Saturday, October 23, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: One of our seven readers sent us these photos taken today that shows city trucks and materials being used to patch the holes in the private, commercial parking lot. So here is the City of Brownsville repairing Bingo Gardens parking lot on Price Road. Why would city crews using city materials and vehicles to repair this property ? The photos were said to be taken Friday a about before 3 p.m., our mall parking correspondent says. We have inquired of city officials and are awaiting their response. All one city elected official who responded could say was that they were not supposed to do any work on private property.)


Anonymous said...

The editorial board of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch sharply criticized House Republicans Saturday after the majority of them voted against approving a criminal contempt referral against Steve Bannon, an ex-White House adviser to former President Donald Trump.

"For anyone who still needs it, most Republican House members last week provided more evidence that the GOP—once the 'law-and-order' party—is now the party that coddles criminals," the editorial board wrote in a piece published Saturday afternoon.

"By overwhelmingly voting against holding Donald Trump crony Steve Bannon in criminal contempt for his refusal to testify in the investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, this shameful roster (including all six of Missouri's GOP House members) is once again running interference for a lawless ex-president who tried to overthrow a valid election," the editorial board added.

Anonymous said...

They have a deal with Trey Mendez to fix all parking lots owned by his friends who own businesses so that they can donate to his re-election fund.

Anonymous said...

Who is the owner? The Lucio's or some other politician like the ATM's?

Anonymous said...

Contractual obligation.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a poverty program.

Anonymous said...

no alarmen a la población

Anonymous said...

Pinche enano culero!

Anonymous said...

The property owner may have hired the city through contract to provide this type of service. Maybe. However they should steer clear of doing this. Bad perception and takes away opportunity from private contractor work.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics

Anonymous said...

Will someone within the city Commission hold the city manager accountable for allowing his assistant James Walker for driving a city unit daily conduct city business while also receiving a $560 monthly car allowance? That is bluntly stealing from the taxpayers and no one does anything to stop this fraud,waste and abuse. Both should be fired for committing fraud.

Anonymous said...

el que no me respeta a mí es porque es irrespetuoso ...yo no falto al respeto

Anonymous said...

Is the city making contracts with private businesses to pave their parking lots? No wonder they don't have time to fix the pot hole within the city.
Go check out 21st street between Lincoln and Cleveland and see if it has been touched.

Anonymous said...

y cacareaban las gayinas al atardecer. que hermosa melodia

Anonymous said...

Ok….. FBI? Where is the work order? Who approved it? I can tell you which streets need to be repaired if you can’t find them. Cuando va a terminar este desmadre???? Ratas to the core. Güey. Oops Trey. Do something for the city not for yourself and friends.

Anonymous said...

There is no public purpose for doing what the city did, therefore violation of state

Anonymous said...

We need new leadership at city commission the mayor and the Republican Gowen need to go.I guess mamma never taught her that she over stayed her welcome.

Anonymous said...

Pinche enano culero! Volviendose rico chingando al pueblo!

Anonymous said...

Quite a few directors getting a $500 car allowance but are "working" from home. We also wonder as to why the HR director and both Finance director and manager are also getting car allowances since they rarely go out of the office except going to lunch. The car allowance is only a smoke screen for pay increases and should be eliminated. To top it off, assistant city manager James Walker daily use of city truck and getting a $560 monthly car allowance is total fraud. Prime example of "Total Alignment" total bullshit that is.

Anonymous said...

and the stealin' goes on and on and on and on
and on and on and on

Anonymous said...

The connection is easy Artemio "Temo" Alvarez (Bingo) and Pedro Cardenas (Commissioner) are "Buddy's"
thru the Mr. Amigo Association

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:31a: You're a fucking idiot. No wonder these clowns get elected. Dumbasses like you think it's ok to do something like this. See below

Anonymous 9:39a and 12:25p: You guys got it! Please try to enlighten the assholes out there, like 7:31a, so we can get some decent politicians in office. Jeez!

Anonymous 3:23: B I N G O ! You got it. The compadrismo has never been so good.

Bola de ratas de dos patas.

Anonymous said...

Soon all city elected officials will be from matamoscas you ain't seen nothing yet. Y el FBI que?
Is it true the fbi is now hiring mexican ex-police officers?
no wonder...

Anonymous said...

Maybe they were on their way to Old Alice Rd to repair it and decided to stop here a few blocks short. Hey, you never know. have you all driven through Old Alice? i almost lost my muffler there. i can't believe this street can't be re-done. Leave 802 alone!!! that didn't need fixin...concentrate on these other streets. OMG, Old Port Isabel Rd?? Don't get me started!

Anonymous said...

October 26, 2021 at 8:07 PM

Go drive around el gran southmost where los meskin voted for a gringa, NOT ONE STREET THERE HAS BEEN PAVED, SINCE PAVING STREETS WAS INVENTED
