Friday, August 13, 2021



Anonymous said...

That is not plagiarism, but merely a raw politician finding stuff suitable to his message. Get real, Montoya. He's getting the word out and that's the important thing!!!

Makes YOU look small.

Anonymous said...

The copy and paste cherriff…. No pos wow Juan. Este Eric no tiene u a idea original…. Vito copión! 🤣

Anonymous said...

Eric es joto… ejeleeeee!

Anonymous said...

A Eric le aplastan las almorranas…. Ejeleeee!

Anonymous said...

El cherriff trae el veneno por la cola… uuffffff

Anonymous said...

Este Sherriff es igualito a el mantecoso Barron, bien copión María! Dios mío, que va hacer de toda la indiada?

Anonymous said...

Hot car deaths ARE preventable; the low value IQ is not...any questions?! The Valley is the LARGEST mass of stupid humans on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Nothing surprises me anymore, between Gracia and Rodriguez lost at sportspark, Ramblado Rivera hired as jailer and just sits all day in the office, Silverio acting like he is some type of administrator, Cornejo driving an unmarked police unit, la cebolla getting into pursuits not knowing wtf to do, this is a circus and we have front seat tickets

Anonymous said...

I guess Eric ran out of ideas.... Look at the guy, wearing a 7 dlls cowboy hat, reading glasses, bluetooth earpiece, white shirt underneath a black uniform, some type of crocodile boots... he needs to be admitted at Texas Tropical.

Anonymous said...

Now using tax payers to fund his re-election politican campaign. REGARDLESS he will never be elected NO WHERE!

Anonymous said...

Ta bien pendejo el muchacho

Anonymous said...

You do know that he's politician, do you not, Montoya?

Get real. You're being naive.

Anonymous said...

August 13, 2021 at 8:21 AM

The appalachian mountains region is compose of stupid hillbillys and are the scum of the universe!

Anonymous said...

Get the cat. Get the copycat.

Anonymous said...

Ese guey Eric es otro mierda Biden! Please watch as Ron DeSantis ripped veggie Biden a new a$$Hole! Watch the YouTube link below and hear DeSantis tear Biden to pieces!

Anonymous said...

Time is running out Eric....

Anonymous said...

LOOK GRAB SUCK sounds more like what he does best verdad erica?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mr. Montoya, but this time, I agree with the Sheriff. To get the message across to CABEZUDOS Y CABEZONES, you need to put pictures, does NOT matter where they come from.

Anonymous said...

Que mas? Siguen sufriendo los colaboradores de la oposicion. No se cansan porque no tienen nada mas que hacer.

Anonymous said...

Ya no soplan..los haties..

New to Stay..

Friendly Reminder.

Anonymous said...

August 13, 2021 at 11:41 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

August 15, 2021 at 8:57 AM

Get to work mamon earn your taxpayers salary check

Anonymous said...

What a freaking LOSER! he can't even come up with his own ideas. So much for moving the SO and Jail forward! Perfect example of Plagiarism.
If you plan on coping at least don't leave the evidence behind. Oh, wait you do you even know what evidence means? since you have no Law Enforcement background and being a Reserve obviously you didn't do shit!
