisci Ricca slammed Erasmo and now Erasmo is begging the BISD Board for a seat. Erasmo se vende bien fácil. Erasmo needs money from Prisci Rocca according to those in the know at TSC. Erasmo Castro looks the other way when he smells shit, unless it does not benefit him. Soon Erasmo will get those disgusting Lopez Chicken Plates to give out. Pura bola de ratas.

Anonymous said...

@10:43 do you know this for a fact? or are you assuming?

Because the way I see it, Is damn if they do and damn if they don't. so many people have opinions but they truly don't know what is happening.
Until someone can say, I know for a fact and here are the facts and present them. Then we can judge this people.
Everyone leader during this current pandemic is trying to do the best they can. Not one leader knows exactly how to handle. Since, absolutely no one has gone through a Worldwide crisis "Pandemic".

As for Joey Lopez ok, he sits on the Board to Lonestar Bank and get $250 check. That means that every board member is getting that check as well.
And now Jessica got a loan, yes she needs to payback. Why did she go to that particular bank? Did she go there being promised a higher loan $$ due to her being on BISD?

Anonymous said...

One. Daniella is the best compared to her jealous counterparts who are obviously just trying to team up on her. Why? So they can replace her with their buddies and fill up their own buddies pockets.

Two. Joey is not employed by the bank. $250 a month. Give me a fucking break

Three. Gonzalez is an uneducated corrupt piece of shit. Its only a matter of time until she is exposed.

Last by not least. Thank god Erasmo Castro is nowhere near this board! What a lying waste of time begging for the city to listen to him. He has 50 followers (dumber than him) that religiously eat the shit he feeds them.

BISD is in better hands now, especially when Jessica and Prisci are kicked off.

Send your kids to BISD as a last resort

Anonymous said...

These board members have put themselves on pedestals, put themselves above the law and are trying to outdo each other. (Hunger Games) As taxpayers ,we hear all the BS side rata deals that happen within the city, county, school, PUB, Port and college. You were voted in to represent us ,not to steal from us. How much more do you want to drain your taxpayers? Shame on the latest Lone Star Bank/Board deal and I hope that your bright lights are dimmed and the truth be known, whether I am right or wrong. Transparency please!

Anonymous said...

@2:36 commenter, aka Joey Lopez, yes, $250 bucks a month is cheap change for you but you get the big contracts in return with your daughter in the board? Lone Star Bank is a joke now. Daniela is always flaunting her dad's money. Daniela López Valdez is so transparent and her interest in the board is $$$$$. She almost got her lawyer uncle hired but the firm backed out. You call other board members uneducated, well crooked and corrupt are always those that say, $250 give me a fucking break. Yea, you need that money. Prisci, a so called Dr, from a degree mill, is desperate for money for her reelection. All of the board members are money hungry.

Anonymous said...

BISD needs an audit just like WESLACO is fixing to do. See where the corruption branches out to And it’s a very simple process. You’d be surprised to see who has been on the BISD TIT for years. They swear to secrecy!

Anonymous said...

@ August 2, 2021 at 2:36 PM

Give us a F@#ing break, whether he gets $250. a month might be irrelevant . The important question , " Is Joey on Lone Star National Banks Board? " Who are the board members of this self entitled bank? I would call it a conflict of interest if he was on the bank board, because the perks he might be getting by having a vote on the school board may be more valuable.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and Patrol Commander Bill No Balls DIETRICH are now in Hot water Due to their Incompetence and lack of leadership.
Chief Felix "EL Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal with his No overtime and Data Driven numbers and total misalignment Are major factors in the recent death of a female inside City Jail. Even after several Complaints to the administration, along with the City Manager El Rata Bernal about the shortage of manpower on the streets with as little as 6 officers on the streets they continue to look the other way stating that the numbers don't support more officers..
But yet Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and Commander Bill No Balls Dietrich still Demand and oder that two units be placed in the downtown area to monitor certain businesses!!WTF
What does this all have to do with the Females death inside City jail well lets begin;
1.Not enough Jail personnel on duty due to no overtime.
2. ONLY ONE Patrol Supervisor on duty and that supervisor must remain in the Office to conduct three In Person Roll Calls at 3pm, 6pm and 8pm as ordered by Patrol Commander Bill " No Balls" Dietrich..So where was the Supervisor when all this was unfolding stuck doing Roll call...The same Patrol Supervisor then must go and check the Airport to make sure the Officer assigned there have not left there assignment.
No trust in his Patrol Division
4. Allowing the Training Division to put 7 Officers in training all from the same shift...
5. Assigning Patrol Officers to Dispatch, City Jail, Records Division and Municipal court all in a effort to save money!!! At what cost??? So Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal can impress his lover City Manager El Rata Bernal with all the money he is saving$$$$$$ the city..
6. All these actions have placed Officers and the safety of the public in jeopardy!
Now with three huge law suits pending under the watch of Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal who has proven to be a total failure and is fixing to cost the citizens Of Brownsville Millions of Tax Payer Dollars due to his Incompetence and total Misalignment!
Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal poured the kool-aid but not everyone is drinking it. Chief Felix El Chapo Sauced-Bernal's administration maintains the fiction that administration supports patrol but the continued actions of administration indicates a message of mistrust.
Wake up Brownsville City Commissioners and get rid of this Clown as Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal has already proven to be the worst Chief in Brownsville Police Department History but he is also about to go in the History books as the Chief of Police that cost the City of Brownsville Millions of Dollars!!!

Former RGV LEO said...

You people voted in that pedophile loving elia looking POS pena back on the school board? No hope in BISD!

Anonymous said...

@ August 2, 2021 at 1:37 PM

In reference to your comment: "As for Joey Lopez ok, he sits on the Board to Lonestar Bank and get $250 check. That means that every board member is getting that check as well."

Question: Do the other bank board members have a family member on the school board that could put a vote in their pocket like Joeyhas by having his daughter there.

Even if he gets 0 compensation his bank getting a vote is a conflict of interest, because his daughter helped the bank get a vote.
