Wednesday, September 1, 2021


XII.E.2.a. Discussion and consultation with Counsel concerning possible Resolution to Censure Trustee M. Pena and to issue referral to Cameron County District Attorney. (Board Agenda Request Eddie Garcia-Board Support Dr. Prisci Roca Tipton, Denise Garza, Daniella Lopez Valdez)

XII.E.2.b. Discussion and consultation with Counsel concerning possible Resolution to Censure Trustee M. Pena and to issue trespass notice. (Board Agenda Request Eddie Garcia - Board Support Dr. Prisci Roca Tipton, Denise Garza, Daniella Lopez Valdez)
Agenda of the closed session of the board of the Brownsville Independent School District's regular meeting Sept. 7, 2021 

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Push has come to shove in the case of Brownsville Independent School District board member Minerva Peña as a majority of her colleagues on the board struggle to deal with a possible nepotism violation in the hiring of her daughter-in-law, a teacher.

When the BISD administration learned that a potential criminal nepotism violation had been committed, they gave both Peña and her relative an ultimatum. 

To Peña, resign or remain; to the teacher to resign or be fired. Peña refused to resign denying any knowledge of her daughter-in-law's hiring and the teacher quit her job instead. She was an instructor at Veteran's Memorial and had a Master's in Educational Technology with a Technology Leadership certificate from University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Four days later – and perhaps as a direct result of losing her job compounded by other personal problems – the woman took reportedly her husband's service weapon (U.S. Customs) and killed herself. Later, it was clarified that it was his personal weapon that had been used.

The first item on the agenda, we have to assume, concerns the possible commission of a misdemeanor crime by Peña's possible involvement in the employment of her 27-year-old daughter-in-law by the district or whether she approved payment or compensation by a vote on the board. Nepotism is a misdemeanor under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code. 

The code "prohibits public officials from appointing any individual to a position that is to be directly or indirectly compensated from public funds or fees of office if the individual is related to the public official within the second degree by affinity or within the third degree..."

In Texas, it is illegal for public officials to hire, appoint, or approve payment for certain relatives. A public official who violates the nepotism prohibition commits an offense involving official misconduct. The offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not less than $100 or more than $1,000.

Did a crime occur in this case? 

Apparently, the board could vote to censure Peña's behavior as regards BISD policy and will also refer the case to the Cameron County District Attorney's Office and let him determine whether charges will be filed under the code depending on the evidence they gather in the case.

The other item on the agenda is to issue a trespass notice and prohibit Peña from attending any district function other than to perform her duties as a board member at meetings, and keep her form visiting any campus or district facility without the prior approval of the BISD administration. It was suspected she had violated the district's COVID-19 protocol.

Funeral services for the woman have been scheduled locally.


Jesus said...

Too much corruption

Anonymous said...

Most likely this is something BISD board members do most every day. . . Sylvia Atkinson hiring unqualified Charlie ahead of many other candidates, etc. While this was wrong, unethical, dirty on Minerva's part, this does seem like selective enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Terminate all the relatives of board members hired in the last ten years and suspend the guilty board member.

Anonymous said...

She's a BISD drag, but she's your drag, Montoya.

Own her.

Anonymous said...

So Castro is behind this loss of a very qualified and worthy hire?

Anonymous said...

El Erasmo es gay and he should come out since he’s all about transparency. Just sayin…..

GGL said...

does cameron county have a DA?

Anonymous said...

Minerva looks like a Mexican Cabbage Patch doll.

Anonymous said...

que vivan todos los mojados!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't the circus leave sometime ago? I guess not or they forgot to take their clowns.

BISD Ringling Brothers Sisters and Family must be shut down permanantly STOP PAY TAXES TO THIS CIRCUS.

Home learning or private schooling is better than senting the children to get infected at BISD home of the clowns...

Anonymous said...

Republican Gov. Abbott’s Election Year Theatrics Come with Major Consequences

The race for governor is creating big headlines, and an even bigger mess to clean up in its wake.

Vote NO on Abbott!!!

Anonymous said...

To all the commenters above, use comas putos!!! They are free, ojetes!

Anonymous said...

This story is very depressing. This poor young teacher was starting her career, it should have been a time of joy and hope. Instead, she became so distressed with the situation that she took her own life. I personally send prayers and well wishes for her and her family.

I am left with many questions:

1. Did she really commit suicide or was there foul play?

2. Did anyone involved do anything to push her to commit suicide?

3. Did she have previous problems with depression or suicidal ideations?

4. Were there warning signs that should have been acted upon?

Prayers sent and questions unanswered.

Anonymous said...

Let’s see what Luis Saenz will do about this. Oh wait, he swept Sylvia’s corruption under the rug smh!

Anonymous said...

One embarrassment after another. Browntown, you are the shit hole of Texas. Just join Mexico. You are not worthy of being a part of our great State.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans have a real problem with something called the Rule of Law...why is that?!

Anonymous said...

I don't know her but It sad that this young girl had to go thrue this,she was qualified with her masters degree regardless of the nepotism.It probably got unbearable dealing with the family issues.May God bless her soul and I always pray for her and her family may she rest in peace✝️.

Anonymous said...

Hay q volver a Mirar a Dios y a la Santisima Virgen María. Nos hemos soltado de la mano del q todo lo puede. Ya no oramos. Solo diversión y desenfreno

Anonymous said...

Minerva is super hot. I would hit that with the lights on.

Anonymous said...

The govt. Texas govt. law 573 means nothing in Cameron county. Almost all political leaders are related is some respect. Nepotism is what governs Cameron County. Even the Dist. attorney Luis Saenz is a leader in this corrupt set-up. Probably his wife Delia is also employed due to nepotism of some sort. Cameron county sheriff Eric Garza related to Aurora de la Garza? Check the Lucio's and the list just continues

Anonymous said...

To the DA of cameron county: go after government corruption its important NOT JUST THE DRUNK DRIVERS. You are just feeding your attorney friends NOTHING ELSE.

Anonymous said...

This things is so sad on so many levels. But two questions come to my mind.

1. Why would a young woman with her life ahead of her, eat her husband's gun over this? Plenty of local schools in which to teach. Are we certain it was a suicide?

2. In the Obit, why is her Mother-in-Law listed before her own mother? I have never seen that before.

The biggest question is why do voters continue to elect crooks, who will exploit every opportunity they can to benefit themselves, their family and friends. Maybe it is just the Mexican way, but that is no excuse.

Thankfully we have a "rootin, tootin straight shootin" DA to sort this all out.....NOT!

Anonymous said...

Do you have evidence to what you are saying? Otherwise a lawsuit can ensue. Pero que te pueden quitar si ni compasion tienes. Just let her rest in peace and respect her parents and siblings by not posting this trash.

Anonymous said...

Older people, with experience, should not hurt young people.

This is the real crime.

Region One and TEA should do something to stop this type of incident from taking place again.

Young professionals need guidance.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo is not behind anything. Minerva and Linda stop trying to detract attention from you have caused.
Its about time they shut Minerva's big mouth up. Bible thumping bigots. YOU and everyone from the Superintendent on down are to blame.

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena has been elected as school board member since 2008

2008, 2012, 2016, 2020.

She is a member of the Board Committee SAFETY/MENTAL HEALTH.

Anonymous said...

While I didn't agree with Minerva on some issues or endorse her in any way I believe they (you know who you are) got their wish granted to remove her at any cost and this beautiful Soul Samantha Pena paid the price. This nepotism is not an isolated case, it's been happening for years but many in the higher positions turned a blind eye when it involves their clique or relatives.

Anonymous said...

Ironic how they will get rid of Minerva because of nepotism yet they get a free pass for doing the same.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for providing the obituary on Samantha, since the Herald did not see it fit to run such story. Who wrote it, since Minerva placed herself first on the list of survivors. Shouldn't her parents come first. If Minerva loved her so much, she would have stepped down from the board, but, oh, no! That would mean a loss of power she wants so badly. I hope the DA comes through for us this time and not seal anything like he did with Atkinson and Escobedo and Capistran. And what about the Stell counselor? Hush, hush is the name of the game at BISD. Why did the HR dept not determine that she was ineligble to be hired before they turned her name into the board. And please don't tell me Minnie did not know she was on that list! Come on Prisci, get the team to work together and get her out of the schools where she always hangs around looking for food and to be fed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not surprised, suicidal tendencies are common in this family

Anonymous said...

What does Drue Brown have to say about this. She knows exactly how it happens behind closed doors and double talks her way, making believe she knows what she is doing and nobody can tell her any thing different. She is a two-faced daughter of a gun!

Anonymous said...

The BISD Board is targeting Pena at all costs. Sad but very evil behavior. A teacher's life was lost and BISD does not care. This is horrible. Pena is no angel, she hides behind the bible but the actions of HR with the BISD teacher is targeting. HR kept a drunk employee under protection for years, affairs under cover, employee criminal records, so much garbage. Dr. Prisci Tipton used Sylvia Atkinson money to get in. Otis Powers had all of his family as Administrators. Pena has every right to sue BISD and the teachers family also needs to sue.

Anonymous said...

Are Erasmo and Minerva BFF’S?

Anonymous said...

I am coming from the future....nothing will be done to Minerva. Minerva knows how to save herself.

She could not save her daughter-in-law.
She could not help her get into BISD when the girl was single and not married to her son. A perfect mother-in-law.

Anonymous said...

Carmelita Rodriguez HR administrator should have not made the recommendation for employment. CR is responsible.

Anonymous said...

All suicides are investigated as homicides until the evidence shows different.

Anonymous said...

Viva Abbott! Biden must go!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

September 2, 2021 at 8:28 PM

It is the duty of MEN to support and help women in their hour of need.

Thank you Juan for letting your readers know about this situation.

Most people want this to be hush-hushed.

Juan, you have gotten very strong negative comments and yet you continue informing people. This is the mark of a true and honest journalist.

Anonymous said...

If the district wants to end nepotism, start by looking at the Atkinson clan. Trace their hires and movements through the district.

Anonymous said...

Two down, Drue to go.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia somebody is going to move in with you soon very sooooooon....

Anonymous said...

viva biden. abbott must go.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Minerva Pena fan, but all you board members have at one time done something to benefit yourselves or your families while representing BISD. Voting for family members choice of bank, getting loans from a bank after voting for them into the district, choosing vendors after they donated to your campaign, trying to get the college BISD contracts while you worked for the college, choosing to vote in an attorney after he donated money into your campaign. If Minerva is guilty of something, let it come out, but all of you remember: Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?( Minerva might have a log, as well)

Anonymous said...

The worst nepotism was when Ruben Cortez was on the board and his wife got hired as principal.

Jerry said...

Mrs. Pena is just like her cousin conrado Cantu she deserves some jail time

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Former RGV LEO said...

Did bisd ever charge the pedophile loving bitch of that money from the recount? This bitch thinks that because she is retired DPS, sad that she can do anything she wants? The corruption continues in bisd, which is a way of life!

Anonymous said...

at 9:49 I agree with you. We should also mention that it's not only board members, some employees in higher positions are doing the same.

Employees know it happens all the time but are too afraid to speak up for fear of retaliation or losing their job. See how easy if was to get rid of Samantha Pena.

If the cause was nepotism they should of not let them (Minerva & daughter-in-law ) battle it off to see who would leave.

Isn't the Super going to do anything about the ruthless way it was handle. Mr. Super, may people on these blog have expressed what is happening. Or you gonna turn a blind eye to check it out to see if its true. Those in HR and there are many in that dept should have been investigated. Someone is getting a hefty check and not doing their job. Anyone else would have been transferred to Food Services or Transportation.

Someone mentioned there are relatives of people in HR being hired without a degree. Is it true? Will there be an investigation on that. If it's true how does HR hire someone not qualified for the job.

So much for those training they give teachers at the beginning of the year about bullying, quip pro quo, empathy etc. Are people in higher positions exempted from all this laws and rules?

If any other employee did the same whether board member or not and it happened years ago do they get a free pass or will they be given the same treatment like Minerva.

People, do not let this beautiful soul die in vain. Keep this topic going until something is done. Let's continue to bring awareness of all the shenanigans (chingaderas) going on. Make them resign not assign them to a better job at the glass palace.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:00 a.m. FYI
These "flojos" work on a 9 month salary that is devided into 12 months. By the time those 3 months that you are referencing come around "los mamones" have earned their pay. If being an educator is so easy why don't you become one? Could it be that you can' make it? I am sure that you would love a job where you do nothing. Not all educators are evil or lazy but what would you know?

Anonymous said...

September 4, 2021 at 4:26 PM

Yea yea, its in the contract, 9 months is 9 months and that's why YOU went to teach. You are the flojo NO BODY BUT NO BODY WORKS 9 MONTS IN THIS WORLD ONLY LOS MAMONES Y AHORRA LOS FLOJOS. Pura pinche raqueta keep voting republican they love meskins... hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

The so call college here gives out education degrees with the lottery pendejo
no rocket science, moron.

Teacher? Learn to read and comprehend

Maybe you can mentally grasp the comment you are referring to.

As a teacher (if you are one) you are out of your league go back to kinder.

Anonymous said...

Beginning to sound like the teachers alway bitching what more they want FOUR MONTHS VACATION WITH PAY?

Anonymous said...

September 4, 2021 at 4:26 PM

Crooks, perverts and other workers for BISD keep getting indicted, that says a lot. Porque son flojos mamones y coruptos what more do you people want? You only work NINE (9) months and get paid 3 months for NOHING!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now selling at all local restaurants A Minerva/Sylvia Dinner. Same as chicharrones en salsa with a jalapeno on the side...

Anonymous said...

@September 3, 2021 at 9:49 PM ,September 4, 2021 at 3:37 PM

Adding to your comments I am hoping, after all of these fiascos, that the whole board, glass palace and administration learn to behave themselves. Start voting to benefit the district, not your families, special interests or hidden agendas. You are on the spotlight. Past board members take notice , as well. Did your family members advance with your pull?

Anonymous said...

@ 9:00 a.m. & 1:53 p.m
Yours is an asinine way of thinking. Bro, you need therapy it might be to late but you could give it a try. It could help get you out of that pitiful corner you live in. O quien sabe de repente te hases el tarado para tragar apunos. Que triste. Over and out.

Anonymous said...

Send her to prison now and save tax payers monies...adios maricota
Just say the magic word to the jury "BISD" - GUILTY hasta la vista baby...

Anonymous said...

If you have a 9 month contract to work for a year wages do the hours reflect that or is it swept under the rug? Do you work weekends to make up those hours? How do you make up those 3 months kissing ass? And who gets screwed? the taxpayer of course
smells fishy

9 months divided into 12 months why don't they say the truth why all the secrecy isn't this extra work for the accounting dept or a reason to hire more personnel PUROS PINCHE MAMONES

Anonymous said...

September 6, 2021 at 5:49 PM
September 4, 2021 at 4:26 PM


absurd, balmy, brainless, bubbleheaded, cockeyed, crackpot, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, daft, dippy, dotty, fatuous, featherheaded, fool, foolish, half-baked, half-witted, harebrained, inept, insane, jerky, kooky (also kookie), loony (also looney), lunatic, lunkheaded, mad, nonsensical, nutty, preposterous, sappy, screwball, senseless, silly, simpleminded, stupid, tomfool, unwise, wacky (also whacky), weak-minded, witless, zany

Sounds more like you're describing BISD employees that only work 9 months a year, like yourself, y si, comes a punos por tres meses GRATIS HUEVON

Anonymous said...

Time to leave vieja panzona de BISD the clown factory


Anonymous said...

La vieja panzona needs to go NOW el enano tambien


Anonymous said...

September 7, 2021 at 8:30 AM

I am not sure, but this is done so that teachers have money to survive during the months they do not work.

Some teachers have two jobs. Others work during the summer: summer school.
Others work in restaurants, stores, etc.

Teachers earn low wages. Music teachers, give private piano lessons etc.
