Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Has the Brownsville Police Department become a tinder box ready to explode due to what many officers consider mismanagement of personnel that has created a situation where mandatory overtime is being used as a technique to address the administration's short comings?

The floundering of the top administrators – namely Chief Felix Sauceda and Commander William Dietrich – has resulted in the de facto policy of using overtime to cover up their deficiencies. As a result, many say that officers are exhausted, morale has suffered to the point where they have grown frustrated to the point that they are frustrated and have lost respect for the chief and work for him only grudgingly.

On August 27, for example, seven officers called in sick in the 3 p.m. shift alone and the result has been that Sauced has allowed that overtime be imposed on every shift due to the mismanagement of personnel. There have been "special assignments" apparently based on personal favoritism and assignment of officers to "impact teams" that have proven ineffective that has sen morale plummet due to a disruption due to ineffective manpower policies, or as they call it "staffing" in the shift roster.

Dietrich, for example, has ordered his supervisors to allow mandatory workout sessions on duty and officers are instructed to generate calls for service (patrol bys) in order to create more data/numbers to justify productivity.  

Sick leave has skyrocketed and Sauceda has been heard to describe it as abuse with Dietrich generating emails threatening to put officers on a"unique" eight-hour shift in the evenings and either Monday/Tuesday or Wednesday/Thursday off. 

This, according to some local attorneys, is based on a personal interpretation and smacks of disciplinary actions and retaliation. Already, there is growing rebellion – especially among senior ones – who have considered the filing of grievances or even lawsuits if they are forced to serve on these so-called is "unique" shifts. 

The younger officers have been turning to sick leave as a way to avoid these forced measures and there appears to be a growing number of them waiting to apply for federal positions in October when the federal government starts its mass employment cycle at the end of the year.

Twelve to 15 officers are scheduled to retire at the end of this year and are apprehensive as City Manager Noel Bernal continues to push for contract negotiations that call for greatly reduced benefits like the elimination of medical insurance for retirees.

So where is the accountability often voiced by Bernal and our city leaders? Clearly, it is a misuse of funds for Sauceda to impose special assignments, impact teams and mandatory workouts that result in mandatory overtime when there is no need and blaming it on the abuse of sick leave by officers. Has everyone forgotten that we are in a pandemic? Does social distancing and  the perseverance of essential workers mean anything to Sauced and his cadre?

Members of the Texas Municipal Police Association have already started filing grievances for the mandatory overtime as a result of the mandatory overtime they say is a violation of the Federal Labor Standards Act. Sauceda has placed officers of the local Brownsville Police Officers Association (BPOA) in cushy positions and will likely not rock the boat to keep them. But as contract negotiations approach, retirees will flood union meetings to protect the benefits they have earned from their years of honorable service.

And there is widespread talk that Sauceda is looking for a way out by applying for state positions, partly due to the case of the female prisoner who died in police custody. Will Sauced throw Chief James Paschal under the bus since he oversees jail division? Or will it be the sergeant of the jail division or even the patrol lieutenant or patrol sergeant on duty when it happened? Or perhaps even the patrol officer who conducted the arrest? Or how about the understaffed detention officers. One thing is for sure, Sauceda will not allow the buck to stop with him.

Does he forget that it is him who will not authorize overtime for them and that only two officers are assigned to the jail for the afternoon and graveyard shifts? The lawsuit looms as a credible blotch on his resume and it may depend on how aggressive the opposing attorney is to determine how many zeroes are placed in an eventual settlement form the victim's family.

Those who have helped him navigate the shoals of city politics and worming his way to the top administrative position have been badly repaid by the chief, including retired Lt. Maldonado who facilitated Sauceda attending college classes when he was a motorcycle officer by moving him to patrol even though the senior officer was getting ready to retire. 

The same happened to well-known Lt. Martinez, who basically hand-led the chief to graduate and attain his Master's degree. Martinez was Investigative Services sergeant at the time and was also shunted to patrol to remove him as a threat since both possessed the same credentials. That kind of treatment led one commander –  Serrata – to abruptly retire and a limited number of officers are willing to join his executive team.

If Sauceda leaves the department, Dietrich will not be capable of leading it, opening the way for Bernal to continue bringing in his pals from the outside who will do his bidding and continue to erode the morale and retirement benefits the hand-working police officers have earned in their service to the city. Will the city commission step to the plate and straighten out the mess at the BPD? 

(More reports to follow.)


Anonymous said...

Exhausted, low moral? What they want? I'd be thrill to have a driving around job and have as many hours of over time as I want at any time!

pinches prima donnas (if its true)....

Anonymous said...

Brownsville cops are the worst in RGV, less educated and about as hard-working as the sloth. Puro escrape!

How many are on food stamps? You'd be surprised.


Anonymous said...

Jim "Manteca" Barton posted a photo showing his old age (76) and then took it down. Why?

Is the old coot of local blogging afraid to say he's nearing the end of the road? Vanity perhaps? He looks like a medium-done flour tortilla, ese guey!!!

Anonymous said...

Too many fat cops in town!

esas tortillas, ama!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do away with the 3 days off

Anonymous said...

Ragging on the city manager is dumb, Montoya.

He IS the city manager and has been given the discretion to administrate. Why is it so hard for you to grasp that? Drinking again?

Former RGV LEO said...

I thought the CCSO was fucked up? Its sad to find out that the Brownsville PD is in array. I guess Felix doesn't know how to administrate? Dietrich should have been indicted years ago! D, you know what you did!

Anonymous said...

Rancho Viejo Law Correspondent:
Take Robert "Waterboy" Tyler to be your chief. Rancho Viejo will gladly let him go. When ever i come home, I get to hear about all the things "Waterboy"does. He no longer posts about his "Coffee with the Chief" anymore. I guess he doesn't want anyone to know that he is getting his training from the residents. I did hear that he was posting on Facebook warning citizens to pick up after their dogs or he was going to go after them. Makes sense. He didn't have the city ready for a real emergency (freeze), but he'll make sure that everybody picks up their dog's shit. Spending resources looking for the culprits? Guess he doesn't know that there are loose dogs and coyotes in the area that could be doing it. Guess you don't need a lot of brains to be the "Waterboy" for our beloved city. Keep looking for dog shit, passing out flashlights and water, Chief. That apparently is all you are good for. Wish Brownsville would take you back, but they apparently learned their lesson. I'll leave one last comment before I leave and come back in a couple months. Waterboy was heard by one of his own police officers commenting "I can't believe I get paid for this". We can't believe it either.

Anonymous said...

9:23 a.m. What is your obsession with Jim? Writing is like thinking. He just puts it on a blog. Thinking is always good. But to answer your question his lawyer told him to take it down. He got ahead of himself on some legal matter. "A fool and his money are soon parted."

Truth Teller

Anonymous said...

Don't feel sorry for some on patrol! there was a wreck on boca chica near the Fred loya building going towards old port Isabel road a few weeks ago.Driving on the opposite side an officer casually cruised by I beeped at him near HEB he lowered his window I said"hey there is a wreck back there" he said he new and that it had been called in and raised his window took a right on the frontage off Boca and took off.He didn't give two shits to render aid or help and the public is suppose to feel sorry for you,do your dam job first.When this cop reads this he knows who he is and he was a veteran.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville cops are a bunch of pussies! They get good pay, 3 days off and they still bitch. I wish we were at that point. I do know that a bunch of them were moved out of their cushy jobs, while still working security at the hospital, but they still complain.
Time to take off your girly panties and get to work for once. I do know of this fat bastard with one crooked eye looking north that talks down to citizens, but no one does anything about him. I guess since his brother is a fat ass Sgt.
All those guys thinking of leaving this year, do yourself a favor and leave now. You are worthless as that mamaLouie.

Anonymous said...

new? must be a teacher from BISD!

Anonymous said...

All you "senior" officer wanting to leave, just go away. Your bitching and complaining about the work hours, the work shifts, my p*&$y hurts, I cant work unless there are 100 officers per shift. Instead of crying on this blog, why not go talk to sauceda in person? Oh I forgot, you rather complain through here, you coward. Grow some balls, ask your wife, she might know where they are. By the way Serrata did retire, but only after getting busted for doing personal work while on company time, that is no lie.

Anonymous said...

Waaaa! Waaaa! Waaaa! Freaking liar. The sky ain't falling. Youre just a lazy piece of shit. Go earn your pay.

Anonymous said...

Someone call my mommy!!! I have to work patrol, even though I don't have 100 people on my shift at the same time.... Only reason you bitch about the shortage is because no one else will take that long 3 minute long report that you have to file all by yourself. You only take 3 reports in a 10 hour shift and you still complain, you lazy bastard! If you can't handle it, go find a job somewhere else, maybe go work at the college like those 2 other losers who retired BPD to only go back to patrol at the college, well that made a lot of sense...... Or, or,,, call Orly, he might need help in making sure that cars are not broken into. From chief to security guard.. See what happens when you only have a GED?

Anonymous said...

Life is what you make of it so suck it up buttercup. Did you expect hugs and kisses when you guys show up to work? If you have low morale then you need to make friends with motivated and positive people.

Anonymous said...

Why do they wear city property to work private jobs isn't that illegal? Some guy at streets department borrowed a 1.99 (cost)sovel, the cops went to his house and got arrested and handcuffed in front of his family and home. So what's the difference? They make very good pay and they use city property to make more??????


Anonymous said...

I think even the chones are city property. I know the socks are.

Anonymous said...

The Valley cops as a whole are morons. Most have only a high school education which means they are literate at the sixth-grade level. Most have no life experience except for the military veterans who generally make good cops. These are stupid people with anger issues. Avoid these idiots at all cost!

Anonymous said...

Stop the practice of using city property to enhance your pockets it is illegal in other parts of this country why not here pinches mamones enough is enough buy your own working clothes pinche gueyes...
and stop giving away motorcycle bikes sell them to build more bike trails pendejos...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fuck the comments these fucking cops wanna talk shit about everyone, they are miserable because why? Secretaries, jailers dispatcher make much less and don’t say shit, Good for Mr Bernal take the benefits the health care !!! Faggots

Anonymous said...

To all those complaining, your wasting your time, just go leave already. You should all be happy you did not wind up with Dale as chief, THAT would have been a joke.. custodian Joe Nieto has more sense than Dale. All those of you that are related to Serrata, your time to shine has come and gone, no more cushy jobs, it's time to actually work! This is so crazy, what's next John Joe is going to handle the fitness training and replace that guy Victoria at the gym?

Anonymous said...

saludos al policía lloron y huevón de la policía de Brownsville desde Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Anonymous said...

Why is Louie Deleon the gate keeper of the police department's camera system? He's assigned to zoom in and listen to officers conversations and report back to the chief.
Louie has access to the officers body cameras and often goes live to see what the officers are doing and saying in real time. Wouldn't doubt if he watches while the officers are in the bathroom.
Louie has 24 hour access to the cameras downtown. He's been known to zoom into the ladies as they walk downtown with these high resolution cameras. This perve with voyeuristic traits has free range on zooming in on tits and ass from his office, cell phone and home. WTF?
Don't forget when this Perve was caught grabbing a girls ass at a bar on Boca Chica. He was handcuffed but was able to talk his way out of it. Anyone else would have gone to jail. Let's not forget he's an alcoholic to the
point his wife posted pictures of him wasted, sitting in a puddle of piss on the bedroom floor in his underwear.
Keep in mind, Perve Boy Louie also has access to the Ring Door Bell system for those residents that signed up for the vigilance program.
City Commissioners need to look into this. Mayor Mendez what the hell is going on at the Brownsville Police Department. Louie uses his access to these systems illegally for personal reasons against another officer and citizen. El Chapo Felix Sauceda knows Louie has no integrity, yet he keeps Louie in this sensitive position to do the dirty work. #worstchiefever

Anonymous said...

Cmdr. Serrata busted for doing personal work on company time? He left with honor and integrity. At least he won't be here when the hammer comes down. You got that wrong dumb ass, that's Mario Aveñdano who works for Dell while on duty with P.D. and Chief Sauceda allows it. Must be nice to make six figures working full-time with Dell and $80,000 as a police officer in a created position as an "Analyst" in a 40 hour week. Two full-time jobs plus overtime. Talk about double dipping.

The only thing the officers are bitching about is there are no officers on the streets. Officers are reassigned to work in dispatch and are still counted as on patrol. Officers reassigned to the airport at the same time counted as an officer on patrol. On paper it looks like there are officers on the streets but they're not.. Doctoring of the records much?

1. Louie DeLeon with no job description, assigned to spy on officers and report to the chief.
2. Nancy Alaniz, Louie's pal, assigned as a party event planner.
3.Mario Aveñdano assigned to manipulate stats.
4. Lt. Carlos Zamorano is a Fitness Coordinator gives him time to get lost and visit Ricardo's daughter.
5. Little boy Watson assigned to the gym.
6. Silva assigned to records.
7. Gunny assigned to the range.
8, 9, 10, the three bike patrol officers, assigned to PR.
11. Those assigned to the BMetro.

Here are 11 of many more officers who otherwise could be utilized on patrol.
Talk about mismanagement. #worstchiefever #totalalignmentNOT

Anonymous said...

WOW I thought Fire was bad but this? The top administrator should be FIRED now. Fiasco city is again in turmoil incompetent administrators making 250k a year from the poorest city in the NATION.


Anonymous said...

This is not the military bola de babosos some of you don't even know what the military IS!!!!

Kiki said...

Why don't they go an protest in front of City Hall like they did the last time the chief R. tried to impose a different schedule?
No wonder I never see PD patrolling the streets, people speeding all the time..

Anonymous said...

September 9, 2021 at 12:26 PM

They are either at a donut shop or working over time at one of he super stores at the mall using city equipment of course...
