Monday, December 13, 2021



By Juan Montoya
Remember the rental bikes that commissioner Rose "La Chisquiada" Gowen unveiled with much fanfare (and expense to the city) on November 2016 in front of City Plaza? Well, they've been gone for a while and they weren't much of a hit with local residents. So the expense associated with their purchase, their implementation and then removal all cost local residents a pretty penny.

But, ah, well. Gowen has shown that she is only too happy to spend Other People's Money on her pet projects. And it doesn't help to know that she pays absolutely no city taxes on her historical residence.

If we remember correctly, the only time they were used was when some thieves took off with a couple of them and made it to the railroad tracks off FM 511 to jump on a train and make their way north. The bikes were discarded and abandoned by the thieves.

Thanks to the rental bikes installed in the downtown area, the city facilitated the transportation of at least three illegal immigrants – unless someone was riding double – to a site where they could go multi-modal and jump on a passing train for their trip northward.

Early Saturday, residents near the Rio Del Sol Subdivision out towards FM 511 came upon three abandoned bicycles that were part of the city campaign to encourage people to ride a bicycle instead of driving their cars.

This was perfect for the suspected illegal immigrants who easily disabled the security features on the bike racks and then simply jumped on them to go catch the train northward.
How do we know they may have been stolen by illegal immigrants?

Police found a gallon of flavored water in a gallon jug, a favored method for immigrants to carry water. Also, a pair of shorts left in one of the bike baskets were still wet from crossing the river. But there weren't just any old immigrants, witnesses say.

One of them left a backpack in the haste to scurry away that contained – among other things – a package of condoms for health protection.
All three bikes were abandoned by the railroad tracks by the Rio Del Sol subdivision many miles from downtown.

As far as anyone knew, no one had reported these bikes stolen or missing. According to the city you rent the bikes by the hour or day and opening the locks requires a cell-phone application. Are illegals app-savvy? And is there a fund to pay for the bikes' use or has the city figured out a way to charge the illegals?

There is no telling how many thousands of dollars have been spent promoting the use of bicycles, building bike trials, narrowing streets to provide bike lanes for the bike riders who haven't materialized, and choking off business downtown so suburbanites and their progeny can coast down Elizabeth and Washington on the closed streets.

In a way it's good to know that all the travel and wining and dining by city staff and officials in Austin San Antonio supposedly to get the feel and the low down to bring these bikes to our friendly city actually provided someone a service.

They don't call us the All-American city for nothing. We're so friendly we provide free transportation at taxpayers expense to illegals to transport themselves to their ride out of Brownsville to bigger cities with jobs. Multi-modal, indeed.


Anonymous said...

That's a pendejo article, bro.

Brownsville will never progress beyond being a runaway San Benito until it takes risks and gets out of the economic hole.

Support Brownsville!!!

Anonymous said...

You elected her how many times?

She's leading with her actions at City Hall. What are you doing?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hey Jerry, we know that you are dying to tell us the story about "Fernandez's lust for young ladies doomed this relationship, the Guadalajara gentleman constructed a swimming pool at her home."

Why don't you tell us how a swimming pool was constructed in a home on Calle Jacaranda in Brownsville? Maybe not, have some respect for those no longer with us in this world.

Anonymous said...

Wrong zapatero they were hillbillys on their way out of this stinkin' pueblo y la bruja has a fool proof plan to get re-elected again and again.

Her recipe spend and spend on anything and everything. Her new pet projects include a Millenium Tower 50 stories tall, a Nuclear Power Plant, and el jardin Hotel completely refurbished with high end expensive furniture and the latest in technology, just to hold all city commissioners meetings once a month.
(projects are (not in order).

Pete shit the ex I've been here 50 years will continue as her adviser on how to spend city funds without casting any suspicion.

She will continue to be exempt from paying taxes on anything and everything of course...

Anonymous said...

San Benito is getting it’s Epicenter and construction has started. Now San Benito will be the place to go Wine n Dine.

Anonymous said...

Historical designation what a bullshit excuse for not paying taxes on personal homes. Fellow citizens, in the future, please dont elect or reelect anyone with homes designated as ""Historical" as this is only a smokescreen for not paying taxes. It's pathetic that someone who owns a home with this historical bullshit would want to run for public office knowing that they pay zero property taxes.

Anonymous said...

December 13, 2021 at 5:54 PM

WHAT! wine and dine for sanbene its a md 20-20 or thunderbird or mad dog wine. To dine its bring your own either from charities from dumpster diving or soup vans..... no tienen dinero. idiotas

Sanbene will no longer use the bridges on the express to wine and dine....

Anonymous said...

We need a list of elected officials that don't pay taxes before next election Juanito

Anonymous said...

Only in Brownsville you see current and former elected officials who have milked the system for so long by not paying a penny on personal property taxes. Some even have warehouses with Historical designation bullshit and making money by renting them. Totally pathetic, the only way to eliminate this abuse is by getting rid of "Historical designation" bullshit for personal property. Hopefully, the State legislature would consider getting rid of this rampant abuse.

Anonymous said...

A la NOT TO WORRY. It's all perfectly fine with Biden, Kamala, and the DemocRATS. They're all OK, with the invasion till it really hits them close to home, which will probably never happen cause they live in high security places.

Anonymous said...

December 14, 2021 at 12:20 PM

racist republicans

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2021 at 9:05 AM

LOL! El IDIOTA mas grande! LOL! Just cause you don't like something, or disagrees with something you call people idiotas. LOL! Makes you the BIGGEST IDIOTA out there! Todo te kala y le molesta.

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2021 at 9:58 AM

Your racist republicans love russia, why because in russia the people are NOT allowed to make any type of comments, so please shut the F*** up, wait then this county becomes part of russia than and only than can you shut the people up (but it will never happen) idiota pendejo baboso racist republicans traitors.


Anonymous said...

Where's the DA on all these robberies oooooooh he's after drunks
