Thursday, November 4, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The whole downtown revitalization is a scam. 

If you own a home or property in the "historic area," you cannot renovate your home as you please unless you get special permission from the City. The downtown area homes have been mostly owned by those of humble means who normally would pass their homes to their children. 

Given that these homes are very old and made mostly of wood frame construction, renovations are certain. 

However, with the City having authority to nitpick on what renovations can be done, most of those wanting to renovate cannot afford to do so under these egregious rules, as the City wants them to use outdated and hard to find materials, that perhaps, only the more affluent can afford. 

Even the so-called 2.0 BIG grants processed by the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation for downtown historic rehabilitation requires that applicants produce proof of "a minimum 50 percent or more of secured funding for total construction cost. 100 percent will be highly preferred Letter of intent with disclosure of amount of funds available will be required."

"If I had that line of credit, why would I even ask the BCIC for money?" asked one. "Who's going to have that sitting in the bank and ask for money? In other words, they'll only help you if you don't need it."
The grants for the $80,000 to $200,000 also require a 80-20 match. 

Thus, what happens, is you have the less fortunate being forced to sell off their family homes because they cannot afford to renovate under the City's terms, and then you have the "friends" of these public officials sweep in to purchase the homes and do what they want with them. 

This is the scam that I've seen.

I know builders who have been stymied by the City due to these ridiculous rules. Brownsville is not Austin, and it should never be Austin. Austin is now littered with homeless people living in tents who can defecate where they please.

We need public officials willing to permit renovations of properties in the downtown area that even the most humble can afford.

It's just not right to push out those with familial legacies from the downtown area so that yuppie Austin wannabes can inhabit the area. My two cents.


Anonymous said...

Ese guey half coco transgender dumpster rat has no such problems where he lives... porque vive una casa de carton! Hahahaha!

Ese guey half coco transgender dumpster rat le gusto el dia de jallowien🎃 Hahaha! Pinche Vegetable Brandon se cago en su pantalones en Roma enfrente de la papa! Y tambien Pinche Brandon was napping during the climate summit conference! Hahahaha! Ya ni la chinga este vegetal! Hahaha!
All you Lab rats idiotas who are having their vaquitas (kids) vaccinated, should know that the Pfizer company sponsors CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and others! Even all you brainless Brandon vacas can figure out that no bad vaccine reports will ever be reported by the mainstream media! All you pinche government branded vacas are trusting a company that was handed the largest criminal fine ($2.3 billion) in the history of mankind! Hahahaha! Watch the unbelievable mother of all conflict of interest YouTube video link below!

Vegetable Brandon is thinking of giving $450,000 each immigrant families that were separated at the border! WTF! Not even the Marine families killed in the Biden Afghanistan shit-show were given that much! Este mente de mierda vegetal isn't pushing another much needed stimulus check to the American people, but has no problem giving those no law breaker illegal aliens all that fuking money! Then you have a ese "Trump Lost" idiota commenter that can't stop thinking of Trump! Ese pendejo should be commenting about the fuking mamadas de este vegetal we have in office! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Big dreams in Brownsville only for those with cash. Poor people not ever considered.

hey, Trey, where are the 25 bus shelters?

ja ja ja


Anonymous said...

Bottom line is that the city of Brownsville officials are ordinance selective. They only enforce what is convenient and when it is convenient. Hard to believe this time and age this kind of governance continues. Pure abuse of power by officials who are power and money hungry.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to let the public know that its not the land, (which by the way was Agostadero de Espirtu Santo land grant with 284415 acres, granted to Jose Salvador de la Garza in 1781), that was stolen by the Charles Stillman and his amigos, but its the Oil and Gas generated under the surface of this all mighty land grant that these greedy so called political leaders are after. This could be why the federal Comptroller wants to get involved in the handling of these monies. By the way Don Jose Salvador de la Garza was Juan Cortina great grandfather. Cortina was a Mexican Military man and General.

Anonymous said...

Ben Neece let us all down. He could see this and did nothing.

So long, Ben!

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

hey, are those downtown security cameras still working?

Anonymous said...

Run of office that's the only way to steal and rob poor citizens of THIS COMMUNITY there is no other way...

Anonymous said...

State Sen. Lucio announces retirement after 31 years

ABOUT TIME - PINCHE COCO MAMON imitates a gringo so call texan - pinche gueyon mamon...

Anonymous said...

This post contains many key errors as to the qualifications of the grant. Look them up Montoya. Also, why would someone who intends to fix their house whine that there is a match. In my experience, the City has not been a deterrence to development. Only those with to verifiable accusations complain about the process.

Anonymous said...

Time to get rid of all these worthless City Commissioners, City Manager, too many Assistant City Managers to mention and that no good Mother Fuc*** Chief of Police Felix Sauceda.
They are just sucking the City dry!

Anonymous said...

The people in Browntown are to stupid to understand or care. As long as they get their government handout they stay quiet. Most are illegal and can’t vote anyway….

Anonymous said...

I thought this administration was supposed to be the "new" that got out the old?

I can understand not wanting Pepe down the street to perform some shoddy work in a historical district, but surely there has to be an avenue available that doesn"t end up screwing over current property owners.

But, Brownsville politics never ceases to amaze.
