Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It must have been a surprise to Rene Cardenas, heir of Cardenas Motors – and an avid supporter of Texas House District 38 candidate Erin Elizabeth Gamez who hosted a reception to open her campaign for the position and has openly endorsed her – to find a 8 by 4-foot campaign sign of her opponent Jonathan Gracia on his business property.

He has told some of his friends and Gamez's supporters that no one asked his permission to erect the sign there along his car dealership on the frontage road of US 77-83 (I-69).

Gracia, currently the Cameron County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2, announced that he is running for the House District 38 position now held by Eddie Lucio III. Lucio – like his father Eddie Lucio Jr., the Texas Senator for District 27 – announced recently that he would not seek reelection for the position.

Gracia had already told several political operatives and office holders that he was going to seek the seat, but avoided making an open announcement a year and one day before his term ended because under

Texas Law he would have to resign his JP 2-2 seat and be deprived of his salary. However,there were reports that he had already hired a film crew to produce his media spots and spent funds before he announced, illegal under Texas law and required him to "resign to run."

His supporters countered that the obvious campaigning for Lucio III's seat was done on behalf of his law firm, and not his candidacy. 

But once he could campaign openly without having to give up his position, his campaign workers started placing his campaign signs next to wherever there was one of Gamez whether they  had permission of the property owners or not. 

(Ironically, Gracia's father – former DEA agent Robert Gracia now Chief Deputy for the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept. under Sheriff Eric Garza – used to be Erin's father, local attorney Ernesto Gamez's, investigator, but reports now indicate that there is no love lost between the two.) 

"I'm sure that Rene (Cardenas) wasn't asked whether he agreed to have Gracia's signs put up on his property, but rather than have a confrontation, he hasn't complained publicly," said an attorney who was present at the campaign event Cardenas held for Gamez. 

"Gracia has been told that the workers didn't have permission, but he hasn't done anything to remove the sign," he said.

That's not the only site where Gracia's campaign workers have placed signs without the land owners' permission. One, a local attorney who sits on a non-profit board which prohibits political activity by its members, said he found one on a piece of property he owns and that he hadn't been asked for permission to place it there.

In this case, the property was located directly across 8th Street on Harrison Street where the Gamez's law office is located, a deliberate snub at Robert Gracia's former employer.

"Erin's people asked me why I had a Gracia sign on my property and I couldn't have hers and I told them the Gracia people had placed it there without my knowledge," he said. "I let Gracia know through his people that I couldn't campaign for anyone because of my position on the board and he let me know that he would have his workers removed."

That was about a week ago, the lawyer said. But only today, someone told him a crew came to his property to remove it.

Just as Gracia pretended that he was promoting his law firm while campaigning for state representative and filming media spots and participating in the Brownsville Christmas parade under that guise, it now appears that he is not above stretching the bounds of basic civility and respect for others' property to seek that office.


Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda-Bernal Asks Santa 🎅 for his X-mas wish!
1. A set of Balls!

Anonymous said...

People in Browntown are idiots. Biggest shit hole in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised with Jonathan's actions? This is what he has always done. Take care of himself and his ambitions first.

Anonymous said...

shades of things to come if he wins, like the jugdges in this area they ALL think they're GODS, bola de RATAS

Anonymous said...

Don't see the sign you refer to.


Anonymous said...

Jonathan's father, Robert Gracia serves the Cartel, he already dismantled the SIU unit that used to have 7 investigators, now there is only 3, no drugs being busted anymore!

Anonymous said...

Envidioso idiota Jonathan es un apestoso que no SE bana. This dude does not take a bath. The same goes for his clothes they get washed after the tenth wear. He thinks he does not stink. He stinks

Anonymous said...

Thats what you are writing about, juan? signs. el vato.

Rene is the kiss of death. You can have him. JA JA JA JA JA

Anonymous said...

What if, we, all registered voters decide to vote for the least known person wanting the job? All these "well known" politicians will be taught a lesson they will never forget.

Anonymous said...

Puro Pinche Pedo!

Anonymous said...

Gracia will win end of story. Hey Montoya wats up wit u and Abel you all broke up o wat lmaooooo

Anonymous said...

Really? This is all you got?

Anonymous said...

At anonymous at 10:37 The sign is right there, idiot! Put your glasses on pendejo!

Anonymous said...

Santa found balls stuffed in Dales mouth

Anonymous said...

Breaking News, Breaking News, Breaking News, Breaking News:

Chief Felix Sauceda will be the FIRST Police City Commissioner of Brownsville, appointed by da Mayor and the city of Brownsville City Commissioners for the next 6 years a unanimous decision and was applauded for 2 hours non-stop. He'll be making 350k a year.

City of Brownsville Police Commissioner Felix Sauceda!
Congrads and well deserved. GRACIAS GRACIAS GRACIAS

Anonymous said...

no morals, no values only money that's what motivates estos pendejos el dolar$$$$$ remember they called meskins rapist and murderers that means you cocos. vote for who loves you, than they will sent you back to mejico pinches gueyes...

Anonymous said...

Jonathan in spanish is juanjothon pronounce juanjoton

Anonymous said...

Jonathan the rapist!

Anonymous said...

Hay que amor, that second pic, let her catch him with la novia aver si lo apapacha otra vez, we know who la otra novia es, verdad guey...

Former RGV LEO said...

Where are the Feds in all this? Is it because there is a worthless democrat in the White House? All crimes can be committed without consequences?

Anonymous said...

Former RGV LEO:
Where were the Feds when Trump was doing illegal things, nepotism, doing business with Russia, stealing the election with the help of the Russians, trying to become a dictator with the help of the Cubans (The Proud Boys are lead by a Cuban). etc

Where were you when Trump was doing crazy things? You are a smart person, you should have done something and confront Trump.

Anonymous said...

TO RGV LEO, You at least realzie that there are now fewer crimes being committed in the White House.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda Bernal's internal policy of not hiring overtime almost gets one of his patrol Officers seriously injured as he we Severely Beaten and almost shot with his own weapon. As he refuses to allow overtime and putting 6 to 8 Officers per shift out on the street with little to no backup.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News
Chief of Police Felix Sauceda-Bernal will be the first Chief of Police in Brownsville History to be indicted and sent to prison!!

Anonymous said...

December 17, 2021 at 8:12 AM

No wonder you retired idiota or got fired?

Anonymous said...

Da secret novia is gonna get mad at that pic

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2021 at 1:50 PM

Typical racist republican lies but in this case its a coco wanna be white mamon nothing new here cocos adore their racist republicans to death ooooops I mean while been deported back to heir parent country mamones.
rapist and murderers and they still love ese idiota pendejetes
