Sunday, October 24, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Those of us in the know of what goes on in the Cameron County Sheriff's' Department and by extension the county's detention centers (jails), have seen prisoner uprisings, understaffing, the appointment of an inexperienced chief jailer who delves into satanism, and now drunk correction guards.

And the surprising this is that these people are not shy about spilling their guts (literally) on the social pages.

Take, for example, a correction guard with a tag Cannot Leave In Fear, apparently a wayward hubby who works as a jail guard at Rucker-Carrizalez Detention Center in Olmito. Apart from his alleged philandering, there are also more disconcerting revelations of him going to work in an advanced state of intoxication.

"He went to work Sunday drunk," she said. As you can see in his messages, the alcohol didn't subside till noon which is mid-shift. He was at his grandmother's house partying with this chick, till 5:45 (a.m.) when he arrived with his mom driving his truck to our house and picked up his uniform and went to work.

(This particular shift, we have been told, is from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. This jailer is also a Correctional Emergency Response Team [CERT] member and assigned to transport inmates using a county vehicle.)

The deceived wife of this deputy also included a screen shot of his conversation with one of the friends at the pre-work bash he left in the wee hours of the morning.

In the exchange between the deputy and a lady friend he says he stayed at work until 8 p.m. and that he left the jail "bien prendido", all lit up, and that his intoxication did not subside until about noon that day.

So we have a chief jailer who jokes about making jail assaults "look like an accident," posts pigs fornicating and a monk boinging a nun, and a picture of himself wearing satanic-looking face paint with an upside down cross, and now we have some of the jailers under him drunk on their ass monitoring the inmates.

Are we in Bedlam with a cast of pandemonium?


Anonymous said...

Nothing new in the jail lol

Anonymous said...

That ain't nothing, his supervisor Lt Valladarez is screwing a female jailer during county time..everything is a mess there

Anonymous said...

At least Delgado was probably at that party drunk with the jail staff cuz he's got their backs lol

Anonymous said...

And he is part the C.E.R.T wow!

Anonymous said...

Laura Treviño for Chief Jailer!

Anonymous said...

Y al que le sigue dando chingaso al Jim Barton, ya dejalo. El wey es un viejito que no aguanta golpes. Le teme hasta su sombra.

Ponte con alguien que te de batalla. Barton no tiene ni madre. Cuantos anos tiene el vato - 75? Pos eres cruel, hermano. Deja que respire sus ultimos respiros en paz.

Anonymous said...

Who cares, Sheriff Garza crashed his unit and didn't report it, he fixed in La Feria

Anonymous said...

Hey silverio, watch your 6... Feds already into you for allowing 5110 thru the beach

Anonymous said...

"Are you feelin yoself?"

"Yes, I'm feelin muhself."

Anonymous said...

sñrtas y sñres lo que estoy viendo esto está más feo.

Anonymous said...

It's Brownsville. everybody drinks in Brownsville. You of all people should know that, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Leave the man alone. Bunch of haters.You must live off the Government freebies. At least this guy works to make a living. And served his country. Not like other Cowards.

Anonymous said...

Todos tenemos nuestra mochila, pero hay límites que no debemos permitir que que quebranten, quizás por eso te anclas donde no debes, hay que cerrar puertas. SIN ACRITUD

Anonymous said...

We all know it’s the Cameron county deputies association behind this. They are mad due to the fact that a jailer is in charge of Almanza. Deputy Gomez is also in this.

Anonymous said...

The change we need
The protection you deserve

Anonymous said...

Yo guardando silencio, no me atrevo ni a saludar

Anonymous said...

Employees dont give a shit anymore, patrol without supervisors, eric garza crashing his unit drunk, Rodriguez assaulting deputies, chief jailer a satanic, jailers showing up drunk driving county units, deputies dont shave,silverio giving the cartel permission to traffic drugs on the beach, just like the commissioners said..."The sheriff's office is a complete mess"

Anonymous said...

Come on Montoya, Gracia dont give a shit about this, he got his peace officer license 4 months ago, he has no fkn clue on what police business is, for him this is normal

Anonymous said...

Gracia will make him a supervisor tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Guy is a joke..applying for Border Patrol

Anonymous said...

At least the monk and the nun are consenting adults. It's when the priest and monks molest and f**k children that I question the Catholic Church. The fornication between priest/monk with children is not the foundation of the church that Jesus created. Maybe this is why the Catholic Church opposes abortion, we are depriving some sick priest or monk from their jollies. The painting dipcits two adults. Didn't the Lord say "love one another." Don't I sound just as sick as those child molesting priest/monks?

Former RGV LEO said...

Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy! When do the lawsuits start? What happen to the no confidence letter? Where is the county judge and commissioners on this? This desk sheriff has to answer to somebody?
Only in CC!

Anonymous said...

He told his supervisor that he was still drunk but he couldnt get the day off, thats how smart those supervisors are

Anonymous said...

Jim "Manteca" Barton now says he's better writer than Juan Montoya.

The tub of lard wrote this: "While the McAllen troll continues to blogsquat in the comment section of local blogs, characterizing me as fat and uneducated; my grammar, syntax and vocabulary is not exceeded by anyone in the local blogosphere."

Oh, really?

My, my, how the 75-year-old no-college, grocery store bag boy, motel clerk and shrimp boat unloader has his own mind!

Hey, Manteca, where is Anzaldua's Bridge again?

ja ja ja ja Loser, poser, uneducated, unaccomplished..............

Anonymous said...

nothing to see here … how about the EX Chief deputy … good ole Gusv Reyna .. always drunk on the job .. wrecked numerous county vehicles.. left local bar Inebriated.. attend commissioners court with his breath Reeking of alcohol and yet NO ONE said a damn thing … move along please …. nothing new … now HE was a raging alcoholic on the job .. why did you cover his actions up ? getting paid much ???

Anonymous said...

Eric should at least buy flowers for everyone after fucking us all who voted for him

Anonymous said...

When you have an administration like this is it really any surprise that these things are allowed lol. Eric I want my vote back

Anonymous said...

That's why they forget inmates in the vans! The jail staff is too busy trying to fuck each other or drunk on the job. C'mon Delgado. Worst part is everyone knows who it is but at least they showed up for work.

Anonymous said...

Frank Mason voted best smile

Anonymous said...

Frank Mason officially sponsored by Mountain dew and puffs

Anonymous said...

get to work pinches mamones we know the chefife gives you one hour on recreation time on the computers everyday as long as you defend his ass bola de mamones...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For one I worked first hand with Valderrama and Lt Valladarez. Whoever is behind this your a sack of shit. Like really, you think ruining reputations gets you high then that says a lot about you. Like comments say our own Sheriff crashed his own unit and that wasn't published go pick on someone else's ass. If you were to put yourself in his shoes then you wouldn't want to be in that position. And Lt Valladarez, who doesn't make mistakes, we are all human. It doesn't mean he is "fucking females on county time". Like I said I work first hand with him and he for sure isn't doing that. So if you want to ruin marriages too fuck off bro for reals. Take care of your own problems. Stop pointing fingers when your own are dirty. Who tf doesn't make mistakes. Grow up, it's life. We live and we learn. So climb off your high horse. Grow up. Geez.

Anonymous said...

Ask valladarez for Robles

Anonymous said...

Robles doesn't even work there anymore. Get the fuck over it

Anonymous said...

Who cares who the LT fucks. The man knows his job and does it well. He's been in this field for years and has a lot of knowledge and experience if the guy likes to sleep around what business is it of anyone but his. And all those childish comments like really c'mon guys that shit however funny it is shouldn't be said

Anonymous said...

Who cares what they do when they are not working. It is no ones concern about the life outside of county. Instead of worrying about who sleeps with who how about you write something productive compelling. Write something that would change the outcome for jailers and rank who have given their all and have stayed through the years. How jailers work 12-16 hour shifts five days out of the week for little pay. How about instead of worrying about what people do at home worry about these people that have no lives and work day in and day out to a sheriff who gives two shits about how their jailers are over worked and under paid. That the jailers can't even take a break for lunch because they are under staff, jailers can't even sit down, or just go outside for cigarette break because county is worried that they will bring things in the jail. Being treated worse then the inmates. Yes it is their job but people who have been their for years don't see it as a job but as a career, as how they were meant to be. I doubt that anyone can make it in the jail thats why some drop like flies. Let's start appreciating the ones that have the jailers back like Delgado, valladarez, rivas, Vasquez, almanza who back up their jailers and help them on the floor. Let's appreciate the jailers who don't miss a day even if they are too tired because they don't want to leave other jailers with the duties of the jail. Appreciate your staff because you won't find others like them. So stop with drama and work on getting the jailers and rank the pay the deserve or work less hours so they can be at home with their families. The actions of a person outside the work place doesn't defined them.

Anonymous said...

Otros idiotas no shame

Anonymous said...

You're also getting paid to screen the comments.. wow. Almanza and Gomez continue to pay you the big bucks.

Anonymous said...

@11:36am thank you whoever you are. Mic drop, enough said 👏

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Gus Reyna and Javier Reyna get arrested for nepotism? And they continued to hire their family members;sons,daughters, sister-in-law, etc..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For October 24, 2021 at 5:19 PM,
Your comment can open an investigation, and hopefully they can get to know who you are to be pointing fingers and accusing people without any proof. We would like to know who you are and where are you getting your information.
Hope you come out to light soon,
your buddy
