Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 By Juan Montoya

Law enforcement sources close to the investigation have confirmed that the Cameron County District Attorney's Office is probing the alleged cover-up of a crash involving the county-owned 2020 Dodge Ram truck provided to Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza.

Efforts to confirm the information from the DA's Office were unsuccessful.

Some of Garza's neighbors told investigators that the crash-damaged truck was removed by a tow truck. 

The tow truck was said to have been driven by a former Sheriff Dept. deputy and the nephew of a businessman who owns a parts store on International Boulevard where the replacement parts were said to have been bought instead of being procured by the department through the county's procurement process to conceal the crash.

The most we have been able to piece together is that sometime in late July or early September, the damaged truck was taken to Santa Maria where deputy Ramblado Rivera – a Garza political supporter – lives. 

Rivera was hired as a jailer by Garza after he won the election, but in reality is a mechanic in charge of the sheriff's vehicle fleet, sources said.

(That's Rivera and Garza in the heat of the campaign in the photo at right.)

The county requires that when there is an accident involving a county vehicle or a piece of heavy equipment it has to be reported and the driver or operator submit to a drug or substance exam. Apparently, no one reported the accident where the truck was damaged and the driver of the vehicle is unknown, therefore the record doesn't show if a substance abuse exam was performed.

El Rrun-Rrun's sources say that on September 30, Rivera and Deputy Eddie Guerra drove back the truck to the department at Carrizales-Rucker Detention Center and Guerra was said to have used his gas card PIN number to fuel it up. 

Sources said that during the time when the truck was towed and a month later when it was brought back, there was no record of it being fueled in department records. One other instance where the record shows fuel a PIN was used to fuel the truck during that time was by Deputy Silverio Cisneros.

Sheriff personnel wondered why Sheriff Garza was driving his dark blue Santa Fe truck for the better part of a month instead of the county-provided Dodge Ram truck.

Both Guerra and Rivera are said to have been interviewed by DA investigators, sources said.

Other social media have reported – unconfirmed – that the DA's Office is contemplating at least three charges in the case including Abuse of Official Capacity, Engaging in Criminal Activity and Tampering With Evidence.


Anonymous said...


Another song of silly speculation from Montoya. Get the facts, bro! You're singing like a cheap warm-act act!!!

Anonymous said...

Bill O’Reilly has revealed that he had to console Donald Trump after he was booed by his own supporters for getting a vaccine booster shot. Trump told MAGA fans that he’d had his COVID-19 booster during Sunday’s final stop on the “History Tour” he co-headlined with the disgraced ex-Fox News star. The revelation prompted a chorus of boos and jeers from anti-vaxxers in the crowd. In an interview with Dan Abrams on NewsNation, O’Reilly said Trump phoned him after the event and was apparently hurt by the reaction.

Anonymous said...

GPS TRACKING. The truck should have it. Check the cameras when it last left the station. I am sure dispatch should also have GPS TRACKING ON ALL VEHICLE S. And I am sure he turned on the lights when he wrecked, and activated the camera on dashboard. And called his attorney jonythen haha. He said get it fixed under the table. Dumbass, didn't use original parts. Govt rule, it has to be original. And a cheap paint job. With different tires. BARNEY FIFE AND DEPUTY DAWG CAN DO A BETTER COVER-UP. THEN, WANT TO BE SHERIFF GARZA. USELESS JUST LIKE JONYTHEN GRACIAS. Technology will solve this accident.

Anonymous said...

Gracia impersonated a Police officer for 3 months the DA didnt do shit, they found over 200k in Cornejo's office the DA didnt do shit, what makes you believe Luis Saenz is doing something now..

Anonymous said...

Hey Barron are you going to do an IA on this? Oh shit I forgot, the LT position came with a price

Anonymous said...

clowns like Cornejo, Rambaldo, Hawkins they all carry portables, drive county units with red and blues, and have access to the most critical information... Garza doesnt give a shit, he doesnt know any better

Anonymous said...

There is a reason why Ramblado is never at the office on Mondays nor Fridays, they should check his timecard he clocks in but he is doing "something" else

Anonymous said...

Bro the entire office is a fucking mess... you have pendejos like Cornado conducting interviews on deputies for promotion LMFAO!

Anonymous said...

And the new IA that just got promoted to LT, where is he? Oh thats right! he doing investigations on "special" cases

Anonymous said...

The owner of the body parts store is Julio Morales, and the former deputy's name is Omar Lopez

Anonymous said...

We don't give a shit about this, we want our uniforms, take a look how everything looks so fucked up, deputies wearing the new uniform with the old brown jacket and a cap from walmart... and Garza needs to fucking shave he looks like shaggy from scooby-do...Bro if you cant grow a beard just let it go man, you look so fucking terrible. Sad to say this but we need the old man back

Anonymous said...

U N B E L I E A B L E !

Oh well gringos used to do the same thing way back when

Anonymous said...

The DA ain't clean either.

Garza is probably not playing ball, so they are waiting for anything to hammer Garza.

Anonymous said...

To the neighbors who witnessed a crime: Call the DPS. They are responsible for investigating all Texas police agencies and departments.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is BIG, REAL BIG - like the last pedo from Southmost.

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Juan didnt deputy dog Reyna wreck some vehicles too when omar lucio was sheriff y que? Nothing ever happen,

Anonymous said...

Carlos Del Bosque is Ramblado's puppet...go figure

Anonymous said...

Dont worry about this guys, im sure Lt.Juan Barron from IA is already on top of this,calling the Rangers and the DAs to solve this matter quick...LMFAO

Anonymous said...

The end is near!

Anonymous said...

There is only two options for you Garza, resign or jail, your puppets Eddie Guerra and Ramblado are going to testify against you, unless they want those charges too

Anonymous said...

One of these days you'll have a real news story, Montoya.

This is just a hit job paid for by loser sheriff's candidate John Chambers.

Anonymous said...

Ramblado, Gracia, Cornejo, Silverio, Charles I would login into the workforce commission to look for a job if I were you.... looks like all of you at-will employees are going to be out of the job soon, and some with criminal charges

Anonymous said...

The 1 year term Sheriff... "The change we need, the protection we deserve"

Anonymous said...

Relax people, i'm sure Lt.Barron is on top of this

Anonymous said...

From the still-to-filmed documentary: "Culos En Accion!"

Anonymous said...

And this is the "change we need" ????

Anonymous said...

de la camioneta investiguen bien ya quierers ganarle ala rosa de guadalupe pobre vato puras novelas y puras pune mentalez jajajajajajajaj

Anonymous said...

You got this Eric!!! Just tell Gracia to do a press release again

Anonymous said...

Damn Gringos always messing things up for the Mexicans. Oh wait...there are no Gringos in this story. It is just more Mexican on Mexican dumbass shit.

Anonymous said...

Eric, you need to pay more attention to your wife, someone in Matamoros is doing it for you

Anonymous said...

December 21, 2021 at 11:16 AM

Idiotas abound and here's one - estupido

Anonymous said...

I can bet you my year's salary the DA wont do shit

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque doesn't mind taking orders from Ramblado, his LT rank was given to him... he did not test for it, the last time he took a test he scored under 50 LOL

Anonymous said...

The change we need
The protection we deserve

Anonymous said...

You should call pct 5, ask if they still have that position available, once Garza knows you snitched on him, vas para patrol dad

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! Barron, you turned out to be a disgrace., A sell out! Just to get on top. You never had the balls to stand up to anyone from the previous admin and now these guys. Eddie Guerra, bro you fucked yourself and your future in law enforcement. Just for a short time of glamour. Everyone caught onto you and your greedy ways. You used to be cool but now look at the attention you guys have brought to yourselves. All for trying to "fit in" or be excepted. The Cameron County clica's like always. "If you don't roll with me, your fucked." So many deputies gone cuz of this administration. As Conrado Cantu used to say "ANIMO!" ... jajajaja. No valen verga putos.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to see here guys, Lt.Barron will handle this, the same he handled driving his county unit while intoxicated and getting into a fight

Anonymous said...

And the show continues

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the cameron County sheriff dept shit show its like the blind leading the blind.

Anonymous said...

Chinguen sus madres todos los que escriben estas pendejadas. Estos deputies no valen verga.

He dicho.

Aqui no hay novedades; esto es puro pedo. Otra vez a cagar, Raza.

Anonymous said...

Shit is about to change real soon! Angel, start cleaning that office bro, no more peeling it at space X.. get your patrol mode swicth ON

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque hangs from this guys nuts cause he doesnt want to go to patrol...he doesnt know how to do anything else but walk around the office telling jokes about Daniel huertas wife..you tell them stolen valor

Anonymous said...

How many times did Gus Reyna crash county vehicles? Luis Saenz never took it upon himself to investigate because he's related to Linda Salazar and Linda is related to his wife. Pure fucken politics.

Anonymous said...

The intolerant Reyna loyalists at it again. Almanza paid for his Stripes by funding Javier Reynas campaign and demanding to be a Sgt. We all heard the fight in the office. Bunch of dirty bastards.

Anonymous said...

Que mal que el condado todavía no cambia. Todos progresan menos nosotros! Muy mal!

Anonymous said...

Eric, guess who called the Texas Commission on Jail Standards to snitch he was sent to work in the jail as jailer....your boy La Cebolla!

Anonymous said...

We are in good hands thank God! We have Lt.Barron, im sure that by tomorrow he is going to interview everyone involved, expect some results by end of the day. He doesnt fuck around...right bootsy?

Anonymous said...

Los pendejos de Eric.. "oh but Gus did the same" LMFAO

Anonymous said...

Pobrecito mi Eric..ta bien pendejo mijo

Anonymous said...

Luis Mendieta, Osiel Cardenas employee, is bragging that Gracia is quitting and that he is coming back.. arriba el cartel del golfo

Anonymous said...

But gus did the same! Todo joto.. fucking get your shit together.. he did crashed his unit, it was reported to county, and he paid the damages to both vehicles...but but gus did the same! LmFAO

Anonymous said...

Garza (basic peace officer)
Gracia (Basci peace officer)
Ramblado (special ED)

Anonymous said...

..merry Christmas..
Para Runn Runn..

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the weird shit happening in the jail. Male staff members being told naughty boys who call in sick will have their bottoms spanked wtf is that shit.

Anonymous said...

Frank Mason for sheriff!

Anonymous said...

The sheriff's office is the laughing stock of the valley. Starting with Eric Garza you grow facial hair like a 12 year old boy shave that shit pendejo. Second you have the worst taste in cowboy hats. Don't you look at yourself in the mirror before you leave your house? You look like complete jackass and you're fat af lose some weight you fat fuck. Now getting to Gracia you still haven't been arrested after looking at confidential paperwork while you were still just a civilian? Anyone know what Abraham Rodriguez's stupid ass has been up to? I haven't heard anything since he assaulted one of his Sargents for talking back to him.

Anonymous said...

Well at least I can say that the jail side of things is finally looking good. We finally have a true leader and some of the personnel changes he made have been what we have been lacking for so long. All for the exception of Lazo, the last administration before did a mistake promoting that lazy good for nothing slob. You can try to mold this POS as much as you can but at the end shit will always be shit. Hey Commander, don’t trust that fat rat because he was all over the cocks of Elizarde and Sanchez and now is jumping to the new big fish, this guy will turn his back on anybody as we’ve all seen. He is the only supervisor that we feel is still dragging down the progression and it would be better if he just quit or got fired. But take it from someone who has been around for different administrations, things are finally starting to look like they did in the old days with the brotherhood. To all my brothers and sisters in gray, keep hanging in there I’m positive things will keep getting better.

Anonymous said...

BISD, BPD, FD (city fat dept) etc no wonder nothing is being done in all these departments. They are all posting all day to this blog defending their supervisors y los jefes or themselves BOLA DE MAMONES GET TO WORK but keep posting. juicey shit all da time....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's call on the job training at YOUR EXPENSE the taxpayers

Anonymous said...

Hey Sgt.Edgar Rivera are you still mad that a jailer took your side chick clerk and they sent her to work the jail? You filed the grievance against Capt.Jamon Rdz because you got butt hurt that they moved your little side gf and Lt.Diaz was gonna take her phone. Did you forget all the past employees rights youve violated? and now you want to be part of the board? jajajaja please go back doing what you do best, crying wolf on patrol and getting your side pieces taken by jailers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Merry Christmas to you too, huevon.

Anonymous said...

7:27 am
Fat department, useless. They make all that money, and cannot put out a fire next to them.

Former RGV LEO said...

Well, it didn't take long for this inexperienced elected official to abuse his position when it came to crashing a taxpayer paid vehicle and then totally disregard the law and rules and regulations that HE would expect his subordinates to follow especially when you have that bully, Gracia to enforce them. Let's not forget that an alcohol or drug test goes with that rule about vehicle crashes? Thank you to the neighbors who fingered Garza in his attempt to hide his transgressions. But since we're use to the democrats hiding their law breaking activities, this is an accepted practice.
Why isn't the CCDA investigating the possibility of illegal activity and abuse of official capacity in the commissary contract? When were the bids put out or even made? The commissary is located within a taxpayer financed building? Does Gracia' comadre, Jonathan' mother in law pay rent for that space? How is Jonathan' wife designated on this company that her mother owns? Which would make it a conflict? Why isn't Robert Gracia suspended or being prosecuted for Impersonating an Officer, if he doesn't have a TX Peace Officer' License?

Anonymous said...

They should investigate Deputy Ayala, And his Jailer Brother. On their weekly trips to Matamoros. Sounds fishy to me.

Anonymous said...

@12:42 por eso le dicen “la garrapata” a Lazo porque nomas anda chupando de perro a perro. Que se ponga jalar en vez de tratar de cojer a la clerk Valle. Pinche huevon

Anonymous said...

arrest him just like you arrest los borrachos the easy targets.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:27 AM

Oye ojete! You want our fat asses to stop posting but ask us to keep posting? Te caíste de tu triciclo? Leave our fat asses out of this, nadie está defendiendo a Sheldon!Todos tienen derecho a ser pendejos pero tu abusas!
