Monday, August 2, 2021


(Some of SpaceX biggest supporters line up for a promo photo. We can identify Jesus TreviƱo, of the Brownsville Film Advisory Commission fame, at left, the ubiquitous Viro Cardenas, second from left, Wuilliam Pardo, out and about now, Ernie Elizondo, in the striped shirt. Elizondo's folks' storefront became an easel for a mural on Adams Street celebrating Elon Musk, Eric Garza, who ran for public office once or twice and at far right is SpaceX's hospitality director Edgar Garza, the gatekeeper and go-to guy for local food vendors doing business with Musk's outfit, for a light fee, of course! We warn you that if you are selling food there, he'll want a little bite, too! We thank our seven readers for ID'ing the members of the new SpaceX "Rat Pack"!)


Anonymous said...

So happy los pendejos! Wait till esos Musk kiss ass hustlers finally meet their maker! Their smile will disappear! Pinche sold outs!

Anonymous said...

They are: Dos Pendejos grabbed off the street and told to look fat and happy.

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

The Rat Pack you likely reference were biggies in Las Vegas, led by Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.

These vatos look more like plain old Southmost rats.

Anonymous said...

YUP! Pay to play. These guys set up a network where you pay Edgar from SpaceX to become a vendor. You pay Ernesto to get into the downtown seen for SpaceX. You pay Jesus Trevinio if you want to form some kind of buisness to market SpaceX in Brownsville, TX or film it. Viro is just hanging around to take notes and numbers and gets a finders fee percentage.

The new scheme is if you want to get paid quickly you sell your invoices to one of their friends for 6% of your invoices and they will pay you that day. SpaceX is known to pay late or between 45-60 up to 90 days. Small buisness can't wait that long, so you sell one of these guys your invoices and they set up where SpaceX pays the company 100% and they keep the 6%. Kind of a loan shark. If spacex doesn't pay them, then they just hold on to 100% of some of your invoices until they get paid and if not, well they don't lose.

Anonymous said...

Ratas do the rata dance when they smell food and opportunity; they are nothing more than human scavengers.

Anonymous said...

Democrat RATS. Hope the investigators at Pink Ape help expose them to the FBI.

Anonymous said...

Ernesto's mural is cool, come on you guys

Anonymous said...

Just call them like you see them. Rattas

Anonymous said...

ratas? no. . . wannabes

Anonymous said...

Tienen la cara como que acaban de tener una orgia entre ellos mismos. A la otra van a invitar viejas.

Anonymous said...

To 9:24 am, we know who the real pack was, you dummy, you don't have to educate us on it. You were probably in kinder when they existed.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and Patrol Commander Bill No Balls DIETRICH are now in Hot water Due to their Incompetence and lack of leadership.
Chief Felix "EL Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal with his No overtime and Data Driven numbers and total misalignment Are major factors in the recent death of a female inside City Jail. Even after several Complaints to the administration, along with the City Manager El Rata Bernal about the shortage of manpower on the streets with as little as 6 officers on the streets they continue to look the other way stating that the numbers don't support more officers..
But yet Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and Commander Bill No Balls Dietrich still Demand and oder that two units be placed in the downtown area to monitor certain businesses!!WTF
What does this all have to do with the Females death inside City jail well lets begin;
1.Not enough Jail personnel on duty due to no overtime.
2. ONLY ONE Patrol Supervisor on duty and that supervisor must remain in the Office to conduct three In Person Roll Calls at 3pm, 6pm and 8pm as ordered by Patrol Commander Bill " No Balls" Dietrich..So where was the Supervisor when all this was unfolding stuck doing Roll call...The same Patrol Supervisor then must go and check the Airport to make sure the Officer assigned there have not left there assignment.
No trust in his Patrol Division
4. Allowing the Training Division to put 7 Officers in training all from the same shift...
5. Assigning Patrol Officers to Dispatch, City Jail, Records Division and Municipal court all in a effort to save money!!! At what cost??? So Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal can impress his lover City Manager El Rata Bernal with all the money he is saving$$$$$$ the city..
6. All these actions have placed Officers and the safety of the public in jeopardy!
Now with three huge law suits pending under the watch of Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal who has proven to be a total failure and is fixing to cost the citizens Of Brownsville Millions of Tax Payer Dollars due to his Incompetence and total Misalignment!
Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal poured the kool-aid but not everyone is drinking it. Chief Felix El Chapo Sauced-Bernal's administration maintains the fiction that administration supports patrol but the continued actions of administration indicates a message of mistrust.
Wake up Brownsville City Commissioners and get rid of this Clown as Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal has already proven to be the worst Chief in Brownsville Police Department History but he is also about to go in the History books as the Chief of Police that cost the City of Brownsville Millions of Dollars!!!

Anonymous said...

I am writing this letter as a concerned small business owner trying to make a living in these rough times, and I am not the first person to present the harsh reality of dealing with Space X and its employees.

The main issue is with Jose Edgar Garza, the food and beverage director for Space X, who is offering a “pay to play” contract to small businesses that appears to be an economic lifesaver. However, he then personally demands his own share in order for myself, and others, to not lose the contract and ultimately financially drown. The food vendors are required to pay a $2.00 stipend, a personal compensation to Garza, on every plate they sell on the day they deliver; if they refuse to pay the stipend, they lose the contract with Space X. The small business owners accepting Garza’s stipend are just little guys trying to make a living and feed their families to avoid their businesses being closed during these difficult times. And at such a financially tough time, it is hard to imagine being squeezed for a bribe if they want to sell to Space X.

It is simple “no pay, no business” for the small business owners. Unfortunately, because of the hardships of the pandemic, these small companies have no choice but to pay. This is all done after hours away from Space X. All bribes are paid in cash so that Garza does not have to report it. There is no doubt that all the vendors have paid Garza well over $100,000.00 in bribes over the last year.

I believe Elon Musk has done a wonderful thing for our area. We are now a destination. Our economy is starting to boom, and Brownsville may soon reach its full potential. I do not think for a minute that Mr. Musk would invest billions of dollars in Star Base and be a part of a $2.00 scam by one of his employees, nor do I believe he would knowingly associate himself with Garza’s scheme.

Garza has caused a great deal of financial, emotional, and physical distress by his stipend, by these small businesses risking bankruptcy, and by the overwhelming hours of labor that go into serving Space X employees, respectively. It is crucial that this issue of extortion is brought to light so that there may be hope that all the small business owners suffering these burdens may ultimately be fully compensated.
