Wednesday, October 27, 2021


VII.A.2. Receive report from Internal Auditor and discussion with legal counsel concerning ongoing audit of District’s Maintenance Department practices and expenditures and personnel matters relating thereto. Item on agenda of tonight's meeting of the board of the Brownsville Independent School District.

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

BabacoaGate, three suicides, $1.2 million dollar scoreboards, a trustee that is sent off to federal prison for taking bribes, and lately, a trustee charged with violating the district's nepotism law to get her daughter-in law hired that resulted in the 27-year-old teacher's death.

Now, another scandal is taking root under the watch of the current board of the Brownsville Independent School District.
As we have now confirmed, the members board of the BISD will receive the results of an internal audit where two Maintenance Department administrators formed a company that sold fertilizer that proved worthless to the district and resulted in citations for dumping hazardous wastes. 

Although the member got an update on the audit report, they said that the audit has not been completely finished and would not release details until they approve to accept it.

Reports from BISD sources indicate the district was fined when crews dumped the the chemical material behind the district's maintenance yard and in the BISD encampment where faculty and students gather for retreats.

(Correction: Board president Eddie Garcia said informed us that there has been no citation issued against the district for the apparent violation of environmental laws. Instead, it has now been clarified tat someone was to file a complaint. We regret the error.)

No one is saying anything – and no one in the district will confirm – but we understand that the audit, once finished, will show that at least two BISD employees – Maintenance Department Administrator Cesar Gustavo Lopez and Maintenance Dept. Grounds Supervisor Jaime Mata – formed companies to, in effect, sell fertilizer to themselves. Lopez commands a $89,2650 salary and Mata is paid $45,622 a year.

The scheme had been going on for some time, but so far no one is saying how long they had been self-dealing and how the company was able to thwart the vetting process at the Purchasing Department to profit from the scheme. BISD policy forbids district employees from doing business with the district.

(Since we reported this, a commenter has said that BISD administrators have the authority to make purchases up to $50,000 without having to go through the procurement process That policy, said Garcia, is now under review, as well.)

Reports indicate that the men were paid some $45,200 from BISD general fund. Earlier reports that the funds were federal money from COVID funds have been denied.

The men's names appear in two Limited Liability Corporations, Global Earth Products LLC, which was created June 10, 2019, and was voluntarily dissolved June 24, 2021. Juan Mata is named as a managing member as were Inocencio Erik Gonzalez Garza, Juan Name Pineda, Miguel Cardenas and Miguel Cardenas Ramirez. 

The other LLC is Abanti Systems LLC formed June 3, 2016 and is still in existence. It lists Cesar Gustavo Lopez as both member and agent. Juan Name Pineda is also listed as a member as he is listed on the Global Earth LLC. The address listed for the LLC is 2577 Lazy Creek Lane, in Brownsville, the same home address listed for Lopez. The LLC's office is listed as 6933 N. Expressway 77, Apt. C, in Olmito. 

Things began to unravel, according to unconfirmed reports, when the groundskeepers said that the product did not accomplish the results its vendors had promised. When a large amount of the product "spoiled," maintenance crews were sent to dump it at the City of Brownsville landfill where it was turned back because it was considered a hazardous material and did not contain the hazardous chemical information required by federal statutes. Crews then returned and were told to look for some place to dump it.

That, in turn, raised questions of its origin. Was it a recognized U.S. brand, or was it exported from another country, like Mexico? That is also under investigation by the internal auditor, Garcia said.

After the maintenance crews searched for a location to dump the fertilizer without success, they struck on the idea of dumping huge quantities of the chemicals on the grounds of the BISD Outdoor Encampment located off FM 1421 (Barreda Gardens). Another large batch was simply dumped on maintenance grounds behind the BISD main office. It's still there. (See graphic above.)

A staffer at the Cameron County District Attorney's Office could only confirm that investigators have been in touch with BISD administrators on the case and that an investigation is under way.

"This smells like the BarbacoaGate scandal all over again," said a former BISD board member. "They never learn."


Anonymous said...

This is the difference between public schools education(porter)-vs- private school (st Joe)
Cabrones, aprende bbbien. Dumbass.
Go work for the city of Brownsville y nada te pasa. They will even give you the money to buy the fertilizer. A weeee weeeee. Helen Ramirez is free and cheap.

Anonymous said...

Cesar Lopez Administrator for Maintenance had everyone fooled. He fooled the Deputy and Superintendent with his fancy suits and Federal Programs Mary Tolman approved all of it. Cesar Lopez was always showing off his suits and over the top cologne from Dillards. Word was that BISD Secretary JJ De Leon was his sneaky link. JJ De Leon is running scared. Smells like a Atkinson-Tolman scam company with another crooked BISD employee.

Anonymous said...

Things you must know about Cesar Lopez:
1.He is Tranza,
2.He has many other LLCs, like TraiTor Mendez,
3.Disinfecting Care LLC one of many and this is Disinfecting Care is still an active LLC.
4. Home many more 50,000 discretionary purchases did Cesar and Jaime did where they acquired federal funds or general funds (which one shouldn't transfer but some BISD Administrators do it anyway)
4. When you purchase any item (from pens to Chairs) these purchases require up to fifteen signatures (including the Deputy Superintendents and the Super)!!
5. Cesar and Jaime wanted to hire their own Disinfecting Care LLC company but the company had or has employees that are felons and or not certified therefore the company could not be hired as per the Fire Marshal??????
A cesspool of a place at Taxpayers expense?

Anonymous said...

Things you must know about Cesar Lopez:
1.He is Tranza,
2.He has many other LLCs, like TraiTor Mendez,
3.Disinfecting Care LLC one of many and this is Disinfecting Care is still an active LLC.
4. How many more 50,000 discretionary purchases did Cesar and Jaime did where they acquired federal funds or general funds (which one shouldn't transfer but some BISD Administrators do it anyway)
4. When you purchase any item (from pens to Chairs) these purchases require up to fifteen signatures (including the Deputy Superintendents and the Super)!!
5. Cesar and Jaime wanted to hire their own Disinfecting Care LLC company but the company had or has employees that are felons and or not certified therefore the company could not be hired as per the Fire Marshal??????
A cesspool of a place at Taxpayers expense?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the maintenance coordinator Jerry Martinez he had part of this deal he was giving directives to the workers where to go dump this material.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bunch of shit to me.

Anonymous said...

All the viejitas in Brownsville were saved....they always buy "embono" for their plants from trucks that go by around the neighborhoods. This "embono" has snakes, etc

Anonymous said...

Cesar lopez the exboard president?
Please clarify or confirm

Anonymous said...

Againnnnnn? BI SD needs to be taken over by SBOE. Afuera las ratas. Ya hay suficientes en las cocinas.

Anonymous said...

They need to clean house at the maintenance department from the top that includes Cesar Lopez Jaime Mata Jerry Martinez Conrad Pena former city of Brownsville inspector that was hired to be a supervisor corruption to the tops doctor Cantu wake up you're not a leader you are a follower they make you look like a big fool

Anonymous said...

WOW corruption all around in this town WHAT IS GOING ON are there no jobs here, the gringos have been gone but they kept their ways and taught the pendejetes how to steal.

Anonymous said...

Juan its very simple, just call TCEQ 1-8888-777-3186 and make a complaint, they will investigate.

Anonymous said...

Crazy. The higher ups are too blame. The Maintenance Administrator reports to the Deputy and CFO and no one caught it?? The problem is that the higher ups quieren puro kiss ass naco Administrators and eating out with them. Maintenance was happy that Lopez was always out at the main building with Deputy. Doc Cantu wake up, dont get fooled again. BISD is tranza and very few actually do their jobs. Maintenence says to stay away from another one too, J.J. De Leon, big tranza and past scandal.

Anonymous said...

To the ANONY asking the questions
"Cesar lopez the exboard president?
Please clarify or confirm" Oct 27, at 06:24 pm


Cesar Lopez RATA 1 described by el rrunrrun
"Maintenance Department Administrator Cesar Gustavo Lopez and Maintenance Dept. Grounds Supervisor Jaime Mata – formed companies to, in effect, sell fertilizer to themselves. Lopez commands an $89,2650 salary and Mata is paid $45,622 a year.

Cesar Lopez RATA2 is described by Brownsville observer

"The "swallowed camel" came in the form of one Cesar Lopez, who was appointed unanimously to fulfill the remaining months of Neece's tenure with the BCIC.

Cesar Lopez is the best this city commission can come up with to replace Ben Neece on the BCIC? Really?

Lopez, first appointed to BISD's procurement department by the late Enrique Escobedo, later served on the Board of Trustees as a board member and president.

His BISD service is marked by scandal, alleged "bid rigging" and self-enrichment from an obvious conflict of interest.

As a BISD board member, Lopez accompanied young procurement officer Silverio Capistran into Mexico to purchase barbacoa from Valco Foods, two separate orders totaling $973,208.

When a scandal arose over much of the barbacoa being rotten, unsuitable for human consumption, young Mr. Capistran committed suicide.

The incident was water off a duck's back to Lopez, who continued to serve on the Board of Trustees without shame.

Yet, the barbacoa scandal was not the only bit of unseemliness touching Cesar Lopez.

In the infamous audiotape, released by former Fire Chief Carlos Elizondo, the tape that recorded former City Commissioner Cesar De Leon using a racial slur, Cesar Lopez is prominently featured.

Former Commissioner De Leon is heard complaining that he was charged $1,500 for campaign signs from Grafik Spot, a political sign company owned by Cesar Lopez.

In the tape former City Commissioner De Leon is adamant that Grafik Spot owner Cesar Lopez promised him $1,500 worth of campaign signs for free.

"I'm not paying the $1,500," De Leon is heard to say.

It's not as if the $1,500 would make or break Cesar Lopez, who reportedly did $1,399,515 worth of business with BISD while serving on the BISD Board of Trustees.

Unfortunately, Cesar Lopez, like the late Joe Rodriguez, used BISD for their personal enrichment.

Another brouhaha involving Cesar Lopez involved Lopez endeavoring to ram approval of Ziwa Contracting past the board in awarding BISD construction contracts, despite FOUR firms having a lower bid.

Cesar Lopez wanted to award $4,050,000 to Ziwa anyway.

Board member Phil Cowen smelled "bid-rigging" and walked out of the vote, as did Sylvia Atkinson, who said she thought there would not be a vote.

Lopez, along with Laura Perez-Reyes and Joe Rodriguez supported the award to Ziwa with Minerva Pena the lone "no" vote.(Only one honest board member?)

One would think with all of this baggage, alleged "bid-rigging" and, at the very least, very poor procurement practices, Cesar Lopez would not be the first name to roll off the tongues of our city commissioners to replace Neece.

Yet, Commissioner Pedro Cardenas nominated Lopez, and the commission, I'm told, voted for him unanimously.

Honestly, the Brownsville City Commission is not qualified to make appointments to any city board."

Anonymous said...

I work for the maintenance department I cannot believe Jerry Martinez backstab Mr Lopez. Wow

Anonymous said...

Corruption at its finest . Why are we not surprised by this atrocity? It is happening all over this city . BISD is nothing but corruption , County is corruption within every department / office , City corruption as much as County last but not least PUB is corruption by robbing the citizens of hard earned money with absurd electric bills . Mister DA start looking into your own county offices more, I am more than sure you will find some questionable activity happening . Citizens need to take action and get these revolting people out of office once and for all.

Anonymous said...

A genealogy family tree needs to be looked at, so the voters can FINALLY vote all family member with their elected officials out of office ONCE AND FOR ALL.


Anonymous said...

WOW nothing is sacred here, from spoil meat to spoil shit. Hang all of them.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Income Self-seving Dishonest.

Anonymous said...

City, County, BISD, College, Port, P.U.B, What a Sh#t Show !!! We all pay taxes to these entities and they continue to steal from us, you get free money, you hire your friends/family, you hire your friends kids, ( quid pro quo). City, BISD did you run out of in-house Rats and now hire Edinburg Rats? This really makes me sick to my stomach. Need I ask who was in charge of federal monies that approved the fertilizer purchase?

Anonymous said...

Which of the area entities we pay taxes into are the Biggest Ugly Beasts of all or do you pretend to be wolves in sheep's clothing? Our money keeps disappearing !!! You benefit by giving jobs to each others families, get insider information on free money, they buy cheap, get grant money and sell with excessive profits. You appoint each other in committees , build LLC's and hide your names until someone exposes you. For the record : Who owns MADEIRA LLC , who stand to make millions if the county's convention center is voted in ? The irony would be, Did these owners ever get grant money to improve other properties they own. Elon Musk busted a money pinata ,you only invited yourselves, family and friends. You're too elite to share the goodies with the citizens of your city? Hey we pay taxes too! I can only envision you scrambling to grab as much as you can. While you are enjoying the goodies, Musk is doing whatever he wants at Boca Chica. I don't wish bad to any of you, but you have brought shame to our city and county with your unethical behavior.(BISD, College, Port, PUB, you're not far behind)

Former RGV LEO said...

Nothing will be done as usual!
