Thursday, December 16, 2021


By Juan Montoya

T'was 16 days before Christmas – and five days before the candidates' primary filing deadline December 13 – and all through Santa Rosa, things were abuzz as children, Christmas party participants, and just plain local town (Whos) folks gathered all about.

Police Chief Ronnie Hernandez – in charge of the Christmas party held that December 8 – called on Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz's brother Mario to be the master of ceremonies of the party and lo! Mario did appear.

Among the crowd there were intermingled many Democratic Party candidates to the various posts including incumbent Cameron County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez and her challenger Perla Diaz, 357th District Judge Juan Magallanes and Cameron County Pct. 4 commissioner Gus Ruiz, and others. But it was not a political rally, Saenz recalls.

"It was a Christmas party for the kids of Santa Rosa," he said. 

However, all that changed rapidly.

As the festivities began, Mario – also sporting the trademark Saenz mustache  – worked his way through the program Hernandez had put together and had just introduced the young girl who was going to sing the Star Spangled Banner when he felt a tapping – lightly tapping – on his broad right shoulder. 

It was Santa Rosa City Manager Jared Hockema – who is also the Cameron County Democratic Party chairman – who grabbed the microphone from Saenz's hand, and sent him on his way.

"We have our own Master of Ceremonies," Hockema announced and handed the microphone to Garza-Perez, the county clerk incumbent who is facing challenger Diaz in the March 1, 2022 primary.

Stunned, Saenz turned to Chief Hernandez and walked over to him to ask whether Hockema had cleared his replacement with him.

"He had zero, nothing, to do with the party or the program," Hernandez told him. "This is a surprise to me, too."

And there was Saenz, left standing on the stage without a mike.

"He made me look like an a--hole," he fumed.

Garza-Perez, as usual, enamored and entertained the crowd as the program went on. There was no question about it, the woman can politick with the best of them. She sang, she danced, and she worked the crowd. And suddenly, the affair which had begun as a simple Christmas celebration turned into a Garza-Perez political rally.

"That's not what this was about," Saenz said. "Jared had stolen the event and turned it into a political rally and favored one candidate over another. He's supposed to be impartial. I was embarrassed over what happened."

In fact, Mario was so mad that he was contemplating giving Hockema a couple of knuckle sandwiches for Christmas. But cooler heads prevailed and he was told to "simmer down, whippersnapper!"

Privately, Mario gave Hockema a piece of his mind and left it at that.

Nothing was said by those who were privy to the events that had happened in the background that  December 8. However, the snub of the D.A's brother had other consequences. 

Five days later – December 13 – at 10 minutes before the filing deadline of 6 p.m., Brownsville attorney and lifelong Democratic party stalwart John Shergold walked into the party headquarters and filed for party chairman.

"I am not running against Jared," Shergold explained. "I am running for party chair."

Funny how a simple filing by a candidate for the position you now hold works on your amiability. In the days that followed, Hockema could not apologize enough and said that it had been the city commission had requested that Garza-Perez be invited to be the master of ceremonies, a claim denied by Chief Hernandez and some city commissioners.

He called Mario, his brother Luis and others in their circle to beg forgiveness and to ask them for help in the race, but alas!, all he found in his stocking was a lump of coal, and not the political support and endorsement he had asked Santa for. 

"Jared might possibly win," Mario said when asked about the brouhaha, "but it isn't going to be with our help. He stole Christmas from the kids in Santa Rosa and that doesn't rank very high on my wish list. Someone has been very naughty!"


Anonymous said...

Corrupted Sylvia needs to go, they all serve their master Jr Andrade from Jr Bail Bonds

Anonymous said...

Democrats are idiots. Only in it for themselves. LATINAS FOR TRUMP!

Anonymous said...

County judge race a rematch as Treviño, Cascos square off again and write in candidate non other than e castro.
what choices do we have NONE TO ZERO... we loose again.

don't vote write in your friend or relative a better choice...

Anonymous said...

These clowns are nobodies.

No valen sebo, ese!


Anonymous said...

Fool, didn't County GOP Chair Morgan Graham also disqualify her Republican challengers?

Si, puto!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cascos is only in it for himself.

He won't run for mayor cause the job does not come with a salary.

And, get this shit, he claims to be a Republican!

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal was too busy looking at himself in the mirror and just trying to promote himself that he neglected the Brownsville Police Toys for Children give away this year...

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal canceled the Brownsville Police Toys for Tots since Santa 🎅 told him that he will not receive a pair of "Balls" that he had on his wish x-Mas wish list...

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2021 at 9:17 AM


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal after failing to properly Implement the 10 hour shifts now is trying to ram 12 hour shifts right up his patrol division A**!!
As the 10 hour shifts have proven to be unsuccessful and were pulled by the previous administration,Chief Sauceda-Bernal used the 10 hour shifts to gain support from the patrol division as he campaigned to be Chief.. Because the Patrolman only Knew Felix Sauceda as a self centered,Self Serving Mother Fu****!
And With no help from a failed Brownsville Police Officers Association due to Chief Sauceda-Bernal's tampering by giving the then Association President by assigning him to the gym full time along with a female Officer who would have been terminated under a real Police Chief as she was caught using a City Of Brownsville unmarked car in Austin for personal use...
As the Police Department is sinking Officers are leaving the Department in record numbers...
Felix Sauceda-Bernal has no clue wtf he is doing or how to do it.. The only thing Felix Sauceda- Bernal has done right is grabbing his ankles and taking up the A** from his Big Daddy City Manager Noe Bernal..I guess he hasn't lost his flexibility from his cheerleading days!

Anonymous said...

This is a sequel or more like a rematch! I feel the universe in motion.

Good luck gentlemen, and let the best man win.

Anonymous said...


Too many running for office.

Anonymous said...

Expecting a Surge

democrats are vaccinated
and who cares about the racist republicans NOBODY bye bye idiotas

Former RGV LEO said...

The typical des madre in Santa Rosa! Its bad enough that Chief Ronnie Hernandez is trying to suck up to CCDA Luis Saenz by bringing in his brother, Mario to be master of ceremonies. Is the CCDA still turning down criminal cases from Santa Rosa PD because of those missing drugs? Is that why, Ronnie invited CCDA' brother? Sylvia Garza may be a good master of ceremony BUT sure is NOT a good leader or politician and that' why she has an opponent. It was not surprising that a "party for kids" turned into a political event, thanks to Hockema. Santa Rosa ISD also needs to be cleaned up, starting with board members minding their own business and allowing the coach to coach! I know that parents of kids on some teams need to be taught respect and manners and that coaches are in charge and NOT parents or board members! Going back to this article, please vote for the one that will represent and not bow to parties!

Anonymous said...

Juan this is the way the democratic party has been run for years if not decades, guess why people turn their noses up to these old ruling democrat candidates since gilberto and juan magallanes were chairs of this party, oh boy nothing has changes, well at least now you more folks voting republican in cameron, hidalgo and the RGV. Thanks gilberto and Viva el Trumpolin.

Anonymous said...

Jared Hockema:Another politician out of touch with people, turning Christmas into politics.

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2021 at 1:46 PM

As long as the racist republicans can't clean up their act cocos can't make any opinions of anything. Clean up your back yard first than you can talk... idiota!

Anonymous said...


Keep Our Valley ours!!!!

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2021 at 1:46 PM

You must of been a lousy cop

Anonymous said...

Party needs a neutral chairman not taking sides and dividing the party for republican takeover. Jared needs to apologize and stay away from picking his favorites.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda Bernal's internal policy of not hiring overtime almost gets one of his patrol Officers seriously injured as he we Severely Beaten and almost shot with his own weapon. As he refuses to allow overtime and putting 6 to 8 Officers per shift out on the street with little to no backup.

Anonymous said...

The Ohio congressman Jim Jordan has been identified as the Republican who sent a message to Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows the day before the deadly 6 January US Capitol riots outlining a plan to stop Joe Biden – the legitimate winner of the presidential election – from reaching the White House.


Anonymous said...

Record number of Officers leaving Brownsville Police Department due to the incompetent and non existent leadership of Chief Felix Sauceda-Bernal.

Anonymous said...

The City of Brownsville about to pay out millions of Dollars in lawsuits from incompetence of Chief of Police Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernalis is Petitioning the Brownsville City Commission to change the name of the Brownsville Police Department to "Chief Felix Sauceda Police Department"

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal cancelled Toys for Tots as he refuses to pay any overtime.

Anonymous said...

@ 12/16 9:17AM. Pitiful that you would still preach support of Trump after his disrespectful view of women. Not to mention Hispanics.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Christmas is Christmas.
Politics are politics.
Keep them separate.

Anonymous said...

Jared Hockema, is the leader of the corruption in Cameron County. How can a person be a City Mananger for 3 different cities without being there. All of those 3 different cities had issues in the past thanks to him. Let's not forget how he is a puppet for the Mayor of Port Isabel and a bitch for the Mayor of Los Indios.

Anonymous said...

Jared Hockema, is the leader of the corruption in Cameron County. How can a person be a City Mananger for 3 different cities without being there. All of those 3 different cities had issues in the past thanks to him. Let's not forget how he is a puppet for the Mayor of Port Isabel and a bitch for the Mayor of Los Indios.

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2021 at 11:52 AM

no seas idiota best men never win here, nomas los chuecos...

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2021 at 1:46 PM
Pinche coco racist republican if you are a meskin you are than a rapist and murderer according to your idol trumputo. go ahead and vote racist republican gringo/coco.
VOTE DEMOCRATE THE HUMAN RACE PARTY no rapists and murderers here...
VOTE RGV the democratic land.

Anonymous said...

Jard Hockema and gilberto hinojosa son camotes there lies the problem. city manager in 3 cities y puro mamar no mas dont do a thing for any of these 3 cities but then its the city commission in those cities to blame for this too. lol only in the RGV

Anonymous said...

Great job chief. Hope you are able to purge the lazy cops and the whiners as well.

Anonymous said...

The silver badges support you chief!
