Saturday, September 4, 2021




Anonymous said...

That just happens to be the area where the mayor and his friends invested in. Shocking.

Anonymous said...

There are a million pot holes in the southmost area why here?

Anonymous said...

That flagman looks like you, Montoya. What a photo - so full of despair.

Anonymous said...

U.S. SUPREME COURT & Texas Abortion Law:

The Supreme Court of the United States is saying two things here: 1) that it really doesn’t understand the law it is being asked to adjudicate, and 2) that the Texas law, which depends upon a transparent scheme to dodge judicial review, is beyond the Supreme Court’s reach because its transparent scheme to dodge judicial review is so cleverly drawn. No wonder the five Republican cowards in the majority issued their order unsigned. I wouldn’t want my name attached to this pile of offal, either...

Anonymous said...

First rain...and that asphalt topping will be gone over to the next street or alley. Never fails with these cosmetic repairs.

Do it right, Brownsville!


Anonymous said...

Put some laws against shitty 🚕 that rip up streets!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they didn't grade it. I see pothole remains, and those will be there after it rains. Patch-up job is what this is, not a long-haul fix.


Anonymous said...

Power play: Social Media use increases pet adoptions

Cooper literally stole the show or should we say social media in just a few hours.
Many unhappy females but only ONE will be happy

Anonymous said...

Despite divides, Covid-19 vaccines are now as popular as Christmas trees

So much for el pendejo trumputo

Anonymous said...

Pete Buttigieg and husband Chasten announce the birth of their adopted children

Coco hillbilly was the maid of honor MARICON

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



If business types really care about social justice, they’ll defund the
country’s most prominent purveyor of anti-justice poison.


Anonymous said...

Remember when all those idiota Trump haters were so peachy happy that Trump was ban from Twitter and Facebook. Esos pendejos couldn't comprehend that if the President can be banned, then regular people will surely be next. Well, Shana Chappell, mother of Marine and American hero Kareem Nikoui killed in Kabul, has had her FB and Instagram accounts suspended for posts she made about her son unnecessary death in Afghanistan. @6:36 Ya deja de mamarle la verga a Trump! Ya tienes dientes, pinche guey, le vas a dejar sin cabeza! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First Mayor Blue Jean Tony Martinez had his street paved in the Los Ebanos area. NOw Trey does his street and those his buddies use to go to all the cantinas in the area. Why does he not take Galonsky and go to the Lincoln Park area streets (between Lincoln and Cleveland from 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st and do something about paving our streets and removing all those broken down cars in the area. The neighborhood looks trashy when it used to be such a neat area with beautiful fauna and the resaca in the area. Now go look at the appearance of the area. The city cuts two strips around the resaca and the TexDot does another two and leave the rest as "Wildlife" and they do nothing about illegal dumping in the area. Do these idiots really think we do not know what is going on? Sorry bunch of so-called leaders for the community. All they care about is buy property that has been foreclosed and historical so as not to pay taxes and get it cheap. Enough!

Anonymous said...

The Masks Were Working All Along

Now we have definitive proof that masks really are effective.

Anonymous said...

Todo en su tiempo, mamon!


Anonymous said...

Stop fretting, Democrats. Use your power.

Republicans are anti-Americans!!!

Anonymous said...

Better fix the downtown streets first where a lot of business interests are at stake, before voting these self-serving individuals out of public office.

Anonymous said...

The same group that installed sidewalks on boca chica blvd for the rich and famous.

Anonymous said...

What downtown businesses are you referring to? All those Made in China shops that are a fire hazard to the community being so crowed and raunchy looking.
No one wants to go down town so why pave the streets if the building look like something from a third world environment. We have some historical building that have been destroyed by rinky-dink businesses. Let's get some Made in USA
shops in the area. The worse-looking downtown in the Valley is Brownsville's and that is why some of our young people leave and refuse to come back.

Anonymous said...

@7:51 The mask never was effective pinche pendejo government branded Vaca! The science says you need to wear two fuking masks for the pinche mask to be effective, according to your Lord El enano Dr. Feces (Fauci). Here come the more deadlier variant Mu to make you follow bull shit mandates and have you in control! This stolen China plan book pattern, will not stop anytime soon. No matter how many fuking shots you idiota vacas get, or how well behaved you wear your little mask. This isn't ending at all! No mas falta el variant "Boo" virus que venga tambien! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

September 7, 2021 at 11:34 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

They are from japan “Nihon” not china if from china "Zhongguo" they'll be cockroach europeans guey

Anonymous said...

September 7, 2021 at 7:25 PM

So Chinese are related to cockroach whites?

Anonymous said...

fix Price Rd. that's what needs fixing.

Anonymous said...

I just heard they are going to re-pave all bike trails and re-paint all of them. Add more repair bike centers. All centers will be air conditioned and will offer free drinks and snacks. Courtesy of the taxpayers of the poorest city in the USA...

Anonymous said...

September 5, 2021 at 11:27 AM

I D I O T A !
