Wednesday, October 27, 2021


By Brian Lopez
Texas Tribune

A Republican state lawmaker has launched an investigation into Texas school districts over the type of books they have, particularly if they pertain to race or sexuality or "make students feel discomfort."

State Rep. Matt Krause, in his role as chair of the House Committee on General Investigating, notified the Texas Education Agency that he is "initiating an inquiry into Texas school district content," according to an October 25 letter obtained by The Texas Tribune.

(Texas State Teachers Association President Ovidia Molina said in a statement that the investigation is a “witch hunt” and that nothing in state law gives lawmakers the right to go after educators.

“This is an obvious attack on diversity and an attempt to score political points at the expense of our children’s education,” she said.)

Krause's letter provides a 16-page list of about 850 book titles and asks the districts if they have these books, how many copies they have and how much money they spent on the books.

His list of titles includes bestsellers and award winners alike, from the 1967 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel “The Confessions of Nat Turner” by William Styron and "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi Coates to last year's book club favorites: "Hood Femenism: Notes from the Women that a Movement Forgot" by Mikki Kendall and Isabel Wilkerson's “Caste: The Origins of our Discontents."

But race is not the only thing on the committee chair’s list. 

Other listed books Krause wants school districts to account for are about teen pregnancy, abortion and homosexuality, including “LGBT Families” by Leanne K. Currie-McGhee, “The Letter Q: Queer Writers' Notes to their Younger Selves" edited by Sarah Moon, and Michael J. Basso’s “The Underground Guide to Teenage Sexuality: An Essential Handbook for Today's Tens and Parents."

Krause, a Fort Worth lawmaker and founding member of the House Freedom Caucus, is running  for state attorney general against Ken Paxton. Krause declined to comment and no explanation was given as to how these books were chosen.

(Why, for example, did Alex Bells whimsical Polar Bear Explorers’ Club series, a series of stories about a precocious young girl who is determined to prove herself as an explorer make the list? The character, Stella Starflake Pearl knows, without a doubt, that she was born to be an adventurer. It’s too bad girls are forbidden from becoming explorers. Is it objectionable to the Thought Police because girls should know their place?)

Krause sent notice of the investigation to Lily Laux, the Texas Education Agency deputy commissioner of school programs, as well as some Texas school superintendents. His letter did not specify which school districts Krause was investigating.

Krause informs districts they must provide the committee with the number of copies they have of each book, on what part of campus those books are located and how much money schools spent on the books, as well as information on any other book that violates House Bill 3979, the so-called “critical race theory law”designed to limit how race-related subjects are taught in public schools.

Critical race theory, the idea that racism is embedded in legal systems and not limited to individuals is an academic discipline taught at the university level. But it has become a common phrase used by conservatives to include anything about race taught or discussed in public secondary schools.

The law states a teacher cannot “require or make part of a course” a series of race-related concepts, including the ideas that “one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex” or that someone is “inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive” based on their race or sex.

School officials have until Nov. 12 to respond. It is unclear what will happen to the districts that have such books.

The letter did not give a specific reason that Krause was launching the investigation, only that “the committee may initiate inquiries concerning any ‘matter the committee considers necessary for the information of the legislature or for the welfare and protection of state citizens.’”


Anonymous said...

Minorities have managed to turn DIVERSITY into PERVERSITY when they don’t get their way. The RGV is a huge cradle of crybabies!

Anonymous said...

Arizona Is the Viral Breeding Ground of Republican Sickness

Anonymous said...

When is Crystal Night? I better send my brown shirt to be cleaned and pressed so I can be ready.

Anonymous said...

Pinche pee pad using hillbilly coco wanna be white RATA TRUMP LOST idiota!

Anonymous said...

Master Naturalists launch recruitment drive

If you wanna help you need to dish out 150 bucks to get the training to qualify and volunteer, WHAT????

Anonymous said...

No gracias no tengo 150 dolares

Anonymous said...

Gone to Texas: Californians outpace other U.S. states’ residents in relocations

They are all headed to boca chica spacex. Need not apply if you are NOT white.

Anonymous said...

I'm all bushed-out

Anonymous said...

​A veces sale más caro el remedio que la enfermedad!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad somebody is taking an interest in what is being taught to the school children of Texas. Wanting to know is not the prelude to book burning, that is just liberal clap trap.

Anonymous said...

@9:47 AM

yeah, especially in California, where Whites are now the minorities.

And, soon in Texas, bro.

Anonymous said...

The state doesn't want your local homosexual pedophiles to push their agenda on our children in schools. There are many instances where sexually explicit books have been found in schools. TodYs teachers want to prepare the kids to be sodomized and abused by their teachers by trying to normalize homosexual pedophilia. Those are the books your article is defending.

Anonymous said...

4:27 PM... Yep...California is full of ILLEGAL ALIENS and WELFARE MEXICANS; a huge population of people DUMBER THAN A SACK OF HAMMERS! Bawhahaha!

Anonymous said...

October 28, 2021 at 7:29 AM

racist republican scum and trump's little whore at 7:29am. Shit hillbillys are the scum of the uppidy whites and the stay at home dads huevones on welfare and food stamps watching tv on a 150in screen. MMMMAAAAAMMMMMOOOOONNNNEEEEESSSSSS.......

dummer idiota hillbilly coco wanna be white rata Douchebag

Anonymous said...

Cowards, Not Crazies, Are Destroying America

racist republicans a bunch of cowards no tienen huevos

Former RGV LEO said...

This is total BS, because the democrats love sex, homosexuality, transgender, etc... Just ask Epstein, oh you can't! Thanks to the Clinton's. What' the huff and puff about? Don't the liberal POS' with their warped ideas cry when they get offended? Just ask those who made comments or did something in the past that cost them their livelihood?
