Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Local residents who wandered downtown along Elizabeth Monday came upon barricades from 7th to 12th streets with only four shopping days left in the Christmas shopping season.

The work is being performed by Public Utility Board and City of Brownsville Public Works and Traffic Department crews.

We asked several city commissioners whether the workers were simply bringing down the historic lamp posts and distinctive white globes globes for cleaning, but found out that they were to be replaced entirely and were part of the Elon Musk Foundation-funded sprucing up of downtown.

Only commissioner Roy de los Santos was able to confirm that 167 posts along Elizabeth and Washington Streets were being removed and replaced with new lamp posts and lights. 

"As old poles are removed, the bases are inspected o ensure their integrity and ability to support the new poles," De los Santos wrote. 

We also asked what at least three commissioners whether they knew what the new lamp posts will look like, but none had seen the new design of the replacements. No one knew.

One miffed downtown shopper said he was prevented from going to have a bite and a brew the Palm Lounge when he finished work at mid-afternoon but could not get near it because of the barricades and limited side-street traffic.

"That' why I was pissed," he said. "No one knew this was going to be done now." 

Now everyone is asking – including some shop owners along Elizabeth – whether the new ones satisfy the Historical District guidelines and whether those along both streets in the downtown area had been alerted to the changes. Apparently, no one, except for a few people in the administration know who is in charge of the project.

Let's hope it's not the same story as with the murals that popped up downtown where a handful of people decided the design and brought in two outside artists from Los Angeles and Mexico City to paint them on the walls of the historic buildings.

Left no alternative, we are asking someone – anyone – in the city to send us a graphic of what the new lights will look like. 

It would have been nice if the merchants along the route would have been told of the closing of Elizabeth (and later Washington) for removing and replacing those lights and whether it had to be done at the peak of the Christmas shopping season upon which they depend in the pandemic-stricken commerce downtown. 


Anonymous said...

Historic means old an inefficient

Anonymous said...

People here always bitching.

They're improving your fucked-up life, pendejo!

Para parar a los jambones como tu!!!

Anonymous said...

December 21, 2021 at 6:41 AM

Smell you ass idiota, you just might find something strange that don't belong in there, call it an elected official. BABOSO

Anonymous said...

@9:44 AM

You should know, pussy face.

Si quieres, brincale, joto!

Te agarro a chingasos y regresas a casa como un lloron. Vato inutil!

Anonymous said...

Could have been better coordinated with the downtown merchants who are beginning to feel like second class citizens. Proof that the powers that be are out of touch. Too many people who didn’t grow up here running the show.

Anonymous said...

it's called progress stupid!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville...where the sewer meets the sea; Brownsville is praying that Musk will be their savior. Elon the Great has come to drain this cesspool of a city...NOT!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you questioning whether all of the out of town talent that our soon to be ex-city manager hired does not know what is best for us dumb locaLS?

Anonymous said...

December 21, 2021 at 10:33 AM

Its ok just one big mistake its not a sea its a gulf you belong here baboso

Anonymous said...

December 21, 2021 at 11:45 AM

small town talent with small town ideas PEA BRAINS. FIRE ALL OF THEM NOW!

Anonymous said...

Pandemic slows Brownsville city chambers upgrade
y las calles rotas (potholes) worst than any street in mejico. Next bike trails, next more murals, next next and next and the potholes traffic lights (where's the miracle program that cost "US" millions to sync all the traffic light?) still in the warehouse stupid traffic engineers can't understand the directions.

Anonymous said...

Lets be realistic, nobody was going to go Christmas shopping down there anyway. Lights are getting replaced and people are bitching. Typical Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Those are not historic lights. Those are replicas of the ones from the early 1900s. They are bigger than the originals. Please verify facts before you post.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone at BPD who is not afraid to investigate the fraud that assistant city manager James Walker is committing? This person is currently receiving a $550 monthly car allowance but drives a city unit every single day to conduct business. The city unit that he's driving is 541-9994 which belongs to the airport. This guy is clearly stealing from the taxpayers as he cannot be receiving a car allowance and using a city unit, he's more than likely taking the unit home as well. City manager Bernal should also be held accountable for allowing this fraud to happen. Hopefully someone at BPD will have the courage to investigate and bring criminal charges against this abuser.

Anonymous said...

The city always does what the state does, work ONLY work during holidays...

Anonymous said...

This city unit parks at the parking lot located on 10th and E. Washington and also you'll also find it at the airport parking lot. Stop this fraud as it amounts to stealing from the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

The Conventions and Visitors Bureau is traveling to Cape Canaveral for “research” purposes to see how they can market our city as a space destination. LMAO. Look at their Facebook and Instagram they haven’t posted in weeks! Doesn’t take hundreds of thousands in consultants to figure out that Maybe they should start there first? Guess the director is too busy facetuning his selfies for LinkedIn. They don’t even have staff. Over 5 people have left in the past two months.

Anonymous said...

Pinches pendejos I wanted to go downtown to buy some chones over at la casa de nylon and I can't. Pinches gueyes go fix the pot holes!

Anonymous said...

8:27 am.
Are you kidding me, they are asleep inside the building at ringgold park. They never leave from there. 3 or 4 trucks. I am walking in next time. With camera on. The city has no fuckin manager.

Anonymous said...

10:27 am dumbass.
You call street lights, progress.
Who in the fuck goes downtown at night. There is no nightlife downtown after 6pm. You are a joke.

Anonymous said...

To 1:21 PM... Webster’s Dictionary DEFINES “sea” as: salt water that covers the majority of the Earth’s surface...you are a typical stupid Mexican, a perfect addition to the sewer that meets the sea. What grade did you drop-out moron?!
