Friday, November 12, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If the city manager and city commission met in closed session to discuss your employment and – after emerging from the closed session – approved your termination, should you have been given notice they were discussing you and your job and given you a chance to air your side of the story in an open hearing?

Former City of Brownsville Director of Internal Services Roxanne Moreno says that although the Texas Open Meetings Act does not require absolute notice requirements, it does require "substantial compliance" to alert employees that they are the subject of the agenda item where their employment – and their termination – was discussed. 

On November 3, she – through her attorney John Shergold – sued the city for failure to comply with a section of the act (551.074) and is asking that she be reinstated to her former position. Moreno and Shergold declined to comment on the lawsuit. 

Moreno was employed by the city from November 12, 2019 until September 13, 2021 when she was terminated by City of Brownsville Manager Noel Bernal. She alleges that she supervised numerous employees at the Building and Facility Maintenance, Fleet and Call Center. Through that entire time, she says she never received any complaints from any city employee or members of the public or any negative written evaluations.

Yet, a week after her termination – during the September 21 meeting– City Attorney Victor Flores posted an item on the agenda that read: 

"Closed consult with legal counsel pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate personnel matters, including discipline, termination or dismissal of public officer(s) or employee(s), and other related legal issues."

Moreno believes that she and other public officers or employees were discussed under the agenda item that is not permitted by the Act. Had she been told that her employment and that her employment (and that of others) were the subject of the discussion, they had the right to request an open hearing before the city commission under the state's Sunshine Legislation.

Further, she claims that since the city commission took action on personnel matters involving her and others that is not permitted in an illegal meeting conducted outside of a public meeting posted and conducted pursuant to the Open Meetings Act and that the alleged statutory violation by the city commission at the meeting can be voided, and employees can move to stop, prevent, or reverse a violation of the statute. 

In fact, another section of TOMA (551.142) allows "an interested person, including a member of the news media," to bring an action by mandamus or injunction to stop, prevent, or reverse a violation or threatened a governmental body. 

If the claim prevails, the court is allowed to assess costs of litigation and attorneys fees incurred by the plaintiff acting in good faith who prevails in an action.

The case was assigned to the 445th District Court.


Anonymous said...

You can screw Helen Ramirez but not a city employee who works for her money.
Coward Bernal, sleeping with Helen Ramirez behind closed doors.

Anonymous said...

If the meeting was after she was fired what right would she have to appear before the commission which may have just been discussing legal strategy after receiving a letter from Shergold.


Anonymous said...

Are you going to write about the city's partnership with 9POINT8?

Anonymous said...

Many city employees have either left or are contemplating leaving the city due to so many double standards. For one, if an employee asks for a pay increase due to his/her job performance they are told that they need a college degree in order to get that pay raise. Yet, the HR director has a college degree from Mexico and not from a US university and earning $106,000 a year plus a car allowance. It would be a great idea for a city commissioner like Roy De Los Santos to investigate why did Bernal made an exception and hired someone with Mexican college degree since the city never accepted Mexican degrees for employment purposes. Could it be that the HR director is related to Bernal?

Anonymous said...

******* Bernal sleeping with Helen Ramirez is part of the Total Alignment plan! With Brownsville so small, Bernal had to bring his buddies (and lover Helen) to name them as assistant city managers. No mames! ******

Anonymous said...

Why return? Get the money and have fun at the tax-payers expense (the poorest town in the country) and incompetent administration of course...

not saying too much about the elected pendejos here either

Anonymous said...

City management is so eager to fire unwanted employees without a cause but fails miserably on holding its top managers accountable for committing fraud. Take for example, assistant city manager James Walker has been receiving a car allowance for the last two years but drives a city truck every day to conduct "business". The very reason they get a car allowance is so that they are required to drive their personal cars to conduct business. Why didn't Bernal hold him accountable for committing fraud? You guessed right, favoritism at it's best. Total Alignment? Total bullshit that is.

Anonymous said...

Shergold is the man! He knows his shit, and is one of the good guys. If he took the case it means somebody fucked up.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell has he not fired the director at Public Works. He does nothing and most of his staff has been leaving the department. He got a fine from TCEQ at Port Arthur and sued Corpus Christi after being fired.

Check out the links below

Anonymous said...

Every time they meet they violate the Cameron County and cob open meetings act and that also includes BISD morons...
