Friday, August 20, 2021



(Whether it's personnel, budget, litigation, or jail issues, new Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza – and his chief deputy Robert Gracia – have managed to mess things up. One of our seven readers prepared and sent this to illustrate both men's knack for fu***ng things up.)


Anonymous said...

This guy managed to fuck everything up in 7 months

Anonymous said...

He only comes to the office once a week and for 3 or 4 hours at the most..."The change we need" what a fucking joke he is

Anonymous said...

The latest is that they are trying to cover something up involving captain rodriguez

Anonymous said...

So how is it that two of his favorite clerks are putting two hours of overtime (fed funds) everyday from 6am to 8am just to be placing eric's face on the 9-1-1 donated material...another crime...keeps adding up

Anonymous said...

Garza you need to post real shit on facebook, stop copying pasting shit from other agencies, show something YOU are doing for the department, come on bro we elected you for a reason... Bring the old man back!

Anonymous said...

Is it really worth it Garza, look at you, you look like shit, imaging when you start wearing orange.

Anonymous said...

Gracia you need to keep you puppet cornejo out of the jail fuck him and fuck you

Anonymous said...

We don't have chain of command here at the jail, we have idiots like cornejo trying to tell us what to do, are you serious? Gracia trying to show all his "experience" but keeps making a fool out of himself! Trying to get us demoted because we have the courage to speak up, FUCK YOU puto! and keep rodriguez's retarded ass out of here too.

Anonymous said...

Who is in charge of the overtime? and why we have clerks putting hours to work on campaign material? Why are you allowing that Del Bosque.. go find your balls and report to the office

Anonymous said...

Now Luis Mendieta serves as the middle man between the cartel and eric

Anonymous said...

This people don't give a shit about the department, the deputies, jailers, staff. They come to realize the stupid Abraham Rodriguez is and they don't make any positive changes.. what a farce this guy turned out to be.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What about Charles Hoskins who thinks is some kind of supervisor here at the SO, fucking looser wife beater.... working Space X pretending he is a deputy.. fuck out of here...another one impersonating a peace officer

Anonymous said...

So, the department was better under the Reynas? Whatever. Run for office instead of complaining. The same ones that got away with many unfair and favoritism under the previous administration. Sour grapes like Omar Lucio.

Anonymous said...

@7:33 Who? Biden

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let the guy work folks, Puro hater.

Anonymous said...

More vacancies coming soon. Deputies & jailers will continue to resign. Just wait

Anonymous said...

and the beat goes on I heard he sent his best trained deputies to go patrol highway 77.

Anonymous said...

I'm not Juan, Abel, Gus or Javier... I'm an employee that knows 1st hand that SHIT rolls down not up. It all starts with the lack of leadership. I have not a single thread of confidence in my superiors, the Brass or the pretend supervisors.
Plain and simple. Judge, commissioner's, or legal something in removing the Sheriff, Chief and all those other bozos. We can't speak out or question. They will retaliate against us all. We have families to take care of.
We are pleading for help. They will not listen. So the phrase, we got your six...that doesn't exit. Was it better with the previous Administration, you ask?
Yes, it was... not perfect. But it was definitely better!!!

Anonymous said...

The only good thing from Cornejo going to the Jail is that now FINALLY the lieutenants are moving around, still pretending to be working but at least they are out of their offices. Los maranos y el enano enojon estan tristes porque le calmaron sus pedos. Porque no se van putos ya se les fue la chichi y llevense al culero de Sanchez. El como ustedes no valen para pura madre.

Anonymous said...

@9:56pm no mames!ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Are these people talking about judge Trevino ????

Anonymous said...

these comments are hilarious 😂 If you have half a brain you can tell it’s the same person that’s on this blog complaining get a life MoveOn Eric Won , the smear campaign is not going to work you had your time it’s time to leave! focus on your losing streak .. you always support the losers .. get a JOB ..

Anonymous said...

August 22, 2021 at 6:41 AM

Idiota moron where there's smoke there's fire brainless baboso

Anonymous said...

Eric won deputy dawg look alike.

Former RGV LEO said...

Can't put it any simplier than that!!!

Anonymous said...

Imagine if ALL house mousses and paper pushers would all run for offices in cameron county?

Anonymous said...

Damn the Brownsville City Commissioner's still don't see what is happening at the Brownsville Police Department. FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has No Clue WTF he is doing..The guy is so clueless he has allowed his Life Partner El Rata Bernal to run the Police Department..
With Criminal Indictments falling left and Right for Officers and one coming for El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal. Chief Sauceda- Bernal has made the Police Department and extremely Hostile work environment.

Former RGV LEO said...

The democrat way just like biden and his administration! Fucking things up and the taxpayer having to foot the bill!
