Friday, November 5, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrrun

Longtime Brownsville residents still remember when the City of Brownsville would honor its male and female employees who had served in the military with a dinner to thank them for their service.

What happened to that uniquely local custom?

Nowadays mostly national restaurants – including some franchises like Golden Corral, Applebee's and Chilis – are about the only ones who continue the tradition.  And in Mission more than 500 American flags are flying across the city of Mission through the month of November thanks to some local veterans wanting to show their support ahead of Veterans Day.

The Southmost Veterans Day Parade – after a pandemic-caused cancellation last year – is scheduled for Saturday honoring all veterans who served.

The parade starts at 2 p.m. and will begin at Trevino’s Funeral Home, located at 1955 Southmost Blvd., and will end at the H-E-B, located at 2950 Southmost Blvd., according to Pablo Villarreal Jr., a Vietnam veteran and parade organizer.

But the City of Brownsville seems to have forgotten about the kind gesture of appreciation for city employees who served in the military. Soldiers are still serving and dying in the service of our country. Isn't it time we brought that back?

Of course, at one time there were some city commissioners who had actually served in the military.  

Local veterans who used to work for the City of Brownsville for more than 30 years have said they thought the dinner for city employees who served was always appreciated by the vets working for the city and that they looked forward to it every year.

"It's too bad that the city did away with that tradition," one said. "I ran into our mayor (Trey Mendez) the other day and told him about it. He took out a little note pad and wrote it down. But Veterans Day is a week away and as far as I know, nothing was done about it."  


Anonymous said...

everybody wants something for free.

vets get thanked in many ways. Doesn't always have to be money or free food.

buck up, my fellow veterans. We don't need charity!

Anonymous said...

@8:09 am

A “free” $10 meal a year, times a lifetime, would never suffice in covering for some of the sacrifices that were done in the time frame served. It definitely doesn’t hurt either. Some may see it as “charity” while other see it as a tradition. Thank you for your opinion, though, it is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

it is not about free, money etc
It is about showing gratitude....Americans, Texans, Brownsville citizens are proud of the men and women that served the country.

I once saw a a businessmen in the airport gave money to a young soldier walking on the long hallways.... the soldier wanted to refuse the money but the businessmen insisted... This is a good American: having the guts, the mindset and the preparedness to give money to a soldier that was on his way to his serve the nation.

Old people know that those that serve the nation have little money, no homes, and their families are suffering.

Give them something: Thanks, money, a box of food, a free meal, respect etc.

Anonymous said...

Illegal aliens under Biden are getting more benefits than Veterans... I’m a veteran n I’m totally upset. Juan u r a vietnam veteran what do u have to say?

Anonymous said...

All the monies went to the bike and hike trails because the one or two people who used the trails are at the McAllen bike and hike trails. These two people were not pay by the COB to act like they love using the COB trails. COB never had care about the veterans

Anonymous said...

All the monies went to the bike and hike trails because the one or two people who used the trails are at the McAllen bike and hike trails. These two people were not pay by the COB to act like they love using the COB trails. COB never had care about the veterans

Anonymous said...

They deserve more than that but here the RATAS elected official look to where they can get kick backs y mordidas nothing else.

Anonymous said...

It's not CHARITY it's appreciation, but then again this commission much less will the City Manager Bernal could care less!🤬
They are self serving and continues to show. Was hoping on new commissioners fur a change🤬🤬🤬
Well we can only hope one day there'll be a change!
Shortchanged is all we've gotten so far.
God Bless Us All🙏🇺🇸🙏

Anonymous said...

I have a question. If a guy enlisted into the army and spent a few years working in the motor pool in Ft. Wherever, USA and never saw action other then maybe in a bar and never sustained an injury of any kind but did receive mechanical training that enabled him to have a career as a mechanic why should he be owed free medical care for life plus the other benefits now provided to veterans? If he was injured on the job, served in a hostile area, served for a certain number of years then no problem, pile on the benefits. But voluntarily enlisting, never leaving the country, never being threatened by an enemy, receiving extensive training, meals and housing, medical care and a monthly pay for three years? It almost seems like that guy should be thanking us.

Anonymous said...

Aren't most of these Veterans disabled and get free medical and a monthly check for life like Bobby Wightman?

Get Real said...

The veterans don’t need another handout and free meal! They need healthcare that is real. They need benefits that are real!
Any honorably discharged veteran should be able to get seen after with zero red tape…walk into any hospital in the US and get the needed attention…PERIOD!
This fake fawning over the military need to translate into something real. The vets don’t care about a fucking parade.
Real RESPECT another a free meal. Get it??

Anonymous said...

Pinches mantenidos muertos de hambre. All they want is benefits. Give up your citizenship and come in illegally with chingos of children and then you can get benefits. Lot's of them.
"Building back better"

Anonymous said...

Spell Check:

Just Constructive opinion

Anonymous said...

It's not about the food. It's about getting together with Veterans that happen to work or worked with the city. Although, I would ask why some retired Vets were notified of the event and others not ? I think it may have been canceled during the Tony Martinez Administration. Could be wrong. No Biggie, no Vet goes hungry unless it's by choice. Thank You Golden Corral , Texas Roadhouse , and Applebee's, Chili's. For the recognition.

Anonymous said...

A veteran is a veteran assholes. I served in a forward area, earned my Combat Infantry Badge and I have the most respect for those Veterans that did not see combat. To all engineers, cooks, mechanics, medics and clerks who supported us in the rear safe areas HAPPY VETERANS DAY.

Anonymous said...

I was at an airport about 10 yrs back returning from IRAQ. I was in my duty uniform and sitting by myself in a row of chairs waiting for my flight home. There was people standing also waiting but none of them chose to sit next to me. I noticed a elderly lady enter the waiting area and she looked around and asked me if she could sit next to me. I quickly said yes and we carried on a conversation. The elderly lady the got up but quickly returned. She put out her had and told me this is for you.She handed it to me I saw it was money. I quickly told the lady I can’t except the money but I appreciate the thoughtfulness. She said please take it it’s a gift for your children. I kept myself together and put the money in my pocket. The elderly lady sat next to me and we continue the conversation. When we arrived at our destination a got out of my seat and helped the elderly lady out of hers. I them removed my subdued AMERICAN FLAG the one I worn in IRAQ and gave it to her. I told her I was very grateful she thought of my children being without a Dad for a year. I hugged the elderly lady and wished her well. To this day I always think of this kind gesture this elderly lady showed me a soldier coming home. CHARLIE MIKE.

Anonymous said...

I was at an airport about 10 yrs back returning from IRAQ. I was in my duty uniform and sitting by myself in a row of chairs waiting for my flight home. There was people standing also waiting but none of them chose to sit next to me. I noticed a elderly lady enter the waiting area and she looked around and asked me if she could sit next to me. I quickly said yes and we carried on a conversation. The elderly lady the got up but quickly returned. She put out her had and told me this is for you.She handed it to me I saw it was money. I quickly told the lady I can’t except the money but I appreciate the thoughtfulness. She said please take it it’s a gift for your children. I kept myself together and put the money in my pocket. The elderly lady sat next to me and we continue the conversation. When we arrived at our destination a got out of my seat and helped the elderly lady out of hers. I them removed my subdued AMERICAN FLAG the one I worn in IRAQ and gave it to her. I told her I was very grateful she thought of my children being without a Dad for a year. I hugged the elderly lady and wished her well. To this day I always think of this kind gesture this elderly lady showed me a soldier coming home. CHARLIE MIKE.

Unknown said...

No brains, To the cowards that went to Mexico and Canada and to those that went to college to avoid serving your Country.Shut your fucking mouth coward. And show some respect to those of us that did serve, Weather in combat or peeling potatoes. We paid our Dues Morran.

Anonymous said...

November 6, 2021 at 9:50 AM

Ask your presidente trumputo guey a genuine draft dogger just like you idiota
