Tuesday, December 7, 2021


 By Juan Montoya

It took 92 years for the City of Brownsville to finally remove the Jefferson Davis monument from Washington Park after three years of a campaign by local progressives to remove the large rock.

“This is an artifact of white supremacy, because that’s what it is. This is an artifact of white supremacy,” said Mark Kaswan, an activist with Frontera Progressives as he turned and looked at the 92-year-old monument that when he was interviewed in 2020 still memorialized Davis, the only president of the confederate states.

“""He was a strong proponent of white supremacy and the United Daughters of the Confederacy really were calling him a martyr. Really reflects their purpose which is to promote this idea of white supremacy,” he told the local daily.

Under cover of darkness, city employees removed the huge boulder and placed it in storage, probably never to see the light of day.

But while the city removed the offending monument, with one hand, it also spent thousands to bring a shack that used to belong to Brownsville "founder" Charles Stillman, listed as a slave owner in the 1850 census.

And then, just a few years later, it allotted $190,000 to restore the home of William Neale, a former Brownsville mayor whose claim to fame was that he was a runaway slave catcher who hunted down his prey in northern Mexico to return them to their owners, for a fee, of course.

First, the city signed a "Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Transporting Charles Stillman House" through then-City Manager Charlie Cabler and Brownsville Historical Association Director Priscilla Ann Rodriguez in Nov. 9, 2012 that stated that "the city has been given a house once occupied by Charles Stillman known as Los Laureles Ranch House..."

Under the terms of the MOU, the city estimated that the cost of moving the
house from Corpus Christi would be about $65,000.

"Because of the historical, educational, and general public importance of having the home of the founder of Brownsville in the city he founded, City is willing to contribute $25,000 to the BHA to (solely and exclusively) assist in relocating the house to Brownsville," the MOU stated.

About three months later, during a presentation by then-Assistant City
Manager for Finance Pete Gonzalez he disclosed that the city had already spent $39,000 without bothering to go to the city commissioner for approval of the funds although it had gone over the $35,000 discretionary limit.

That money was part of the $3 million awarded to the city from its share of a settlement with American Electric Power Texas Central Co. And – perhaps more importantly – there had been no item on a city agenda asking the commissioners to approve the outlay from those funds.

Well, the city is up to its bad habit of spending money on dilapidated homes of the former city "founder," who used legal chicanery with his lawyer friend Samuel Belden to steal the land from its land-grant holders. It set aside another $190,000 to move the Neal House who was an officer in the confederacy who supported slavery and gained a reputation for being a good hunter of runaway slaves who escaped into Mexico.

In "The Twin Cities of the Border," Lt. W. H. Charfield wrote in 1893 that Neale discussed his slave catching with some pride and said that Neale sought them in their "lairs" like beasts and fancied that the recaptured slaves were somehow grateful to Neale for returning them to their master and to bondage in their "Old Cabin Home."

In fact, when Juan Cortina and his followers took over the city in September 1859, they sought out William Peter Neale Jr. openly naming him as the perpetrator off multiple murders of local of Mexican victims in his Las Rusias ranch.

District 1 commissioner Nurith Galonsky announced that the city will use the $190,000 of taxpayers' money to move the Neale House to the linear park alongside slave-owning buddy Stillman's Laureles Ranch Love Shack and restore it. But that was put on hold when some commissioners – notably Roy de los Santos – argued that it should not go into the linear park and vowed to stop the move. A committee was formed to study the issue and make recommendations for its eventual placement.

If the city stays true to form in its history of moving and restoring historical buildings, the house will probably be converted to some fantasized version that is nothing like the original structure. The Neale House was given to the Brownsville Art League in 1950 and at one time the building served as the canteen for the American Legion where vets told lies and drank the night away.

The local Cowen family has continued efforts to keep the glorious memories of the "Lost Cause" alive and stretch across the centuries. One of the descendants – city commissioner John Ford Cowen – bears the confederate officer's name (John Rip Ford). Cowen voted to award the $190,000 in public money to restore the home of one of his family's ancestors.
Look at how the city got the Stillman shack and – after pouring thousands into the restoration – how it looks now. The same will probably happen to the Neal structure, which is literally rotting where it stands.

Polyester tarpaulins have been draped over the holes on the roof and the patio overhead has caved in, requiring a complete restoration at a considerable cost to the local taxpayer who have no ties whatsoever to this obscure racist.

This latest effort to glorify the concepts of treason, white supremacy, robber barons, the confederacy, and slavery, has no place in the spending of public funds.
We have glorified the men who stole the land from their rightful owners (Stillman and Belden) by naming one a
founder and restoring his ranch whore house, the other by naming a bike and hike trail after him.

This, ironically, on the very land they stole and where descendants of their dispossessed victims still live.

And now we are spending $190,000 to praise the memory of a traitor to our country, a man who profited by denying human beings their freedom for money, and his son who was a murderer and making them out to be spiritual and historical pillars of our community.

And both the city and the Cameron County commissioners cited fiscal concerns on giving employees the day of to celebrate Juneteenth, the emancipation of Texas slaves. City officials said at the time that they would try to use the money (they didn't say how much) to try to get employees pay raises, raises that never materialized. Cameron County Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza led the charge against the holiday citing the cost.

Pct. 1 commissioner Sofie Benavides saw her proposal had no chance of passing and withdrew it.

So they don't think twice about handing out themselves pay raises at the county or dishing out $100,000s for slavers at the city rather than celebrate the liberation of the slaves?

Then there's the Robert E. Lee Youth Center named after the top general in the confederacy owned by Texas Southmost College that has declined so far to remove its name...

Let the rotting structure, treason, white supremacy, slavery, and the confederacy and robber barons stay where they belong: in the dust bin of history.

Brownsville racism, one step forward, two steps back...


Anonymous said...

Mr. Mayor, tear down that house!

Honor your people.

Anonymous said...

Whites will always be white no matter what, take from the poor to give to the rich, PAY TAXES is what they should do, their goal is to glorify themselves along with some cocos wanna be white mamones. Murderers and theives the scum from europe.

Where is gilbert villarral?

Anonymous said...

Americans’ Pandemic-Era ‘Excess Savings’ Are Dwindling for Many
Another check?

Anonymous said...

It doesnt need to remain because it reinforces white supremacy but it should remain so that we do not forget the wrongs of our past...this is the same reason not all of the concentration camps have been destroyed.

For those who forget the past will be condemned to repeat it.

Anonymous said...

Make it an issue for the next election.

$190,000 is too damned much to pay for racist history!!!

Anonymous said...

An angry crowd turned violent after a soccer game was suspended for a homophobic chant in Morelia, Michoacán, on Saturday.

An Expansion League quarter-finals game between C.A. Morelia and Tampico Madero F.C. was interrupted when fans began to chant, “Eh, puto!” a homophobic slur and soccer fan tradition that the Mexico Soccer Federation (FMF) has been trying to end.

As per federation rules, the referee halted the game and sent the players back to their locker rooms after fans repeatedly yelled the chant. But fans were not having it: the crowd turned violent and began to throw objects onto the field.

- Pos que chinguen su madre, los refereeeeeees.

Anonymous said...

When my family legally immigrated here from Mexico, we faced discrimination by chicanos. Many of these chicanos appeared to be 3000 percent puro indio. Their primary source of pride was being excreted in the USA. Bitch all you want, but remember that chicanos are just as racist as blacks. The most racist people in America.

Anonymous said...

Here you go again Montoya. Bitch about one thing or another. You have bigger problems if a rock or an old house sets you off. Para de chingar. Nunca te iso nada esa piedra. Ni sabias que desia esa piedra Asta que vino un guy de quien sabe donde a chingar la madre.

Anonymous said...

In response to 12-2021 @7:41. Keep in mind that the INDIANS were the FIRST settler here, they were murdered and tortured for standing up and protecting their land. The so-called Treaties never honored anything much less the Indians legal rights. I wonder how your descendants in Mexico would feel if an American human would trespass their land, in Mexico, and belittled them would feel like?

Former RGV LEO said...

12-7-2021 at 6:33 A.M.

You're exactly right! Its history and a reminder NOT to do it again!

Anonymous said...

Blogs of stupid Mexicans... no wonder your monument is the Lone Star Card!!!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is cursed with Mexicans who will not fight, who will not take to the streets and raise Hell.

You get what you deserve.

Suffer again.

Anonymous said...

The Best Sex Toy Gifts for Every Ho-Ho-Horny Partner

Kinky peeps far and wide, cum all ye faithful: We know you're givers. So this year, give the best sex gifts for everybody, from ball gags to CBD lube.

(Apoco no, Raza? Ja ja ja. Les gusta el pedo!)

Anonymous said...

Tony Zavaleta is the stumbling block at TSC on the Robert E. Lee Center.

And he's your best friend, Montoya!

ja ja, indeed.

Anonymous said...

December 7, 2021 at 1:29 PM

Los zavapatas son los mas cocos in the RGV pinches cocos mamones

Anonymous said...

December 7, 2021 at 7:41 AM

Los pinches mojados son puros pinches lambiscones y se las maman a los gringos. Whites not knowing the difference call every mexican huevones y apestosos until they called a chicano that, pinche gringo learned the difference real quick - a true story...

Anonymous said...

December 7, 2021 at 11:07 AM

Talk about your people los hillbillys pinche coco lambiscon/hillbilly their flag is standing in line to get soup (get in line and get your soup, today is tacuache soup)

Anonymous said...

Foreclosure Moratorium Expired July 31, 2021
In addition to the forbearance provision, Section 4022 of the CARES Act also aided homeowners by imposing a temporary moratorium on foreclosures for federally backed mortgages. ... The applicable state statute of limitations on foreclosures expires on or after January 1, 2022.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of that trashy shack!

I am a lineman for the county, and I ride the main roads.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My dad was in Vietnam. Didn’t die there but his soul was dead when he came back. Pure hell. Fighting something that was never gonna be won.

(this fight can be won. get rid of that fucking house!)

Anonymous said...

As long as Valley people keep transitioning into white supremists by supporting Trump and his cronies, things won’t change much. Maybe when people start having real respect for each other regardless of whether they are dark or light skinned Mexicans, and whether their ancestors crossed el Rio Bravo with papers or without papers- or whether they were born on this side or that side…. There might be a shift.

Why is social status such a big deal around here?

Anonymous said...

That fuking house should be given to ese guey half coco retard mutt! Ese puto doesn't have a home, but lives in a urine stained carton box! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahagaha
Callete lo sicos all you pinche government branded Vaca lab ratas! Just because you all are fuking idiots for trusting the government, that doesn't mean everybody else has be an idiot like you all vacas. Idiotas like you all, deserve to died for being retards! Give me your email and I'll respond, and then we can meet. I will tell you to your face, what I think of you for being a government puta vaca, that loves being fuk in ass by the government! Expect more shots for all you pendejos, here comes the deathly South Africa Moronic virus! This virus is especially for Moronic people like you! Hahahaha!

Este vegetal in office has 5 "HONORARY" Doctorate degrees given by 5 mostly white Colleges that he probably donated a shitload of China gain money to. Y este pendejo "Trump Lost" panocha commenter esta chigando la madre because Trump was given a "HONORARY" black belt degree by the World Taekwondo Headquarters! Someone please educate este pinche mierda retard you don't have to pass any fuking exam to earned any "Honorary Bullshit Degrees”! It's just given to honor a person...IDIOTA!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahagahahahahahahahahahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

December 7th 7:41

It takes an Indio to know an Indio.

But u mentioned Chicano..
Don't mix us up with ur Rancho.

Anonymous said...

PARA EL MAS PENDEJETO AT: December 8, 2021 at 9:01 AM

More redder than red pinche red-ass hillbilly coco wanna be white rata, trash can diver. TRUMP TU QUERIDO LOST GET OVER IT idiota, you in the selling email addresses business, for what, to buy a bagel pinche ambriento lambiscon baboso

trump lost the election get over it perdio el estupido


Anonymous said...

Add it to the list of stupidity projects which include bike trails, la casa nylon, selling of friendship garden, civic center, the bridge to no where, bike trails, more bike trials, historical homes that have been recently build, get elected and pay no property taxes, a gringa elected to the southmost district and on and on and on....

Anonymous said...

@9:01 But the government wouldn't lie to us...they care about us the American people. I'm an obedient sheep that has all my mandatory shots and I am always wearing double masks! I can't wait for the coming lockdowns! I'm so proud of being an American! Land of the free and open borders! "Viva Biden"...4 more years!!! 80 millions people voted him! He is love by the people! 🙄

Anonymous said...

December 9, 2021 at 7:45 PM

Your choice un idiota estupido o un hombre bien educado. simple

hillbilly racial repubicans will never win

Anonymous said...

@10:07 If you think that Trump is an idiota estupido, then how is it he did way better, than este educated vegetal diaper wearer we have now in office? La idiota eres tu pinche mierda pendejo! Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2021 at 9:01 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2021 at 9:01 AM December 11, 2021 at 6:00 AM

I D I O T A !

breaking news breaking news Trumputo Lost

Anonymous said...

Didn't I see that shack over by the southmost area? That used to belonged to el enano chuleton and had chicksdicks in that shack every night...

Anonymous said...

“wHiTe SuPrEmAcY…”

It’s 2021, for fuck’s sake. You’re not oppressed, you’re just a fucking moron with no marketable skills.
