Tuesday, August 31, 2021


(Author's Note: In today's Herald there is a letter from a regular contributor named Italo Zarate who examines the term and usage of "yellow dogs." This letter I wrote prior to this explains, I think, what a "yellow dog" is. The Herald has so far ignored this story of a true, telling, event.)

By Bill Young
Brownsville Herald

Letter to the Editor:

Joe Salas's "My Turn" in The Herald of August 9 invokes a vivid memory of an encounter I had with the Texas Democratic Party chairman in the early 1980s.

(He said, in part that: "I recall a time when people would rather vote for a yellow dog than for a Republican. One definition of a yellow dog is: “a person who is motivated to support any candidate affiliated with the Democratic Party, regardless of the candidate’s personal qualities or political qualifications.”)

I was working for The Herald and I was assigned to cover a caucus of Cameron County Democrtic precinct chairs at the now-demolished Fort Brown Hotel. The featured guest was to be newly-elected party chair Bob Slagle. The Fortress Room was filled to capacity as Slagle spoke.

He focused on party unity and one thing in particular sticks in my mind today, nearly 50 years later.

"There are some Democrats," said Slagle, "that I wouldn't invite into my home. Hell, there are some Democrats I wouldn't even let in my back yard but on election day, by God, I'm going to vote for them."

This made it into my story which was printed in The Herald. It didn't take long for Slagle and his people to call and demand a retraction, promising he never said that. Fortunately for me two colleagues--a
Corpus Christi Caller Times reporter and a KGBT-TV4 reporter--were in the audience and they, too, heard Slagle's remarks.

Slagle went on to jump on the Clinton bandwagon as a designated super party delegate.


Anonymous said...

So what?

Nothing new in this.

Anonymous said...

Perros amarillos son todos los que votaron por el viejito vegetal Biden! Jajajaja!

Anonymous said...

Bill Young is a fucking Republican Trumper!

Who cares what that old fuck thinks or has to say?

vato inutil.

Anonymous said...

@11:52 AM


BYoung is yesteryear!

Anonymous said...

@11:52 Y 1:47 Those two comments are written by the same pinche persona! Go fuking get a job pinche huevon Biden wrinkle a$$ kisser! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

To the above commenters: You dumb fucks are too fucking stupid to have the slightest inkling regarding how ignorant and worthless YOU are! In other words, typical Valley know-nothings. Go back to sucking your uncle's dick. It's what you do best anyway.

Anonymous said...

Jajajajaja. Perros amarillos come in the Democratic and Republican shades of yellow.

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2021 at 11:27 AM
August 31, 2021 at 4:50 PM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

The gringos at that time were a dying breed grasping for straws...
Who the shit cares about has beens whites

Anonymous said...

Roman has a job, thank you very much.

Jim Barton said...

Bill Young at least signed his name to his words, unlike the anonymous cowards above. But his example of mindless partisanship is not different than Republican Tad Hasse soliciting votes from farmers in his state school board race, calling for the "extermination of Democrats."

Anonymous said...

No-man has a what?

Anonymous said...

A alguien le caló la verdad. Hay diferentes amarillos. Amarillo canario. Amarillo fuerte. Amarillo bajito. Jajajaja
If the shoe fits, wear it 😂

Anonymous said...

All this and if the explanation for the term "yellow dog democrat" was offered, I missed it. A yellow dog democrat is someone who would vote for a yellow dog if it were running as a democrat. I don't know who coined the term but it has been around awhile. I don't think the color yellow meant anything rather then a dog that happened to be that color. I don't think it referred to courage.

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2021 at 10:57 PM

commenters using their real or phoney name are looking for a job or trying to impress somebody in the rich and famous catagory. FORGET IT noboy here cares what your stupid false or real name is. DOES NOT IMPRESS nobody never has and never will....
En el valle todos son changos (monkey see monkey do)
