Saturday, October 23, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A state district judge ordered the revocation of a $15,000 bond for evading arrest on a man later charged with aggravated assault on a Brownsville woman who relatives said was savagely beaten tortured, and  then left for dead.

Judge Juan Magallanes, of the 357th District Court, granted the Cameron County District Attorney Office prosecutors their motion to revoke the $15,000 bond of  Amado Martinez, 39, on a previous charge of evading arrest filed against him on October 2018 by the Cameron County Sheriff's department. 

Magallanes did not grant the DA's office motion to deny bond in the aggravated Assault Family Violence and let a $1,000,000 bond set by Brownsville Municipal Court Judge Rigoberto Flores Monday, October 18, stand. The attack on the woman was reported September 15 and a warrant issued the next day.

For more than a month, Martinez had been on the run eluding law enforcement investigators – including the U.S. Marshal's Fugitive Task Force – before he was apprehended.  

Martinez was charged with aggravated assault after he allegedly beat the woman in her apartment, pulled her nails and chopped her hair. Police later found the woman lying on the apartment complex's basketball court. She was able to identify her attacker before she was hospitalized.

The woman, Veronica Rivas Cespedes, remained in the Intensive Care Unit of a local hospital for almost two weeks. Martinez, is alleged to have viciously tortured and beaten his former girlfriend after she let him in her apartment. 

 Police said that the assault happened inside the woman's bedroom at her apartment on 2426 Barnard Street.

Cameron County District Attorney's Luis Saenz said that police suspected that Martinez had fled the city and efforts to find him had been  unsuccessful. Family members and friends had criticized the BPD because it had not issued any reports or statements on the incident.  

Friends say that the aggressor became livid after he saw a posting on Facebook which he believed showed the victim fraternizing with customers at her workplace in the course of her work.

BPD investigators did not issue any public statements or reports to the media or the public of her alleged aggressor, who was said by her co-workers to have fled to Houston. But no one really knew.

 Initially, BPD told some news media representatives that there was no ongoing investigation into the assault. 

But a photo of the obviously battered woman made the rounds of social media and among her friends and showed that she was the victim of a savage beating. Comments to this blog indicate that the assailant had believed the woman was dead before he fled.

"They told the family to keep quiet make believe that she was dead so they could make an arrest," said a family friend. "They did not inform the public that this vicious aggressor was walking the streets. If they had, maybe someone would have seen him and alerted the authorities to prevent him from doing this to someone else."

Her co-workers at the lounge where she works held a fundraiser to help her with medical expenses about a week and a half ago.

Cespedes, a single mother, worked at the Toucan lounge, but is well known in the city because she performs with the popular band Picasso.

As a result of the bond revocation, Martinez will be held at the Rucker-Carrizalez Detention Center in Olmito until his trial on the evading arrest charge. He will later stand trial on the aggravated assault charge, Saenz said. 


Anonymous said...


Fake Newsman Jim "Manteca" Barton defending himself lamely after it was noted that he has no college degree, no Journalism training and worked only at a motel, a grocery store and unloading shrimp boats at the port.

He labels criticism as coming from a "blogsquatter," yet he's been reading the comments here, so that makes him a blogsquatter, too.

Manteca Barton is nearing the age of 75 and is feeling useless, but it appears he's been useless his entire life! He won't list his jobs, so that tells you he's ashamed of his past.

Fake Newsman Jim "Manteca" Barton rides Juan's coattails at every turn!!!

ja ja ja. Vato panson, calvo e inutil.

Anonymous said...

Trump's Big Lie is the new Lost Cause — and it may poison the country for decades

Trump has embraced the narrative of the defeated South: Lie about everything, and double down on vicious bigotry.

Trump lost; Biden won.

Anonymous said...

A fundraiser at a cantina?

How Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

The Story Behind “Let’s Go Brandon,” the Secretly Vulgar Chant Suddenly Beloved by Republicans

(Yes, it's Republican racists behind this.)


Anonymous said...

Se oyen pájaros

Anonymous said...

One question, I just had a urine test in a med lab for other reasons, can they locate the signs of prostate cancer like that too?

Anonymous said...

Local celebrity, as cheap as that may be, plays into cases such as this one. These people, law enforcement included, know each other, hence the hesitancy to arrest and prosecute.

Anonymous said...

Edinburg man arrested on allegations of stealing 232 head of cattle
Hahahahaha donde estan los rinches looking for the rope?
Is it still call cattle rustling?
Y el DA que?

Anonymous said...

​lo estoy leyendo, gracias

Anonymous said...

This world is made for men by men. Ladies have to be careful who they hang with. Do not let exboyfriends into your home.
He pulled her fingernails, he chopped her hair, he beat her up, he dragged her from her apartment to the parking lot next to the basketball court.

GOD was protecting her.

Other boyfriends burn their girlfriends, throw acid to their faces, bury them in the woods etc or worse.

Anonymous said...

duardo; unemployed, unloved, unwanted, a veritable blog-squatter

blog-squatter; noun, a person who, without invitation, makes irrelevant, incongruous comments on a blog, a crasher, spanish; pendejo, in some cultures, an impotent, a drifter, a moocher

Anonymous said...

@ 8:47 am you make it sound like it is something bad. Haven't you ever had lunch at a panaderia? Now this does not mean we have not been to New York, Liberty Hall, or seen the aurealis borealis. It is just who we are and nothing to be ashamed of, get over it. You can always get out of dodge. Hit the road jack. . . or can't you?

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a incompetent Chief of Police Felix Sauceda!
When you have Lieutenant and a patrol Officers assigned full time to the to the gym??? And same female Officer who was caught using a City vehicle to take her family to Austin...has female Officers working from home some Officers assigned to dispatch. Took all female Officers off Patrol and gave them a 3day all expenses paid trip to the island complements of the City of Brownsville..While leaving patrol short handed..
Chief Sauceda having several Officers injured at the shooting range and one officer was even shot in the arm..All paid injuries by the City of Brownsville while leaving patrol short-handed as they are placed on injury leave.
The City of Brownsville must enjoy giving away money as lawsuits mount against Chief Sauceda and the Brownsville Police Department.
Terrible mismanagement by Chief Felix Sauceda.

Anonymous said...

This is totally disrespect for the VICTIM, some of these commentators are totally animals who belong with animals like themselves. No one human whether its a child, female, or male should have to tolerate such violence, especially coming from a so called POLICE officer. Do not forget the Hidalgo County victim who beaten by Hidalgo county police to where they broke the victims neck and left him paraplegic, the incident has been kept very very quite by so called Hidalgo's police dept.

Anonymous said...

Duardo is such a loser lol

Anonymous said...

The majority of "ladies" wear fake hair and fake nails just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't Gus Reyna and Javier Reyna get arrested for nepotism? They are brother's that continued to hire family members; son, daughter, sister-in-law, etc...

Anonymous said...

October 26, 2021 at 10:48 PM

Like BISD - brothers infants sisters doughters = BISD

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal allows corruption,Bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace..A perfect example is the Brownsville Police Department and the way El Rata Bernal has allowed his lover Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal to allow this inside the Department and just looks the other way if he gets any complaints...Terrible City Manager...

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal allows corruption,Bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace..A perfect example is the Brownsville Police Department and the way El Rata Bernal has allowed his lover Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal to allow this inside the Department and just looks the other way if he gets any complaints...Terrible City Manager...
