Wednesday, December 1, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: Having weighed our options and with the warning by the World Health Organization that the  global risk from the Omicron variant of the coronavirus is “very high” based on early evidence and could lead to surges with “severe consequences," we finally broke down and went to get our booster (third) Moderna shot.

Free and relatively painless we received ours from the Valley Doctors' Clinic at 2300  Central Blvd. and were out the door in less than five minutes. 

We respect the right of others to decide whether to get the booster, but having received the first two without any adverse effects we chose to get the third to ward off any new mutations and to protect others if we happened to be asymptomatic and infect vulnerable persons. I have an 89-year-old mother who has fought off infection for the better part of two years and we'd like to keep it that way.

This morning my left arm felt heavy and I had a general – but very slight – malaise with some aching bones. We'll stay at the homestead and pop a few ibuprofen to address the discomfort and are out of commission for at least today. 

As we said, we respect people's right to refuse the vaccine, but since we deal with a lot of people daily, we did not want to put vulnerable people or those with  pre-existing conditions at risk. The staff at the Doctors' Clinic invites those who want one to stop by their office on Central Boulevard. Better safe than sorry.)


Anonymous said...

But the new variant OMICRON is like a FRANKESTEIN MIX.

Time to keep away from most people, wash your hands, do noot touch your eyes and keep a safe distance.

Most of us forgot all this...... only few people really take care of their health.

1. People are not wearing face masks.
2. People are not washing hands.
3. People are close to each other....
4. People are going to parties (Christmas parades, Garibaldi Night, Charro Days etc)

My question. Who is going to survive this pandemic? Not me, that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

December 1, 2021 at 8:12 AM

Idiota, I too want to party see you on the other side.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you will not be missed. Mexicans are not builders, and that's what society needs.

too bad.

Anonymous said...

Respect people who opt not to vaccinate? Never. I have a couple of not apparent issues that make it likely I will not survive should I become infected with Covid. I got vaccinated at the first opportunity and followed up with the second and then the booster. I wear a mask whenever I'm going to be around people. I have lost respect for those who exercise their right to infect others and maybe kill them to protect some stupid political bullshit or because of some imagined fear like microchips or some kind of tracking chip (yet they all carry cell phones, the ultimate tracker). I say if you don't care enough about our society to protect the person next to you then you have no value as a person and you will likely find other ways to hurt society as you move through life. I can't wait for some ignorant bastard to comment to my face about my "fear". I have two years of frustration to unload.

Anonymous said...

December 1, 2021 at 10:33 AM

Hillbillys are white y son puros huevones can't built a mojon without help.
