Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It's probably understandable that people may find it difficult to find something to be thankful about today given the last two years of suffering through a pandemic that has taken millions from among the living, battered our economy, and has created a rise in the cost of living.

The racial conflicts in our country, and the continuing ideological antagonisms that have resulted in blood spilled in our streets between brothers, have rent the social fabric of  this republic. Unity - so necessary to forge the social contract that bind us together as a people - is eroding visibly.

Yet, we - you who read this and I who write it -  have much to be thankful for. 

We are alive, we're not starving, and live in a nation that is the envy of the world. Hunger stalks the world. People are literally dying on our shores to be where we are, to enjoy the benefits bestowed upon us that are denied to millions worldwide. In fact, food bank advocates say we waste more food in this nation than in any other.

As our older Mexican-American generations in South Texas used to say: "No concemos el hambre."  

We must be thankful for the men and women - military veterans and civilians - who came before and for those who are are still serving in their place to make us safe and secure. 

And we must salute the public servants who labor sincerely to make our democracy work, and the taxpayers who contribute through their labor and obligations to fund its existence and provide the wherewithal to their fellow citizens to assure their survival.

There will always be political differences, but there is a mechanism - political participation - to address them. The right to dissent and resist the government is guaranteed by the constitution. No one - magistrate or soldier - can force you how to think or how to worship.

To not be thankful for this is to be an ingrate and a denial that we are the beneficiaries of living in a great nation and part of a great people. Be thankful today for that and for those who share our existence here. And pray that the suffering millions around our world have a  better tomorrow. Work for and pray that our future generations also enjoy the fruits of our democracy and its bounty. 

Share with those who have less and extend a hand to those needy among us as the Creator, Great Spirit, or God, has extended these blessings to us. Show compassion, as has been shown to us.

Happy Thanksgiving America.


Ben said...

We are blessed indeed. Thanks to the Vets, Vets to be, Emergency workers and Medical Personnel. All the people that help people. Gracias.

Anonymous said...

Trump -

"There are no sins if you don't believe in God."

Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving pinches hillbillys and everybody else in this world!

Anonymous said...

You give thanks "to," not about.

Anonymous said...

Amen to the article.

Anonymous said...

When do we get our next stimulus check?

Anonymous said...

The Valley loves their Lone Star card...

Anonymous said...


36-33 over the Dallas Ranch Hands...


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all you human lab rats! Might be your last one! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Here’s what scientists know about the new variant and the new name recently discovered:


More deadly than any other virus found on this planet - affects the eyes, ears, nose and the brain.

Will have a a huge effect on all lives

Originated in New York city and has been reported to have spread to Florida some remnants can be found in Washing DC.

Anonymous said...

A feast for all: Methodist Church serves community Thanksgiving meal

There are NO Methodist Church in the southmost area why?

Anonymous said...

Weslaco’s Brandon Figueroa, the World Boxing Council super bantamweight champion, has been climbing the boxing ladder since joining the professional ranks.

“The Heartbreaker” is set for the biggest fight of his young career as he puts his belt on the line against Stephen “Cool Boy Steph” Fulton, the World Boxing Organization super bantamweight champion, in a title unification bout in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions fight card on Showtime at 9 p.m. Saturday. Figueroa (22-0-1) and Fulton (17-0) are scheduled to walk to the ring at approximately 10 p.m.

Watch it cabrones y VIVA EL VALLE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Half Time

Edinburg Vela

Austin Vandegrift
2nd Quarter


PSJA North

Austin Westlake


oh, well

Anonymous said...

November 26, 2021 at 8:57 AM

Just like el trumputo last time he'll hold public office and definite his last red-ass racist republicans hajahajahaja morons

Anonymous said...

Final Scores -

Austin Vandegrift 38
Edinburg Vela 14

Austin Westlake 56
PSJA North 0

(Vela was undefeated in Valley play; PSJA North was simply overmatched.)


Anonymous said...

Scientists said that the new variant warranted urgent study to determine its effect against the vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

Its the coach's fault fire all of them

Anonymous said...

There we go with the hypocritical liberal democrats again.

Travel bans are good now as opposed to trump travel bans that were bad.

Waiting for the cursing and low intelligence comments to start.

No answers just nasty low intelligence comments.

Anonymous said...

November 26, 2021 at 8:57 AM, November 27, 2021 at 1:50 PM

Mamones de trump why you continue to kiss his ass morons he's a has been and will never be

Anonymous said...

November 26, 2021 at 8:57 AM

F Y hillbilly
