Monday, November 22, 2021


  By Juan Montoya

As a student at Garden Park Elementary School in November 22, 1963, our third-grade class went on a field trip to Harlingen to see how bread (Holsum Bakery) and ice cream (at Hygeia) were made.

At Holsum we got some sweet rolls and a pencil and at Hygeia an ice cream bar and a walk-through on how they were experimenting with sea water to enhance their product.

We got loaded on the bus and went back to school in Brownsville when the bus driver stopped at the school gate and one of our teachers stood at the front of the bus and told us that President John F. Kennedy was dead from an assassin's bullet in Dallas.

In the silence that followed, we saw our teachers – in those days our respected role models – break into tears.

We shuffled out the bus in silence – stunned by the news of John F. Kennedy's death but more by watching our teachers burst into tears with grief – and one student asked: "Does that mean we don't have a president?"

It's difficult to realize that it's been 58 years ago. To our generation, it was one of those index points in our existence, akin to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to the generation before us. Today it's 911. And to our kids, it will be pandemic of 2020-2021. 

Image result for zapruder filmSince he burst upon the scene preaching a message of cultural inclusion, Kennedy was revered by Mexican-Americans in the United States. His Alliance for Progress announced in 1961 to Latin America was a sea change from previous U.S. initiatives for the region.

And Kennedy was the first to announce the idea for an organization to send college students to help people around the world. He pushed for it during the 1960 presidential campaign, at a late-night speech at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, October 14, 1960, on the steps of the Michigan Union.

He later dubbed the proposed organization the "Peace Corps." A brass marker commemorates the place where Kennedy stood. In the weeks after the 1960 election, the study group at Colorado State University released their feasibility study a few days before Kennedy's Presidential Inauguration in January 1961. When I attended the U of M in the Fall of 1975, it was one of the first places I saw.

Much later, Kennedy would show his resoluteness in the face of Russian adventurism in Cuba by standing up to the Soviets and making them remove the nuclear missiles from that island. He would be gunned down – as would be Robert, his brother – by assassins.

The grief in the streets of Las Prietas was tangible. Many homes already had embroidered tapestries of Kennedy and his wife Jackie in the living rooms of the humble homes in that west-end barrio. His death – we would later find out – would herald a generational index point in our lives.
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Many years later we would find out that our hero, like all human beings, had a few warts we had not discerned.

We found out that he had pushed along the plan to overthrown the Fidel Castro regime to the point of approving CIA-sponsored assassination attempts against its leaders; that he was carried along by the inertia of militarism against the Vietnamese people's battle against its French occupiers that erupted into the Vietnam War, and that he even cheated on the princess of Camelot Jacqueline with bombshell actress Marilyn Monroe.

But in that sunny November 22, 1963 day after our field day trip to Harlingen, we only knew that something strange and awful had befallen our neighborhood and our country, and were stunned at the news. The street where I lived just happened to be named Kennedy.


Anonymous said...

Lyndon B Johnson HATED Kennedy. Johnson and the CIA killed Kennedy...any questions?!

Anonymous said...

It all fades.

Holsum Bread is gone, too.

Anonymous said...

CVS to close 900 stores over next three years
They just closed one here that was next to HEB and walgreens que pendejos no wonder.....

Alberson and CVS will never make it here they are gringo stores bye bye.

Anonymous said...


Self-Pitying Jan. 6 Rioter-on-the-Run Sucks Up to Russia on State TV

Evan Neumann is filled with regret over his role in the insurrection, but is still backing Trump and cozying up to Putin: “I don’t understand why Russia is our enemy.”

(Another Republican pussy)


Anonymous said...

index point?

can't you be a bit more dramatic?

Anonymous said...

index point [′in‚deks‚pΘ―int]
(computer science)
A hardware reference mark on a disk or drum for use in timing.

Your use: ????

Anonymous said...

How 'bout them Kansas City Chiefs?!

Anonymous said...

Trump Fan Who Organized Buses To D.C. Sentenced To 60 Days In Capitol Riot Case

Frank Scavo, a Pennsylvania Trump supporter, cooperated with the FBI and pleaded guilty in his misdemeanor case.

(he ratted on other Republicans)

Anonymous said...

High School Football Regional Semifinals:

Austin Vandegrift (11-1) vs Edinburg Vela (12-0), 4 p.m. Friday at Corpus Christi’s Cabaniss Stadium

Austin Westlake (12-0) vs PSJA North (10-2), 4 p.m. Friday at San Antonio’s Alamodome

Anonymous said...

Even in those days, only a truly ignorant person could believe that one politician could change the country or world, whether it be JFK, Trump or Biden. JFK was a sham, a poor president and a worse man. Still he didn't deserve to be killed. I was 21 years old at the time, and I did not grieve. I still don't grieve for him.

Anonymous said...

Ojo, raza.


Anonymous said...

What bullshit! JFK did not force the Russians to remove their missiles from Cuba. He cut a back channel deal, where we removed our missiles from Eastern Europe and they took their out of Cuba. It can be said, the Russians forced Kennedy to take our missiles our of Eastern Europe.

Anonymous said...

I was at Putegnate elementary in the 5th grade. The first announcement came over the PA system as we were returning from our lunch period. The Principal, Mr. Manfredo Fred Del Castillo announced that Kennedy had been shot. All I remember is staring at the speaker up in corner of the classroom for the next 20 minutes. Then the second announcement came through that our President had died. Ms. Flores, our teacher, remained calm but you could see the tears rolling down her checks. We were dismissed early and told to go directly home. Then I sat in front of my TV for the next 4 days.

Anonymous said...

Fucking Marilyn Monroe and not your wife would not be cheating.

You fuckin' kidding me, Montoya?


Anonymous said...

You say he was gunned down by assassins. Plural?

that's news!

write it.

Anonymous said...

Trump did it. LoL. Obsessed

Anonymous said...

Judge Says Democrat Al Gore Faced Election Loss Like 'A Man,' Unlike Donald Trump

The ex-president's ongoing lies about vote fraud came up as the judge criticized the gullibility of a Trump supporter who joined the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

(Republicans are evil and anti-American)

Anonymous said...

November 22, 2021 at 11:38 AM

and you now think that el pendejo trumputo was and is the greatest usa president ever ha pinche idiota racist republican moron!

Anonymous said...

Trump isn't President anymore. So who is obsessed with Trump?

Anonymous said...

For those interested in the backstory on the Kennedy Assassination- take a look at the book - The Devils Chessboard.

Anonymous said...

JFK wouldn't be welcome in today's Democratic party.

Anonymous said...

November 23, 2021 at 9:15 AM
posss tu pendejo

Anonymous said...

A quien le das pan que yorre?
Monroe was a damn good piece of ass.

Anonymous said...

November 29, 2021 at 3:20 PM

To what primaria school in mexico did you go to? Trump Primaria escuela para pendejos?
