Thursday, December 9, 2021


 (Ed.'s Note: We thank our seven readers for leading us to priceless documents dealing with local history. This one was provided to us by former Brownsville Herald reporter and local broadcaster and City of Brownsville Public Information Officer Bill Young. Bill's collection of vintage newspaper includes the July 2, 1865 issue of the New York Herald, often associated with its owner Joseph Pulitzer. However, when this issue was published, it was owned and edited by Mable Menton and had extensive coverage of the Rio Grande and the border. To give the reader an idea of how long it took for news to reach the metropolis, the letter from Imperialist General Tomas Mejia who occupied Matamoros for Maximilian to Confederate General J.E. Slaughter, who held Brownsville was written December 7, 1864 – 157 years ago – but wasn't published until July the next year, after the Civil War was over. We thank Bill for allowing us to peruse his hard copy of this historical document.)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

For as long as local history buffs can remember, the alliance between the Confederates occupying Brownsville and the Mexican and French forces under Imperialist General Tomas Mejia that occupied Matamoros and resulted in the defeat of Union forces at Palmito Hill included agreement on slavery.

French forces attacked Mexican constitutional forces who had allied with the Union forces on Brazos Island from across the Rio Grande near Puerto Bagdad on May 12-13,1865, at the tail end of the Civil War. It is listed as the last battle of the Civil War that happened a month after Robert E. Lee had signed the surrender of his forces to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox, Virginia on April 9, 1865.

But as the letter from Mejia to Slaughter indicates, there was a gulf of difference in their view of slavery. Mejia's response to an earlier Slaughter correspondence where the rebel commander asks Mejia to turn over criminals, deserters and stolen property that had been crossed the Rio Grande – including slaves who were seen as "property" by the confederate commander – was not agreed to by the Imperialist general.

Mejia refuses the request on the grounds that the agreement between the two forces does not include the return of slaves.

"Allow me General, to manifest to you that these agreements have not been adjusted yet, for two serious difficulties have presented themselves in this respect," Mejia's letter states. "The Confederacy claims as stolen property the slaves who have escaped from the domination of their masters; but the laws of Mexico do consider as free the slaves that put a foot on our territory. I cannot, for this reason allow the delivery of slaves."

Mejia also refuses to turn over Confederate deserters on the grounds that Mexico needs immigrants who are "immensely necessary to our country."

He states that since the Confederacy has declared as soldiers "all men capable of bearing arms" within their territory, his delivery of the deserting soldiers would be tantamount to him delivering the men who "to avoid the calamities of war, come to seek refuge in Mexico."

(In a previous correspondence with his superiors, Slaughter noted that Mejia had previously turned over three confederate deserters who had been arrested for theft in Mexico.)

It is noteworthy to point out here that Mexico outlawed the importation of slavery in 1829, but allowed Texas to continue until 1830. From the 1830s up to emancipation, historians estimate that 3,000 to 5,000 enslaved people fled south and crossed over to free Mexican soil.

Alice Baumgartner, a historian at the University of Southern California, the author of a groundbreaking new book, "South to Freedom: Runaway Slaves to Mexico and the Road to the Civil War," wrote: 

"Enslaved sailors and stowaways from New Orleans and Galveston, Texas, jumped ship in Mexican ports. Slaves drove wagons of cotton to market in Brownsville, Texas, and then slipped across the muddy river to Matamoros, Mexico. But their main mode of transportation was on horseback traversing the vast, feral stretches of South Texas down to the border."

It is also noteworthy that Mejia was of Otomi indigenous origin and came from a humble background, a status in Mexico that almost equated that of a slave and was dark complected. Did that play any role in his refusing to deliver the runaway slaves to the confederates in Texas?

Mejia ultimately was captured with Maximilian and fellow general Miguel Miramon and executed by Juarista forces on June 19, 1867 in Cerro de las Campanas, Santiago de Queretaro. 

After the Confederacy defeat, Slaughter fled to Mexico and didn't return to the U.S. until years later. 

While visiting Mexico City, Slaughter became ill and ultimately died of pneumonia on January 1, 1901. He is buried in the Mexico City National Cemetery.


Anonymous said...

Trustees reject push to restore Carman’s spending power

There's an emergency almost every two hours give him the power to purchase anything he wants remember gringos need money...

Anonymous said...

Ukraine Commanders Say a Russian Invasion Would Overwhelm Them
Sent in the cartels from mesko they're itching for a fight aver que tan chingones son

Anonymous said...

Amazing what you find out about this place once you start digging around.

Anonymous said...

Attention Citizens of Brownsville
Brownsville Police Department is in Serious disrepair..The Department is being lead by an incompetent, corrupt Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" is your best interest take your business and families to another City or move into the County where they have leaders with integrity and accountability. Vote of no confidence for Brownsville Police Department Chief of Police.. #worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

BEYOND A REASONABLE Doubt: Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has torn the department in half by surrounding himself with people that have longer disciplinary records then him. His Compadre Officer Juan Salinas was arrested by the DEA as Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal attempted to shield his good good friend Officers Salinas by keeping him in a day job where he could work closely with all divisions.. allows one officer to do his private computer business during the day while he is still getting paid by the citizens of Brownsville and the list just keeps going all with the approval of the City Manager Noe Bernal.
But go on and keep think everything is ok within the Brownsville Police Department;
A LIEUTENANT WHO IS BRADY Damaged and who has been a Prick his whole Career now trying to make it right and was fired then rehired by Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal..Another Lieutenant who is caught doing the wild thing on duty with a civilan employee. Felix Sauceda-Bernal firing the female and a nice pat on the back for the Lieutenant.
A narcotic Sergeant caught lying again..who had been fired by the previous administration and rehired by Felix El Chapo-SAUCEDA-Bernal.
Surrounding himself with nothing but troubled Officers.
These types of people you want around
You? You can cover up the smell and make it look pretty but in the end it's still gonna smell like shit!
As for the previous administration running circles around this clown Sauceda is Definitely matter how you try to hide it...
Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda with his degree in his hand took a huge pay cut just to get the job...But as it shows you get what you pay for...
Low budget, low quality shit!
Come on, everyone at City Hall will tell you that Chief El Chapo Sauceda tries to mimic the City Manager El Rata Bernal that's why the Department is running like shit!

Anonymous said...

BEYOND A REASONABLE Doubt: Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has torn the department in half by surrounding himself with people that have longer disciplinary records then him. His Compadre Officer Juan Salinas was arrested by the DEA as Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal attempted to shield his good good friend Officers Salinas by keeping him in a day job where he could work closely with all divisions.. allows one officer to do his private computer business during the day while he is still getting paid by the citizens of Brownsville and the list just keeps going all with the approval of the City Manager Noe Bernal.
But go on and keep think everything is ok within the Brownsville Police Department;
A LIEUTENANT WHO IS BRADY Damaged and who has been a Prick his whole Career now trying to make it right and was fired then rehired by Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal..Another Lieutenant who is caught doing the wild thing on duty with a civilan employee. Felix Sauceda-Bernal firing the female and a nice pat on the back for the Lieutenant.
A narcotic Sergeant caught lying again..who had been fired by the previous administration and rehired by Felix El Chapo-SAUCEDA-Bernal.
Surrounding himself with nothing but troubled Officers.
These types of people you want around
You? You can cover up the smell and make it look pretty but in the end it's still gonna smell like shit!
As for the previous administration running circles around this clown Sauceda is Definitely matter how you try to hide it...
Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda with his degree in his hand took a huge pay cut just to get the job...But as it shows you get what you pay for...
Low budget, low quality shit!
Come on, everyone at City Hall will tell you that Chief El Chapo Sauceda tries to mimic the City Manager El Rata Bernal that's why the Department is running like shit!

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal proves to be Brownsville Police Department's worst Chief Ever!!!!
11. Has allowed Officers to get away with serious violations of Department Rules And Regulations with the promise that they will be loyal to him.
12. REHIRED AN OFFICER THAT WAS INVOLVED IN A DWI and Evading Arrest and was arrested on a warrant The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).
13. Has Officer's drive to out-of-town trainings but yet he flies first class.
14. A female Officer is caught in Austin using a Police Department unmarked vehicle to transport her family around., then allows the same female to transfer to the Training Division and continues to send her to more training! All with the blessing of Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and with the blessing of the City Manager himself El Rata Bernal. SMFH!!!
15. CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda Bernal has ordered no overtime even if there is no manpower on the streets. Ten to 14 officers on the streets is the lowest amount of officers allowed on the streets since the late 1980's, even though the city has doubled in size. Unbelievable...
16. FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal then gets in Bed with the BPOA Union President and gives him a phantom job just as long he doesn't fight for the officers or oppose him in anyway. Chief Sauceda then removes all BPOA board members off patrol gives them office jobs.. The Union President then pressures the young Officers to vote for one of the worst contracts in the history of the Brownsville Police Department. All This causes a split in the Union as officers upset with no representation and the Chief's moves start another Union.
17. CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal combines forces with City Manager El Rata Bernal to rip off the officers as he gets rid of their Nationwide Retirement accounts and forces them to use a company of El Rata Bernal's choice. KICK BACKS???WTF?.
18.CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL now makes another troubled employee who was also caught lying the face of Brownsville Police Department as the spokesperson.
19. CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL makes another Officer who was arrested by Texas Highway Patrol DPS for DWI his Internal Affairs Investigator..LMAO
20. This could keep going but I'm tired of typing... CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL has surrounded himself with Liars that have Integrity issues and no morals. Why? Because this is what he has done his entire career. #worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

There are no do overs Chief Fleix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal your corrupt,dishonest,immoral career should be brought out in the light. Even the way you got on your knees and bent over to get the
Job (shameless). May you rot in hell You piece of Shit!

Anonymous said...

Racism in this town is as real as it gets, beween los gringos, hispanics born here y los mojados and of course los cocos what do you expect. Too bad not many african-americans don't live here, other wise LOOK OUT pinches gringos/cocos...

Anonymous said...

Mexico's repudiation of Slavery a few years before the United States does not exempt it from the shame that all slave states habor.
Including some countries in Africa that did not outlaw slavery until 1985, yes 1985.

Anonymous said...

Sullivan City native announces Republican bid for county judge

maybe in starr but no where else en el valle

Anonymous said...

New York's attorney general is seeking a deposition from former President Trump and moving to subpoena him as part of a civil investigation into alleged fraud within the Trump Organization, according to media reports.

“New York is being overrun by violence, children are being shot in Times Square, homelessness is through the roof — yet the only focus of the New York DA and AG is to 'get' Trump," a spokesperson for the Trump Organization said at the time.

“Brownsville is being overrun by political corruption, citizens are being shot, homelessness is through the roof — yet the only focus here is to 'get' el enano elected," a spokesperson for the el enano Organization said.

Sounds familiar?

Anonymous said...

Trump Snaps Over Netanyahu Congratulating Biden -

Donald Trump did not mince words when asked about his friendship with former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday. Trump told Israeli journalist Barak Ravid that after Joe Biden defeated him in the 2020 presidential election, “Bibi could have stayed quiet. He made a terrible mistake.”

He then lambasted his former ally for being disloyal. “He was very early. Like earlier than most. I haven’t spoken to him since,” Trump said. “Fuck him.”

Anonymous said...

I happened to catch Ben Neece playing guitar downtown. Didn't know the tune, but went like this:

There are probably many versions of this. I think initially Neece used standard EADGBE tuning but with the 5th and 6th strings tuned down to C & G to give CGDGBE. He later changed to dropped D tuning which was DADGBE which incorporated a solo. At this stage he also slowed down the tempo.

He didn't introduce the song, btw.

Anonymous said...

December 10, 2021 at 7:27 AM

Idiota he was going f u c k-y o u no solo here and he increased the tempo. Did he have his metronome? no wonder... andava perdido como siempre....
