Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Now comes Ramiro Gonzalez, a former City of Brownsville city manager's office director of Community and Government Affairs who had to resign or be fired after it was revealed that he and Mayor Trey Mendez were speculating in downtown real estate and dipping into grants from the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation for their personal benefit.

You remember Ramiro, he latched on to assist former mayor Tony Martinez in his bid to attract the University of Texas to place their offices in the downtown area by offering to use city funds to subsidize their staff's salaries, and included the doubling of parking meter rates as a way to achieve his aims. 

(At right, he parties the night away in Portugal where he and others, including former city manager Charlie Cabler, attended a wedding. Think they paid for all that?)

So Martinez called on Gonzalez to host a public hearing on the parking meter increase to gauge the sentiments of the public. The public resoundingly said "no" to the plan and you thought that would be it. But to everyone's surprise, the negative reception to the idea was turned on its head and the rates were raised despite the outcry. The public be damned.

And when Martinez campaigned against Trey Mendez for mayor, Gonzalez posed with Martinez in the as-yet-unopened-George Ramirez Performing Arts Academy that carried a $5 million price tag as one of the former mayor's accomplishments. 

When it was pointed out on social media that the use of public facilities for political purposes was a "no-no" it was quickly removed from Martinez's re-election Facebook page. They should have known better, and perhaps they did, and didn't care.

Undaunted, after Martinez lost, he became inseparable from Mendez and soon became his business partner speculating in real estate while on the city payroll.   

In other words, Gonzalez was a "fixer."

His $82,900 gig with city came to an inglorious end when people learned that he and Mendez had been buying historic properties and then getting funding from the BCIC to renovate them and then hoped to reap the profit of renting them to prospective tenants. 

In his recent paean making the rounds in sympathetic social media, Gonzalez paints himself as a savior of the downtown area and the main shaker and move to "progressive" (and personal enriching) projects at the expense of the taxpayer. Whether it was Martinez, now Mendez, and in the past other benefactors, he enjoyed a 12-year run that left him with a nice stash of cash and several choice properties.

"About 3 weeks ago, my 12-year service to the City of Brownsville came to an abrupt end," Gonzalez said. "To set the record straight I was asked to resign or get terminated and given a couple of hours to make that decision. Many know the reason and I won’t get into detail but I will say that I’ve been preaching about Downtown Revitalization for over 12 years and I had not had the opportunity to invest in a property downtown until now."

"Everything was transparent, we never hid anything, and both parties had their own realtor involved in the transaction," he said. "We are two private citizens investing in an area that we believe in."

No Ramiro, not really. It's no wonder he doesn't want to "get into detail." Mendez is an elected official and you were a public employee with access to inside information that was not available to the average Joe. Like shooting fish in a barrel. No conflict there, hey?

His politically-chameleon nature quickly gained the favor of commissioner Rose Gowen, whose gentrified "vision" of development had as its anchor the construction of bike and hike trails that would transform Brownsville, a border city, into the Austin-of-the Rio Grande. She became Miss Havisham to Ramiro, who signed on to her Great Expectations using taxpayer funds.

Gonzalez lists the pouring of public money into this skewered vision of our border city as the crowning glory of his accomplishments. He even took to riding bikes to show his commitment to Gowen's "vision."

Belden Trail, Belden Connect, Belden 3 ($2 Million total)
West Rail Trail ($8.8 Million)
Southmost Trail ($9 Million committed)
Battlefield Extension - North of Battlefield ($2 Million)
Battlefield Extension - University Connect ($1 Million)
Large Murals (BTX and Cosmos) ($65,000)
Cannery Public Market Project ($2.1 Million)                                                            

Tony, Trey, and Rose obviously used their sycophant to raid the resources of this poverty-stricken city and its long-suffering taxpayers to enhance their "legacy" and their bottom lines at the expense of basic services for the unwashed masses. 

Take your time with sidewalks, pay lip service to bus shelters, or other services – remember drainage?, we do, every time it rains – for the general public and please your masters. To them, Gonzalez was a pliant tool who lost sight of what a public servant should be. 


Anonymous said...

Does Texas really need a former Trump lawyer to oversee election integrity?

Abbott’s pick raises unnecessary doubts about the state’s election oversight.


Anonymous said...

Pobre toda esa educacion y experiencia y acabar de ...

Anonymous said...

Trump obsessed, LOL! you must be miserable with TRUMP living in your head. Seek help.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that this idiot is gone from city employment. He pushed so hard to increase metered parking downtown when in his 12 years of employment never paid a penny on metered parking spots for his personal car as he had a special permit. The same goes to the city manager and his entire staff including the HR director, they parked their personal cars on metered parking spots daily and dont pay a penny as they have special permit that exempts them from paying the meter. I hope that someone in the city Commission would look into why this is allowed since management requires every other city employee that works at city hall to park their personal cars at city plaza. Great example of "Total Alignment " do as I say not as I do. Totally pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Not Trump obsessed. Just a gleeful Trump basher!

Stick Trump's head up your ass, asshole.

Anonymous said...

Jim "Manteca" Barton now says he's better writer than Juan Montoya.

The tub of lard wrote this: "While the McAllen troll continues to blogsquat in the comment section of local blogs, characterizing me as fat and uneducated; my grammar, syntax and vocabulary is not exceeded by anyone in the local blogosphere."

Oh, really?

My, my, how the 75-year-old no-college, grocery store bag boy, motel clerk and shrimp boat unloader has grown....in his own mind!

Hey, Manteca, where is Anzaldua's Bridge again?

ja ja ja ja Loser, poser, uneducated, unaccomplished..............

Anonymous said...

Hay Ramirito. De veras? Do you even believe your own lies? A good leader doesn’t have to toot his own horn. People will do it for him/her if he/she truly deserves it. Whatever you did can be considered just being an “apple polisher”, and that is putting it lightly. What the City manager should do is analyze the cost effectiveness of projects that only serve a small portion of the citizenry.

Anonymous said...

Can the citizens say that most if not all elected officials are stealing and or making illegal transactions to benefit themselves and their families and friends?

People that hang out with these thieves are they also thieves and or looking to benefit themselves?

Who likes to been seen with a thieve?

Anonymous said...

Abbott signs dog bill effective january 18, 2099.

It is a crime to eat a dog after sunset and before 12 noon on sunday it only affects hillbillys since dog meat is their favorite meal...

Anonymous said...

Well, that's quite a list, but the truth his he almost screwed up every one of those projects and delayed them like a true burrocrat.

Take the George Ramirez Performing Arts Academy. HUD gave the city an ulitmatum to finish the job or return the $5M and never get another penny.

I could go on.

What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Check all the Directors, they don’t allow overtime so when the new budget comes they get all the raises that they say No to regular employees there are No Money for pay raises. They should all get random drug testing let’s see how many start getting fired. They use Picard to pues hace lunch almost everyday. They all have car passes cuz there lazy ass can’t walk two blocks from parking lots but get way too much to even pay the meter. And take away the car allowances cuz they are home and don’t even want to come to offices but to all the events they are always there.

Anonymous said...

Check all the Directors, they don’t allow overtime so when the new budget comes they get all the raises that they say No to regular employees there are No Money for pay raises. They should all get random drug testing let’s see how many start getting fired. They use Picard to pues hace lunch almost everyday. They all have car passes cuz there lazy ass can’t walk two blocks from parking lots but get way too much to even pay the meter. And take away the car allowances cuz they are home and don’t even want to come to offices but to all the events they are always there.

BABY CAKES said...

To 10-26 at 9:59 AM
The out of town troll wanna be blogger doth protest too much methinks.

Anonymous said...

The rats 🐀 are everywhere in the city, county, port, school district, Appraisal district, police department, fire department, welfare department and the democrats. I am happy is going to reach $3.55 pretty soon. Food shortage is coming and energy cost from PUB is hurting the working people, not the welfare people cause Joe blow Biden will help these people cause they have been left behind? They were left behind because they learn how to get free assistance for ever. Free housing, free food, free money, free medical care, no taxes, free phone and they have more rights than the working taxpayers of the city. The inflation is here and it's going to the taxpayers out in the streets. I warned you sick rats of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Gleeful, LOL, fag.

Anonymous said...

Gas is above $3 a gallon, inflation is super high and nobody wants to work because of entitlement programs. We are so happy we elected Sleepy Joe!

Anonymous said...

They don't park their cars in meters and not pay a dime. They have a designated lot where they park their cars next to City plaza. Or in the garage at City Plaza. That's for ALL City Hall/Plaza employees. If you're gonna post at least get your facts straight. City manager ONLY (not his staff) is exempt as they have a spot designated next to City Hall.

Anonymous said...

October 26, 2021 at 8:09 PM

Starting a clinic to help those pendejos that still think that el trump idiota won, clinic will be operated by bernie sanders and los lucios.

Anonymous said...

With there passes they can park at any meter you needs pictures? And most employees park at the old HEB parking lot.

Anonymous said...

Ratas are coming out of the woodwork like the worms that they are.
Call esparza the terminator...

Anonymous said...

Check other directors like felipe romero including the budget for the new building for communications and how he mistreats others. So much for "total alignment."

Anonymous said...

Ramiro has always been a rat and a brown nose. Other directors need to be check. Especially Health Department pinche negro director mistreating employees, getting his way, hiring people from the inside and not giving others opportunities from the outside. He is afraid of having people from the outside come in and bring great opportunities to the city. How can the assistant director get the position with out a degree? I'm sure there was a bunch sucking pelotas to get that position. I'm sure there is also mistreatment against women there too. I'm sure employees moral is down due to the mistreatment, lack of respect and lack of leadershiphip on both the director and assistant director. I believe employees are afraid to report anything due to retaliation. I say check on this Department. Also buildings Department not doing there work. Avoid serious violations in buildings and turning the other way.

Anonymous said...

The whole downtown revitalization is a scam. If you own a home or property in the "historic area," you cannot renovate your home as you please unless you get special permission from the City. The downtown area homes have been mostly owned by those of humble means who normally would pass their homes to their children. Given that these homes are very old and made mostly of wood frame construction, renovations are certain. However, with the City having authority to knit pick on what renovations can be done, most of those wanting to renovate cannot afford to do so under these egregious rules, as the City wants them to use outdated and hard to find materials, that perhaps, only the more affluent can afford. Thus, what happens, is you have the less fortunate being forced to sell off their family homes because they cannot afford to renovate under the City's terms, and then you have the "friends" of these public officials sweep in to purchase the homes and do what they want with them. This is the scam that I've seen. I know builders who have been stymied by the City due to these ridiculous rules. Brownsville is not Austin, and it should never be Austin. Austin is now littered with homeless people living in tents who can defecate where they please. We need public officials willing to permit renovations of properties in the downtown area that even the most humble can afford. It's just not right to push out those with familial legacies from the downtown area so that yuppie Austin wannabes can inhabit the area. My two cents.

Anonymous said...

People who applied for the Asst Dir at Health should sue COB for not hiring them when the Asst was taking College courses during Work or they have him the option to get degree. But yes they suck balls these new Directors and HR should been checked too. All of those Businesse Partners or HR Reps need degrees.

Anonymous said...

And they all go to church every sunday mamones

Anonymous said...

With all the money he's pocking he's able to rent a tux pinche mamon
