Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Wednesday, at the Brownsville Independent School District trustees special meeting, a majority of the board voted for a resolution that prohibits long-time board member Minerva Peña from entering district facilities and property as a result of her indictment on one charge of nepotism where she is charged with voting to hire her late daughter-in-law.

The vote was 6-0-1 with Peña abstaining. It came after a 2 1/2-hour closed-door executive session.The prohibition means that Peña is banned

 from all BISD property and facilities except for board meetings and training.

The 12-year school board veteran has denied she had anything with the hiring of her daughter-in-law to a position at VMECHS and has told The Brownsville Herald it never happened.

In August the BISD Board of Trustees referred the matter to Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz.. However, BISD sources say that the district administration had given her and her daughter-in-law the option of resigning or being fired. The woman resigned and Peña remained on the board. 

About four days after she left the district, her daughter-in-law reportedly committed suicide with her husband's handgun.Her attorney – and former BISD trustee – Rick Zayas told news broadcasters late Friday that Peña is accused of violating Section 573.041 of the Texas Government Code between June 8, 2021, and Aug. 6, 2021.

The law states that a public official may not “appoint, confirm the appointment of, or vote for the appointment or confirmation of the appointment of an individual to a position that is to be directly or indirectly compensated from public funds or fees” if that person is related to the public official.

He denied she had acted illegally.

“Minerva Peña did not ‘appoint, confirm the appointment of, or vote for the appointment or confirmation of the appointment of an individual to a position that is to be directly or indirectly compensated from public funds or fees,’” Zayas said


Anonymous said...

That's so mean from the board members to do.

Anonymous said...

Which board member referred to the DA?

The instigator should feel real good about the repercussions from this vendetta

Anonymous said...

Zayas dumbass.
You say she is accused of breaking the gov rule. And she did break the law. And you say, she didn't act illegally. Maybe she acted selfishly or stupid dumbass.
Zayas do you still have your vending machine in the courthouse and jail?

Anonymous said...

So did little Minerva pick zayas as her atty because his wife works for the DA OFFICE.

Anonymous said...

it's time for TEA to just come....

Unknown said...

Fuck this bitch

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough with his b**** all she does is talk talk talk f***** her

Anonymous said...

Dearly departed: McAllen airport opens ofrenda exhibit for Dia de los Muertos

Y aqui que? idiot airport director making 200k a year DOES NOTHING
and no cheetos in vending machine

Anonymous said...

What a horrible looking woman. Hideous

Anonymous said...

Yes, The Bitch is UGLY. Nice costume

Anonymous said...

They should have included all the restaurants in the RGV

Anonymous said...

None of this ever happened.

The wife of Minerva's son is alive. She is working as a teacher.

The son loves his wife.

The mother-in-law is a decent lady that serves the children of Brownsville.

You all have been lied by others. I believe Minerva.

Anonymous said...

Because Minerva is Selfish and she thinks she's almighty.. at the end of the day when she was told to resign from Board member for her daughter in law to keep her job she refused. the daughter in law committed SUICED!!
How can Minerva live with that...

Anonymous said...

Minerva is a self serving, conniving excuse for a human being. Every bad thing she has done to others is and will be coming right back at her.
The district has lost all focus because Minerva demands attention. BISD board members are consuming all their energy on hurting one another and their self-serving projects. They need to regroup and focus on what's really important and do something good for the students, families and employees. The best and first thing BISD should do, is to FIRE the illiterate superintendent. Next is revamp the upper echelon. They are the root cause of this district's demise. If anyone thinks that the Atkinson's thievery and manipulation of BISD's monetary resources ended with Sylvia going to prison, they are absolutely mistaken. It's no coincidence that Mary Tolman's name came up in the fertilizer scandal. The fact that the people involved had total disregard for the well being of the citizens and above all the students is nauseating. Just when we thought things couldn't get any worse, this was discovered. What other despicable activities are occurring that we don't know about, yet. Special Services director Adriana Lippa has a deep connection to Sylvia Atkinson and Minerva Pena. Special ed. is the biggest generator of Federal funds. It's known throughout the district that she is there to do the thieve's bidding. She spends most of her day cackling at the main office hoping for a promotion when she can't even do the job she's assigned to. The CFO Bobby Cano is known to have a connection with Sylvia Atkinson and has control of those federal funds that the administration salivates over. The almighty Behavior specialists have been abusing the system for many years and still are. The director is aware that they spend most of the working day at their homes and looks the other way. The parent center employees don't even work with parents and spend their time piddling around the office, stroking Lippa's ego. One so called Specialist can't read or write and is raking in an administrator's salary. He's known as the biggest kiss ass at Special services. He will do Anything to deflect attention from the fact that he's being overpaid. Students are not being tested according to federal guidelines. Special ed teachers don't receive appropriate training (Look at what happened at Rivera Early College High School). The custodian spends her days selling health and beauty products that she gets free at CVS. Special services is a filthy cesspool that needs to be exterminated of both human and animal varmints. Compadrismo runs rampant at Food service. Who is actually running Food Service? Students are served rotten milk and slop most everyday. The acceleration program is not teaching kids anything. They go there to do their homework while teachers work on their paperwork. The online teaching has turned out to be a debacle. Teachers are dying while working on campus at an alarming rate. Teachers and administrators go to work inebriated, reeking of alcohol. Random drug and alcohol tests should be given to teachers and administrators. Our kids deserve better. And the list goes on and on. BISD's motto should be "IT'S NOT ABOUT CHILDREN".

Anonymous said...

If she can live with looking at herself in the mirror she can live with a anything.

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena you need a outside attorney from Houston haha Balthazar Salazar

Anonymous said...

So why waste all the time and money if all she got was the same slap in the hand that had already happened - stay away from campus or all activities.
Does that mean staying away from Rose longoria and Mary Solis? Minerva gives them order thinking she is still the Porter Belle captain when all of them were at Porter.

Now you are making a mockery of the daughter-in-laws suicide by claiming she is alive and well. Respect that young lady for having the courage to fix the situation between the Pena family.

And Minerva, how will you explain this when you go to heaven and meet the almighty you rely on? Luis Saenz will not be a district attorney up there!!

Anonymous said...

So here's a thought D.A Saenz how bout Abel promoting a patrol deputy to corporal yet his brother still works there to. He will b his brothers supervisor is that not nepotism?? Lol Abel ur so dumb can someone tell me other wise

Anonymous said...

So, why didn't Linda Salazar get arrested for having her half sister working for her? Why didn't Gus and Javier Reyna get arrested while working at the Cameron County Sheriff's Office? They were both administrators even had offices next to each other. Also hired family members; son, daughter, sister-in-law, etc. Is the DA related to Linda Salazar and the Reynas?

Anonymous said...

October 28, 2021 at 11:57 PM

BISD = BROTHERS INFANTS SISTERS DAUGHTERS simple, home of las ratas, lambiscones y familia of course.

Anonymous said...

A genealogy family tree needs to be looked at, so the voters can FINALLY vote all family member with their elected officials out of office ONCE AND FOR ALL.


Anonymous said...

IF Ms Pena called district personnel to hire her daughter in law, someone at BISD had to sign the documents for recommendation to hire. THAT someone violated policy---

So IF Ms. Pena broke the law (as everyone is suggesting) the one that ignored the law and recommended the applicant ALSO violated the law.

Is law enforcement ALSO going after THAT person who KNOWINGLY broke the law? or nah...we just want to hate Ms Pena cuz she's annoying?

Look at the WHOLE picture people.

Who signed the documents people?

Anonymous said...

My, my, my….amazing how some people out there have learned how to spread false narratives. Bottom line is…NEPOTISM, CRONYISM, and COMPADRISMO are alive and well in CAMERON County and Brownsville. The problem is that these beautiful principles are thriving uncontrollably.

Anonymous said...

Juanito the numbers keep piling up of employees and elected officials of BISD, Cameron County and looks like some city employees might join the list as well, ALL RATAS. No investigations are need here, these ratas are so greedy that their own buddies are whistle blowing on them.

Anonymous said...

"It never happened" those are Minerva's words.

Her lawyer also confirms this.

So, nothing ever happened. To her and her lawyer: nothing happened.

The young teacher was not supported by her loved ones...but probably this "never happened" either.

Get upset at the message and the messenger.

Anonymous said...

A FAT, UGLY, TRAGONA, MENTIROSA Y RATA what more do you want. She's got all the qualification to be a politician in Brownsville, Texas 78520 specially at BISD.

Anonymous said...

9:34 am dumbass.
The one who signed the document for the hire had no idea it was her daughter in law. The recommendation from the Gorda fea matona pena was to hire her daughter in law. And break the law. Nice try ZAYAS, trying to blame others. Try taking them to court. The finger points back to the killer whale, Pena.

Anonymous said...

Where's mr. Salazar border x attorney he could save her

Former RGV LEO said...

Finally did BISD board members realize that this fugly looking ex-DPS Sgt. is a pedophile loving crook. Who knows what she would do to the students of BISD with that face? She reminds me of the Clinton', who have people around them die suspiciously. Montoya, do us a favor and take that fugly looking picture of this POS off. I just upchucked my lunch looking at it!

Anonymous said...

Rose Longoria still has lunch with Board Member Minerva Pena for making her an high paying Administrator. Yes, Special Services A. Lippa no sale del Supers Office or the Bilingual Department. Why? Does anyone know que onda? Poor jj De Leon, se le fue el novio de maintenance. Now jj wants a sugar daddy que lo mantenga...jajajaja

Anonymous said...

Former RGV LEO, you are a total disgrace to the human race. Guess that is why you are a FORMER Law Enforcement Officer. Is it possible you were let go because of your your ugliness!
