Tuesday, September 7, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

People couldn't believe  that in the obituary to her deceased daughter-in-law, three-term Brownsville Independent School District board member Minerva Peña grabbed the top headline to announce the funeral services for the 27-year-old teacher.

In fact she was listed among the surviving family members before her father and mother and siblings.

And in a made-for-publication event, Gary Long of the Brownsville Herald wrote and published an article on the woman's death (by her own hand, but he wrote of her "passing") and  included an extended defense by Peña herself and that her four colleagues on the board who placed items on the agenda to censure her and issue a trespass order against her are sadly mistaken, by Gawd.

The four placed the following on today's agenda: 

XII.E.2.a. Discussion and consultation with Counsel concerning possible Resolution to Censure Trustee M. Pena and to issue referral to Cameron County District Attorney. (Board Agenda Request Eddie Garcia-Board Support Dr. Prisci Roca Tipton, Denise Garza, Daniella Lopez Valdez)

XII.E.2.b. Discussion and consultation with Counsel concerning possible Resolution to Censure Trustee M. Pena and to issue trespass notice. (Board Agenda Request Eddie Garcia - Board Support Dr. Prisci Roca Tipton, Denise Garza, Daniella Lopez Valdez)
Agenda of the closed session of the board of the Brownsville Independent School District's regular meeting today, Sept. 7, 2021 

The proposed referral to the DA's Office is related to the woman being terminated from district after the BISD administration was informed that the woman – an instructor at Veteran's Memorial Early College and High School – had a Master's in Educational Technology with a Technology Leadership certificate from University of Texas Rio Grande Valley was related to Peña by virtue of ehr being married to her son.

She had been working for about a month before the administration was told of potential violation of its nepotism policies (and the Texas Government Code) 

When the BISD administration learned that a potential criminal nepotism violation had been committed, they gave both Peña and her relative an ultimatum. 

To Peña, resign or remain; to the teacher to resign or be fired. Peña refused to resign denying any knowledge of her daughter-in-law's hiring and the teacher quit her job instead. 

Four days later – and perhaps as a direct result of losing her job compounded by other personal problems – the woman took her husband's service weapon (U.S. Customs) and killed herself. It was later clarified that it was his personal weapon that had been used. Some commenters have said that not only did the woman lose her life, but that students in the district lost out on a passionate, enthusiastic teacher who loved her profession. But Peña refused to leave the board instead of allowing her daughter-in-law to keep on teaching hee.

“None of that is correct,” Pena said to The Brownsville Herald. “I’m in shock that my colleagues would do this to me. Those two agenda items were shocking to me and I’m as surprised as anyone else. I’m in total shock.”

She added that she had “done nothing wrong” and that “it can be verified that I have done nothing wrong.”

Then, as is her wont, she cloaked herself in religion, the last refuge of the scoundrel and hypocrite.

“It’s extremely disheartening,” she said of the board’s action. “They’ve already decided to come after me. They already have their quorum. I pray to God. This is the hardest test because I didn’t do anything wrong.”

The first item on the agenda, we have to assume, concerns the possible commission of a misdemeanor crime by the employment of her daughter-in-law by the district and/or whether she approved payment or compensation by a vote on the board. Nepotism is a misdemeanor under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code. 

The code "prohibits public officials from appointing any individual to a position that is to be directly or indirectly compensated from public funds or fees of office if the individual is related to the public official within the second degree by affinity or within the third degree..."

In Texas, it is illegal for public officials to hire, appoint, or approve payment for certain relatives. A public official who violates the nepotism prohibition commits an offense involving official misconduct. The offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not less than $100 or more than $1,000.

We don't know what DA Luis Saenz will do int this case, but it is clear that the majority of the board was repulsed by the turn of events and Peña's apparent callousness toward her daughter-in-law's wish to teach BISD students in her expertise. In a sense it is a very political and moral statement of her human values. 

The meeting is at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in the BISD board room at 1900 Price Road.


Anonymous said...

Juan, we will all be waiting for your report on the final decision by the board, since the public is kept out of the loop from actions that occur in executive session. They come out and just vote to "as discussed during executive session" and who knows what was discussed. I can bet that at this executive session MInnie-not-so-minnie will certainly not be eating up all the food provided for them. It is a shame that we are not told what actually happened for they consider it personnel matters. She also has to be kept from spying around in all the campus and making teachers and staff uneasy when she shows up uninvited and making a fool out of herself with her stupid smile.
Minnie, you can not lie your way out of this one porque te va a castigar Diosito, y tu Papa te enseno a ser una mujer buena. Buena para que?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

There is NO accountability in Brownsville.


Anonymous said...

Juan she needs to be removed from the board immediately.

Anonymous said...

Juan, it was part of the procedure when applying for a job with BISD for the applicant to complete a Nepotism form indicating if she or he was related to a School Board Member. If so, the Administrator for Human Services would inform the School Board Member of the individual being recommended to the Board for hiring. In such case, the School Board Member would abstain from voting avoiding a nepotism situation.


(1) Is such procedure still in placing for hiring personnel for BISD?
(2) If so, did the Administrator for Human Services advice the Board Member of the recommendation of an individual who she might be related?
(3) Did the Board Member knowing of the recommendation still voted for the individual regardless of the nepotism situation?

Anonymous said...

OK, so a bunch of BISD trustee crooks are ganging up on another BISD trustee crook to get rid of her. Agree, she violated law, but that is some common here it makes me wonder why they get all law abiding now. They only go after one of their own when it brings to much negative focus on them. Erasmo and his penchant for wanting to hang out with younger boys and drink to much. Now a woman, whose DIL ate her husband's gun. The law doesn't matter, unless somebody gets caught and shines the spotlight on them all.

Anonymous said...

Texas governor signs new GOP voting restrictions into law
Thank the democrats los sucios lucios

Anonymous said...

El muerto al pozo, y el vivo al gozo.

Anonymous said...

Why do we have these problems?
1- It's Trump's fault
2- It's climate change
3- it's racism
4- All of the above

Anonymous said...

Biden heckled in NJ while touring damage caused by Hurricane Ida

Racist republicans continue to show their stupidity after the parade they all ran to the nearest SNAP benefits, to pick up their free food credit carts.

Bring them down here there are 1000's of dumpsters but they have to clear it with el pendejo hillbilly coco wanna be white director

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BISD is a cesspool of corruption. Human Resources Admin, Carmelita Elvis Rodriguez too rose to the top by Board favor. An Elementary Principal straight to HR Administrator and AA. Once Carmelita was there it was open door for Dora Sauceda to move in again, to give the Ayala Daughters Principal jobs, reward Carmelita bff's with HR specialist positions, approve FMLA for drunks and hire the sons and daughters of Admins with no certificates. Sylvia Atkinson did the same and now in federal prison and not once has Dr. Prisci made a comment on that behavior. Dr. Prisci calls Sylvia every weekend. All in all BISD is the lowest District in morale.

Anonymous said...

So, in essence, Sylvia is running the school board from behind her closed doors? Te digo, todos se tapan con la misma colcha!

Anonymous said...

Time to go you've done enough harm to the district your family and the children GO LEAVE RESIGN IDIOTA

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

pinche vieja bruja payasa
