Monday, December 13, 2021


Fox News

The 2022 House election cycle is expected to be hard fought as Democrats defend razor-thin majorities and Republicans eye the potential for historic gains in a favorable political environment. But few races may be as hotly contested – or expensive – as the open seat in Texas' 15th Congressional District.

There's no incumbent in the 15th after Republicans squeezed Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas, out of his seat during the state's redistricting process. GOP candidate Monica De La Cruz, who nearly upset Gonzalez in 2020, is running again in a cycle that's expected to be even more favorable for Republicans.

"I believe that the Democrat Party is going to spend a lot of money on my race and pour tons of resources into District 15," De La Cruz said. "We've already seen the Pelosi and AOC investment into Vicente Gonzalez's campaign earlier this year, and I think we're going to continue seeing that trend because they know what we know, which is that there's an awakening in South Texas."

(Republican Monica De La Cruz, running in the next general election for the 15th Congressional District, talks in her office in Alamo, Texas, Thursday, July 8, 2021. In Republicans' bid to retake control of Congress, this traditionally Democratic stretch of south Texas has quietly become a top battleground. After making unexpected gains last November, the GOP is zeroing in on a trio of House seats in the region as key targets heading into next year's midterm elections. They include the 15th congressional district, which hasn't sent a Republican to Washington since its creation in 1903, but where the GOP newcomer came within three points of winning in 2020. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

According to FiveThirtyEight, the 15th Congressional District is the most competitive in the state after GOP lawmakers redrew the state's district lines based on the latest Census. And Texas is expected to be a hotbed for political spending this year as former presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke runs to flip the Texas governor's mansion blue after a presidential campaign in 2020 and an expensive Senate campaign in 2018.

De La Cruz says she expects the entire 2022 cycle to resemble the last days of the 2020 election, when it became clear she had a chance to win and Democrats flooded resources to South Texas. This included a visit from then-vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris along with O'Rourke and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., also joined Castro to phone bank in Texas days before the election.

The GOP political machine is also gearing up to spend big money in the 15th district. De La Cruz was part of the first round of non-incumbent endorsements from the GOP PAC Winning for Women (WFW). That PAC backed women like Reps. Maria Salazar, R-Fla., and Young Kim, R-Calif., who flipped blue seats to red last year.


Anonymous said...


Vote Democrat!

Blue is You.

(Republicans are evil and anti-Americans)

Former RGV LEO said...

VOTE REPUBLICAN! The left is nothing more than a bunch of money grubbing free loaders! RGV, we're sick of the corruption that democrats continue to lay toward the taxpayer! Remember, democrats are the ones who to accept and make law that babies full term can be aborted! And the same democrats are sexual deviants and pedophiles, does the name Epstein ring a bell? You have dumb asses like aoc and pilosi making calls, doubt that? One can't speak right after drinking and the other talks like that dumb ass in the White House!

Democrats in Washington are the true evil of America right now!

Anonymous said...

December 13, 2021 at 4:57 PM

Los gringos/cocos will be out in force and start the lies and the accusations that's all they're good for and the racist republicans to cater to the cocos and make them feel white and privileged.

Racist republicans support the rich and famous to be exempt from paying taxes racist trash is all they know just remember his idol calling Mexicans murderers and rapist, but he excused los cocos like el pendejo at: December 13, 2021 at 4:57 PM pinche coco mamon and an ex-cop WOW...


Anonymous said...

December 13, 2021 at 4:57 PM
Who's "we're sick" sucka moron racist republican trash..

Anonymous said...

if anything vote to protect your 2nd amendment. o quieren ir al marrano con un revolver? y no es el de mario almada.

Anonymous said...

Vote for morals and values. Vote Republican.

Anonymous said...

The Republican Party ,,,

Several of its intellectual founders—Whittaker Chambers and James Burnham, among others—were shaped early on by Communist ideology and practice,

Anonymous said...

The corruption of the Republican Party in the Trump era seemed to set in with breathtaking speed. They just want power.

Anonymous said...

800000 corona deaths, 450000 under Biden this year.

Hooray for Joe Biden the corona buster.

Anonymous said...

South Texas is an example to the nation. Three Vacines plus the Flu Vaccine plus using face covering and washing hands and keeping away from people.

The poor want to survive.

Meanwhile, the Republicans.... believe they will glow if they get the vaccine.
They believe their DNA will be changed forever. They will not have kids if vaccinated.
