Friday, October 29, 2021


Special to EL Rrun-Rrun

To the ANONY asking the questions : "Cesar Lopez the ex-board (Brownsville Independent School Board) president? Please clarify or confirm" Oct 27, at 06:24 pm 


"Maintenance Department Administrator Cesar Gustavo Lopez and Maintenance Dept. Grounds Supervisor Jaime Mata – formed companies to, in effect, sell fertilizer to themselves. Lopez commands an $89,2650 salary and Mata is paid $45,622 a year."

"The "swallowed camel" came in the form of one Cesar Lopez, who was appointed unanimously to fulfill the remaining months of Neece's tenure with the BCIC. Cesar Lopez is the best this city commission can come up with to replace Ben Neece on the BCIC? Really? 

Lopez, first appointed to BISD's procurement department by the late Enrique Escobedo, later served on the Board of Trustees as a board member and president. His BISD service is marked by scandal, alleged "bid rigging" and self-enrichment from an obvious conflict of interest. 

As a BISD board member, Lopez accompanied young procurement officer Silverio Capistran into Mexico to purchase barbacoa from Valco Foods, two separate orders totaling $973,208. When a scandal arose over much of the barbacoa being rotten, unsuitable for human consumption, young Mr. Capistran (like Escobedo before him) committed suicide. 

The incident was water off a duck's back to Lopez, who continued to serve on the Board of Trustees without shame. 

Yet, the barbacoa scandal was not the only bit of unseemliness touching Cesar Lopez. In the infamous audiotape, released by former Fire Chief Carlos Elizondo, the tape that recorded a former city commissioner using a racial slur, he was prominently featured. The former commissioner is heard complaining that he was charged $1,500 for campaign signs from Grafik Spot, a political sign company owned by Cesar Lopez. 

In the tape the former commissioner is adamant that Grafik Spot owner Cesar Lopez – through Elizondo – promised him $1,500 worth of campaign signs for free. "I'm not paying the $1,500," he is heard to say. It's not as if the $1,500 would make or break Cesar Lopez, who reportedly did $1,399,515 worth of business with BISD while serving on the BISD Board of Trustees. 

Unfortunately, Cesar Lopez, like the late Joe Rodriguez, used BISD for their personal enrichment. 

Another brouhaha involving Cesar Lopez involved Lopez endeavoring to ram approval of Ziwa Contracting past the board in awarding BISD construction contracts, despite FOUR firms having a lower bid. Cesar Lopez wanted to award $4,050,000 to Ziwa anyway.

Board member Phil Cowen smelled "bid-rigging" and walked out of the vote, as did Sylvia Atkinson, who said she thought there would not be a vote. Lopez, along with Laura Perez-Reyes and Joe Rodriguez supported the award to Ziwa with Minerva Pena the lone "no" vote.(Only one honest board member?) 

One would think with all of this baggage, alleged "bid-rigging" and, at the very least, very poor procurement practices, Cesar Lopez would not be the first name to roll off the tongues of our city commissioners to replace Neece. 

Yet, he was nominated and the commission (by new commissioner Pedro Cardenas, did he know?), I'm told, voted for him unanimously. Honestly, the Brownsville City Commission is not qualified to make appointments to any city board."


Anonymous said...

Only question here WHERE IN THE H*** IS THE FBI, DA, TEA, EL CHERIFE?????

Anonymous said...

Looks like SOOOOOON very soon BISD personnel and elected officials will have a new home SOOOOOOOOOOOON....

Anonymous said...

A genealogy family tree needs to be looked at, so the voters can FINALLY vote all family member with their elected officials out of office ONCE AND FOR ALL.


Anonymous said...

Any person to any board should be vetted before they are recommended to serve. Again, it appears that people that have no values or principles are the ones that are chosen because they will not hesitate to snub ethical questions and who are willing to kiss any one’s booty in order to get personal financial gain. Some of these people are not willing to work hard for their money.

Anonymous said...

Puros pinches MAMONES Y RATAS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cesar Lopez is a fair & decent person! All you haters are broke and jealous human beings!

Former RGV LEO said...

Is this Cesar Lopez related to the other crooked Lopez'? You know, Joey Lopez? Or, the Joe Lopez, the child predator? That' what they like in Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

All from matamoscas what you expect? Trumputo?
