Thursday, October 21, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The City of Brownsville City Manager Noel Bernal – who unceremoniously removed Municipal Presiding Judge Bobby Lerma and replaced him with former city attorney Rene De Coss – has succeeded in manipulating the city commission to appoint his pal as interim city attorney Victor Flores and now as the permanent counsel to the commission.

Under the city charter, Bernal appoints municipal judges and the city commission decides who will be the city attorney. 

Flores was brought on board by Bernal from Edinburg after he apparently cut a deal with De Coss  by moving him to the judge's position and having Flores slide into the city attorneys position as interim pending an applicant search.

Somehow, only one attorney – Flores – applied at the end of the month-long application period.

The process, apparently, was given lip service, and Flores stays as city attorney. According to the city, only two other people applied. Gary Linan had applied and withdrew and another attorney ended up going to Laredo.

Commissioner Roy de los Santos, the only non-attorney in the three person committee that included Mayor trey Mendez and commissioner Nurtih Galonsky, said the position was posted last August 26 on social media sites like Indeed, TML and LinkedIn, but not in the local newspapers and said the Cameron County Bar Association was not notified of the opening because the city had not used the bar or the newspaper in previous  job announcements for city attorney.

He said he was "shocked at the low number of applicants" and that although the perception among local professionals may be that this administration is locking them out in favor of people from outside the city, he did not share that assessment.

"I would not have hesitated to be the lone vote against making him the city attorney if I had any doubts or reservations still following the process and the interview."

According to a news release from the city, Flores was selected to replace de Coss, who became presiding judge August 2021.

As city attorney, Flores will provide complete legal services to the city commission and to people or entities who may act on the city's behalf as provided by the law.

During the televised city meetings, Flores is for the most time close-lipped and does not venture many comments to the commissioners.

"He's smart not to speak, " said a city commissioner.

Flores practiced law in various municipalities in Texas, including the cities of McAllen, Plano, and Denton.

Which leads to the questions:" Who is really running the city? Is the tail wagging the dog?


Anonymous said...

Bernal is the city manager. He is managing.

Why is that a mystery to you? If you don't like it, move.

If you can't move, lump it.

That's government. Bernal wants his people on the team, not yours.

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan ask for the last three years of hotel operation taxes (HOT Funds) distributions? What organizations over the past three years were given these funds? And how did they use them?

Who used them for personnel? Who used them to fund their friends projects/businesses?

I bet those emails are getting interesting or shall we say HOT.

Abuse. Conflicts of Interest. Ben was crazy-but a great watch-dog, so it is going to a feast to those who don't like following the rules.

Anonymous said...

Who is running city hall? one controlling commissioner

Anonymous said...

Juan we all know its MINI Bernal calling the shots at city hall, maybe we should just change the city name from Brownsville to Bernalsville? HUH?

Anonymous said...

Hay que Cabrones vez porque no me gustan políticos

- El Solitario


Anonymous said...

How ironic that Bernal pushed to screw employees retirement health insurance benefits to save funds but fails to control he's own department budget by allowing his assistant city manager James Walker to drive a city unit and getting a car allowance at the same time. This is consider fraud as you can't double dip at taxpayers expense. The commission should hold both bozos accountable for committing fraud. By the way, it's a $560 monthly car allowance thanks to the taxpayers. Hope commissioner De Los Santos will stand up and stop this blunt abuse.

Anonymous said...

Yup Bernal stealing from. The citizens of Brownsville and getting all his friends in on it so they don't Rat him out!

Anonymous said...

Yup Bernal already has A Pu**y as a Police Chief...

Anonymous said...

Yup so true the Police Chief Felix Sauceda will drop his pants and bend over as soon as his Big Daddy Bernal walks into the room.

Anonymous said...

City employees are in trouble, for one, you have the Mayor who is only there to get himself and friends rich at taxpayers expense and half of the commission doing their best to continue messing with benefits and of course,Their mastermind Bernal who does he's best to do away with employees benefits but does not have the courage to touch the unionized employees. The Mayor and half of the commissioners don't give a dam as long as they are allowed to continue not paying property taxes on their so called " Historical designation homes" so much for "Total Alignment " actions speak by themselves.

Anonymous said...

October 21, 2021 at 7:31 AM

Pinche lambison c*&%& sucker so now you qualify for a pay hike of .50 centavos lambiscon...

Anonymous said...

Ask el lambiscon at October 21, 2021 at 7:31 AM

Anonymous said...

Thats why they found a reason to fire the old municipal court director Mike sanchez so they could accommodate de cos and his secretarys, just like they accommodated his sister constanza miner. Instead of firing her they made up a position and moved her over as a favor to de cos. Compadrisimo continues.

Anonymous said...

If, the other applicants withdrew, wouldn’t it be common sense to wait a bit longer and leave the position open so that I other applicants apply????? Ooooops, I used the words, “common sense”. My bad. I forgot people in Browntown get hired by default not merit.

Anonymous said...

blog-squatter noun a person who, without invitation, makes irrelevant, incongruous comments on a blog, a crasher, span. pendejo in some cultures, an impotent

Anonymous said...

Juan, what city employee gets dismissed "ceremoniously?

la cagas.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:58 am dumbass blog-squatter. Go back to bed with your dad. You are always invited.

Anonymous said...

Lol. To whom commented on the “blog squatter”. Who invited you personally? The fact that comment is allowed is an invite. Otherwise, comment wouldn’t be allowed. A alguien le caló algo. Pero cómo dicen, “if the shoe fits, wear it”.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 10:21, It sounds just like what Judge Trevino did screwed all county employees of getting free insurance that was free to them since forever TO SAVE MONEY lol YET THEY GOT A PHAT RAISE.... UNBELEIVABLE.....

Anonymous said...

these dudes look like maricones who poke each other's buttholes then give each other monies. Prove me wrong. Is this a gay cartel money hustle?

Anonymous said...

October 22, 2021 at 8:33 PM

Don't insult the gay community by including these rats with them. Include them with the heterosexual rats that they are. Why so homophobic?

Anonymous said...

gay community? Where? Most elected officials look, walk and sound like maricones, Fagots quit voting for fagots. Now we know where the dam problem is at! Maricones voting for maricones

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal allows corruption,Bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace..A perfect example is the Brownsville Police Department and the way El Rata Bernal has allowed his lover Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal to allow this inside the Department and just looks the other way if he gets any complaints...Terrible City Manager...

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal allows corruption,Bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace..A perfect example is the Brownsville Police Department and the way El Rata Bernal has allowed his lover Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal to allow this inside the Department and just looks the other way if he gets any complaints...Terrible City Manager...
