Tuesday, September 7, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Years ago, in a previous lifetime, I remember Brownsville Herald cop shop reporter Dan McClenahan telling me how weird it felt to be sent to cover a fatal car accident and then finding out it was the city editor who had given him his first reporting job at the Kingsville newspaper who had been killed.

He had to return to write the story, and then was given the assignment of also writing his obituary.

I find myself remembering Dan and thinking about it when I was called by a friend in public service that Diego Garcia, the editor/publisher/reporter and blogger who loved this city had passed away today. The light has gone out at the Brownsville Beacon.

No, it wasn't COVID-19, but was related to a heart stoppage due to other complications.

I never had the pleasure of meting or knowing Diego, but reading his compositions it was obvious that he cared deeply for the town where he grew up and to which he returned. 

For being communicators, we engage very little in socializing. This is also the city where he started his blog – the Brownsville Beacon –  a locally-based forum where he envisioned a better city and a better future without the backbiting and recriminations that have held us down for so long. 

He said it best:

"Life is different here in South Texas. It moves along at a slower pace than it does in other parts of the country. The people are friendlier. The food is authentic and has a home cooked feel. Brownsville is not Austin. Brownsville is not San Antonio. Brownsville is not McAllen. Brownsville is Brownsville. With all her flaws and imperfections, she is still a diamond in the rough. She is still the crown jewel of the Rio Grande Valley — yes, there is still some magic left in the Magic Valley.

I know times are hard. I know times are rough. I know Brownsville is far from perfect and yes, there are several improvements that need to be made, but that doesn't mean you give up on Brownsville. You work to make it better. You work to make it a better place for everyone who lives here.

You don't throw something as big as your hometown away because it's broken. You do your absolute best to fix it.

I was born here. I was raised here. I will die here. Never once in my 44 years of life did I blame my hometown for my misery. I am proud to be from Brownsville. I love my hometown."

At one time, the only voices heard were those of the socioeconomic elite who controlled the local daily. The advent of social media changed all that, sometimes for the better, often for the worse. Diego was a good one. With his passing, we are all the poorer as will be the dialogue in our community. Here's what he thought about blogging. Adios colega, Peace be with you, and our condolences to your family and loved ones.


By Diego Garcia III 

★ Editor of The Brownsville Beacon (RIP)

A blog is defined as "a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style."

The term is a shortened version of "weblog," a sort of online journal published on the internet for all to see.

I am very well aware the internet in all it's dark corners is filled with scores of miserable, negative people who love nothing more than to spread their hatred and misery. Most of these people were voiceless before the internet gave them a voice. Many of them confuse those who visit their blog with the belief they're powerful, influential, and people take their blog seriously.

They don't.

I have no such delusions of grandeur. I am very well aware my blog is not as powerful and influential as some people think theirs is. I don't even know how to check to see how many people visit my blog or it's mirror Facebook page.

I also know people love to tear down anything and everything. It stands to reason most people will make negative comments about people who choose to write and share their opinion online.

This is something I've had learn to ignore. One blogger who I developed a friendship with said in order to continue with my blog, I'd have to dismiss the critics and have a thick skin. It wouldn't be long before I'd experience the negativity — one of my first anonymous comments left refered to me with a nasty homosexual slur.

I try to avoid profanity on my blog, although I personally cuss like a drunken sailor. No matter how much criticism I've leveled at any public figure, politician, or blogger, I've never attacked them personally or used childish, middle school level insults, though that certainly hasn't stopped others from doing so.

And I get it — my writing and my articles aren't going to be liked by the majority. I've been accused of being too wordy, too repetitive, stupid, an idiot, an amateur, insignificant, and too many other things to remember or mention.

I've never pretended to be a professional journalist. I've never written professionally for a newspaper or periodical. I'd redirect you to the definition of f blog once again. An informal or conversational style.

I've been messaged by city commissioners, other bloggers, and critics who don't hesitate to tell me just how terrible my blog is. Another supposed local quasi-influencer who's had several blogs and failed partnerships with others has run to his social media page in the past to insult my writing and say how insignificant my blog is. Funny how he'd post something that I couldn't see or reply to, since I never approved the friend request he sent me.

And yet, you're still reading, aren't you?

One blog rakes me over the coals and writes replies calling me everything he can conjure up to probably get a rise out of me and cause me to attack in some profanity-laced tirade or argument. His nonsensical ramblings aren't worthy of that kind of reply.

No matter how insignificant or stupid I am, you're still reading what I write. Instead of ignoring me, you put me center stage. For all your ridiculousness, you simply can't get enough.

The bottom line is this: I don't write to be liked. I don't write for compensation, page views, or "likes." I write for my own self gratification. No matter what others may think, I like what I write. I share my opinions because I can, not because I'm trying to convince you of anything.

Writing is therapeutic for me; it's cathartic. It's enjoyable. Once it stops being those things, I'll stop doing it.

I'll say it one more time for those cowering under the shroud of anonymity in the dark: I don't do it for you. I do it for me.

People will never stop being the way they are. People will continue being negative and cruel because they can be.

Unless I'm physically unable to write, I'm not going anywhere. If you don't like what I write, you always have the option to not visit my blog. We don't live in North Korea or the Soviet Union; computers here aren't forced to visit webpages you dislike.

If you're going to continue to allow me to live in your head rent-free, go right ahead. If you're going to write your angry little manifestos filled with garbled nonsense attacking me, more power to you.

If you're going to keep proving I matter to you more than you're willing to admit, do it. If you're going to keep letting me know I'm getting to you and allowing me to laugh at you: all I can say is the following:

Thank you for reading!


Anonymous said...

He did love his town. To a funny, smart, inquisitive, proud, and gentle young man...he loved history and what it stood for and the cause and effects of it.
May he rest in peace under the Lord's love.

Anonymous said...

As an old lady, Brownsville native, I never met this man. May he rest in Peace. I am very pleased and impressed that he loved and defended his hometown. Many Brownsville natives today spend most of their time writing negative things about our town and not doing anything but talk to fix the problems. If you are not from Brownsville and do everything to put us down, DO SOMETHING to fix the problem or LEAVE since in other parts of the United States salaries are higher, way of life is better, scenery is more beautiful and you will succeed because everything is so bad here right?
"Playing " with John F. Kennedy's words, "I am PROUD to be A Brownsvillian".

Anonymous said...

They said he was disabled/handicapped. True, or not?

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the previous comments DITTO!

Anonymous said...

I admire somebody like Diego and the fact that he was and will always will be from Brownsville Texas RIP friend...

Anonymous said...

The 5 Worst Presidents

5. Trump
4. Trump
3. Trump
2. Trump
1. Trump

No need to go further...

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading his blog.

Anonymous said...

@7:39 Hahahahaha! Este Pendejo pestoso esta senile como veggie Biden, because there never were five different presidents with the last name Trump! Ya deja de mamarle la leche a Trump! Hahahaha! Biden is not the worst president, because the whole world knows he's a fuking joke and not consider the real president! He's just a pathetic senile vegetable puppet! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

September 8, 2021 at 12:35 AM

Any time you want to read a stupid comment write something negative about the baboso republican former president and sure enough he pops out to defend el pendejo atta boy stupid hillbilly wanna be white coco...

no dumpster diving today?

Letty Garcia said...

Diego, My dear friend, you will be missed dearly. You loved Brownsville, the Dallas Cowboys, Absolute Vodka, and History of all kind. You will always be remembered in my book. It was always fun being with you at your grandmas house and looking at all the posters on your wall. May you rest in peace buddy. Thank you for always being such a caring and kind individual.

My Love to you always!, Letty Garcia Little

Anonymous said...

A great teacher mentor human being overall just someone that pushed you to be better you will be greatly missed and never forgotten

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Biden is not a Russian puppet.

Anonymous said...

@8:25 Any negative comments about El vegetal Biden, y el pinche half coco Taliban dumpster rat sale con su mamadas de Trump! Ya go hide in one of the downtown dumpsters, porque ya viene el Delta y Mu viruses, pinche miedoso panocha! Y tambien ponte dos mascaras, pinche maricon! Hahahahaha!

@11:26 Biden y su maniaco hijo Hunter are both China's puppets! Don't forget the Taliban se lo cogieron a Biden gacho! Veggie Biden supplied the Taliban with free military arsenal and El pendejo wants to get rid of our guns! Que mamon! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

When did Diego pass away?never saw it in obituary in brownsville herald. I met him at utb/tsc. Rest in peace Diego

Anonymous said...

Mr. Garcia was amazing educator and an awesome teacher when I was in high school. I’d remember him showing us war memorabilia he’d collect and having his boards FILLED with notes from the history class I was in. Him and my dad had the pleasure of working together and Mr. Garcia would always refer to me as “la caga pala” because I’d always be making jokes in class. He was one of the best teachers at Hanna High School and will be greatly missed by those who he shared his life with. For those who in the comments who asked if he was disabled or handicapped, I don’t see how that has anything to do with the matter of his death. My deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. He will always be in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

How soon some of you forgot that the one that signed the agreement with the Taliban leaders to get our troops out of Afghanistan was Trump not Biden. The arsenal of weapons and equipment was left to the Afghan army so that they could fight the Taliban but decided to run instead of fighting.

Anonymous said...

September 8, 2021 at 2:08 PM

I D I O T A !

Yamila Miranda said...

Diego was a great person, super knowledgeable and passionate about the Dallas Cowboys and History. After every game that the cowboys lost I will tease him about how bad they played and he will do the same to me with my team, tons of good laughs and above all he did care about his students and how to make them learn in a fun and entertaining way. Rest In Peace and my deepest condolences to his family.

Anonymous said...

@7:01 Hay que obidiente el Biden to follow Trump's agreement to withdraw from Afghanistan...El pinche viejo pedorro reverse everything Trump did in office, but in this case he rightfully agreed with Trump that it was time to withdraw from Afghanistan...but el pendejo vegetal fuk up the withdrawal and then left the still not ready Afghan Army without any backup from the US military! What a fuking deadly shit show Biden caused in Afghanistan! More than a dozen Marines died because of this pinche vegetable! And you have this retarded commenter trying to shift the blame to Trump just because he signed the agreement to finally leave Afghanistan, after 20 years! No one is buying your weak excuse pendejo! Biden fuk up the withdrawal! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

September 10, 2021 at 9:56 AM

What do you expect from a racist republican no respect always with their Hemorrhoid mouth spuing filth no respect from these idotas hillbillys pinches cocos.
