Thursday, August 5, 2021


Brownsville is right on the border of Mexico and the United States, so issues with immigration, and violent crimes on either side of the border committed against tourists are common. And it’s regarded as one of the most patrolled areas of the country. Additionally, one-third of people who live in Brownsville are in poverty, and 35 percent are without health insurance.


Anonymous said...

Brownsville is not the prettiest city in the Valley. Not that it cannot be; it just refuses to be.

Clean the downtown pig trough. That would be a start. Downtown is the face of the city and that face needs to be scrubbed clean of crime and grime. Too many vacant, abandoned buildings with rotting facades!

It also has way too many Mexicans and too many overweight white people.


Anonymous said...

Downtown is the worst!

And they are trying loft apartments. that's like building them at the City dump!

Only an idiot would move down there. You can smell the drunkard's puke, the loose dog's shit, the borracho's piss on the sidewalks. Esta peor que lo peor de Matamoros, Juan!

I found a used rubber near the tire of my car when I parked downtown!!! A quien se han de haber tronado?

No shit!

Anonymous said...

Next, kid blogger Diego "True Wimp" Garcia, III will type a different angle to this survey that will have Brownsville as the best city of all time!

Ese guey le sigue la onda a El Paya Jerry como si fuera perrita herida!


abrete, pinche vieja piruja, abrete!!!

Anonymous said...

Miserable is right. Brownsville for people upstate is a poverty hellhole.

Anonymous said...

I hear Jim "Manteca" Barton moved downtown.

That barril can't do anything right!

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

That the government of the Mexicans, by the Mexicans and for the Mexicans shall not perish, but produce continual misery in Cameron County, Texas.

Anonymous said...

You are such a fraud Juan. This is from a page which brings in people with shock statements and then advertises questionable products. Your patron is getting desperate in trashing Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

The city flag for Brownsville should be a giant Lone Star Card, the city animal would be a rata, and the city bird would be the scavenger Grackle. Brownsville’s motto would be...”gimme something for free senor”.

Anonymous said...

Change your blog's name to:

El Güiri Güiri

Anonymous said...

Who ever wrote the story is being nice. Browntown is a democrat shithole.

Anonymous said...

Damning post, bro.

Why do it?

Anonymous said...

Browntown was trash waaaay before El Runn Runn started exposing the ratas here. Thank you RR, if it was not for you, nobody would really understand what a shithole it is here. Channel 4, especially channel 5 and the Browntown herald are incapable of reporting on the ratas because it would effect their advertising revenue. Fuck the valley lying prensa. The reporter’s here are pure SHIT.

Anonymous said...


Ya valio.


Anonymous said...

I’m I one of few that notices the incompetence leaders in this community . The mayor is mommy’s boy and listen
to this... Adela Garza tells him what to do. The county judge is too busy being a playboy... suffering from selfishness. At Bisd... a bunch of kids with fractured brains engulfed with dumbness
At the port , they say they are doing so well, so why are they still collecting taxes

Anonymous said...

The Jan. 6 insurrection, and Trump’s actions trying to change the electoral college votes in five states, was an attempted coup built on the Big Lie of voter fraud. But the potential coup next time will come in neatly filed legal briefs and arguments quoting Thomas Jefferson and wrapped in ancient precedents and purported constitutional textualism. It will be no less pernicious...

[Things are changing, and changing fast.]

Anonymous said...

"Trashing Brownsville" Is the done by city, county, State sen and rep. They get a free check with kickback. They operate there personal business from there government office. We have the same flooding areas, broken down streets, bridges,dirty drinking water,below avg. Police and sheriff fighting crime, fire department drinking beer at station you think there fat from eating too much. No summer activity for kids. No libraries in neighborhoods, poor bus system, city workers working at ringgold park doing nothing 10 employees doing nothing. Check work logs and assignment. Decades of mismanagement. They should post all work activity online on weekly basis. TAX ASSESSOR COLLECTOR STEALING MONEY. JUST ASK. CUTS TAXES ON KICKBACKS. COUNTY COURTHOUSE IS NO WORK. IT IS ABOUT WHO IS SLEEPING WITH HER OR HIM.

Anonymous said...

The wall climing event at Tokyo was full of white cockroaches not one of them won come on FBI go arrest all of them easy to find... they used the WH to practice.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville : has reunions, parties, good neighborhoods, citizens that follow the rules, clean air, parks, it has lemon trees, orange trees, nopales, good foods, people that clean their yards, arts, swimming pools, museums, total relaxation, etc

Brownsville: is getting big...nobody wants to leave this nice place... so let us hope that after reading this article, many people exit the city and go to McAllen, San Antonio, Dallas, Houston: those are modern cities.

Anonymous said...

Museums. What a joke. I am staying in Cameron Park. Forget Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

All this becase a cesspool when the gringos stole all the lands here from the original settlers. cowboys and injuns hahahaha what a joke Daniel boone was burn in from of the Mission San Antonio de Valero for you gringos pendejos y cocos...
