Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Remember when local new-tradition maker Arturo "Turi" Treviño said he had gotten money from Carlos Slim's son-in-law and Mr. Amigo 2018 Arturo Elias Ayub during the 82nd Annual Charro Days to buy 400 bicycles for kids?

He also promised that the U.S. Customs would dedicate a bike lane to promote the safety and more prompt crossing of the bridge for Matamoros kids attending Brownsville schools? 

Ayub turned out to be a no-show at the Charro Days International parade and instead took off in his private jet to watch the Mexican Tennis Open with his father-in-law and his family in Acapulco. The fact that he took off before the min event led some to say that the gesture was a backhand compliment to the pueblo bicicletero.

But there was a catch. It wouldn't be Brownsville kids using the bikes. Mr. Amigo directors were asking school principals and administrators to help them identify students from Matamoros to give them a bike so they could use them to go to their schools and to and from the bridge.

"What a snub for the city," said a local Mr. Amigo Association critic. "That shows how much Ayub thinks of us here in Brownsville. Even after the group used our city facilities and security, they give the bikes to students from Matamoros."

Well, Turi and his pals over at the Mr. Amigo Association can make up for it by producing just one of the bikes (if there ever were any) for the poor slob above – identified as one Santos Librado – who Mtamoros media reported was run over by a car and then, when a friendly motorists in a pickup truck took him toe the hospital, absconded with his bicycle they threw in the back of the Dodge Ram truck.

Now Librado is seeking the not-so-Good Samaritan to recover the bicycle which he claims is his method of transportation to and from odd jobs in the neighboring city. 

This led some wags to suggest that since Turi claimed to have been given 400 bikes by Ayub, perhaps he could touch his heart an extend an olive of friendship (preferable a nice Schwinn) and help out his neighbor in need. 

We don't have Treviño's cell phone number but we know he is close to Brownsville Navigation District commissioner Esteban Guerra and newly-elected District 4 city commissioner Pedro Cardenas, and we've tried to reach them, all to no avail. We issue this APB in hopes that someone who knows how to collar Turi can put a bug in his ear.

Wadayasay Turi mon?


Anonymous said...

Arturo 'Turi" Trevinio will soon do a Bycicle Concert Fundraiser for this poor fool. Special Guests will be non other than Glori Trevi, Rafael Amaya, Luis Miguel and Pedro Cardenas. They will not only pay for a new 3 wheeler for the now crippled Mexican but will raise thousands of USA Dollars as the event will be done in Downtown Brownsville, TX using taxpayers money. Jessica Kalifa will be the announcer and Trey Mendez will be peddling the new bike to the Gateway Bridge where it will be turned over to the Mayor of Matamoros,MX who will then give it to DIF, who will then do another fudraiser to show that they care about the disabled people. By then the run over guy will be nowhere to be found and some rich kid will get the fancy expensive bike everyone posted on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Pinches mojados will always be mojados don't expect anything but a gimme gimme gesture.

Anonymous said...

You do not have to call this guy a "poor slob".

Anonymous said...

August 24, 2021 at 10:59 AM

You are so right call him pendejo more appropriate

Anonymous said...

Damn the Brownsville City Commissioner's still don't see what is happening at the Brownsville Police Department. FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has No Clue WTF he is doing..The guy is so clueless he has allowed his Life Partner El Rata Bernal to run the Police Department..
With Criminal Indictments falling left and Right for Officers and one coming for El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal. Chief Sauceda- Bernal has made the Police Department and extremely Hostile work environment.

Anonymous said...

Arturo Trevino es un acomplejado con aires de grandeza este bato no tiene valores

Anonymous said...

It's easy to find Arturo Trevino. To find him just look up Pedro Cardenas ass or ask his mayate Eliseo Davila.

Anonymous said...

Better yet wiggle some bills and he'll come runnin'
