Wednesday, December 22, 2021


"Those are not historic lights. Those are replicas of the ones from the early 1900s. They are bigger than the originals. Please verify facts before you post." Anonymous commenter

Yes, the commenter is right about the lamp posts that are being removed being replicas of the originals. But, the replacements are also replicas of historical designs, so "verification" really can't be done on either.

Still, in talking to some old timers of the city, they say that at one time, the street lights along St. Charles were huge structures that spread at the top like palm fronds. At any one time, lamp posts used for street lighting differed in designs in different part of the city.
These new lights – some 167 of them to grace Elizabeth and Washington streets – are so-called "photometric," meaning that they will maximize the lighting areas and lower energy usage. According to the literature available for this type of lighting, a company will be hired to conduct a survey and put together a "photometric map" before their installation, part of a so-called "dark-sky" initiative.

The city has been tight-lipped on the details of a timetable for installation, or the cost that will be paid by the Musk Foundation for their purchase/installation. And the city's vaunted public information superstars haven't been very forthcoming either.

Except for the city's knack for bad timing with the closing of blocks of Elizabeth the downtown business district during the peak of the shopping season, most seem to agree that the new lamp posts will improve energy usage and improve lighting in the downtown area. 

"They could have done it in October or November or after the holiday season," said a frequent downtown patron. "Merchants depend on the Christmas shopping season to try to recover some of their business lost to the pandemic measures that lowered international bridge crossings by Matamoros shoppers. Then the crossings begin and they close Elizabeth Street."

"The fact that these are funded by the Musk Foundation already represents a tremendous savings to the city on replacement costs and wattage usage should be less, generating additional savings on utility costs, while providing more light and doing so in a way that focuses on the downtown streets and not the night skies," said commissioner Roy de los Santos."


Anonymous said...

Idiotas design pot holes that fix themnselves bola de mamones somebody just made a fortune from the poorest taxpayers in this country FIX THE POT HOLES MAMONES...

Anonymous said...

SE LLAMAN "CALLES ROTAS" COMO IDIOTAS voting is around the corner vote all of them out senseless and out of touch pendejos

Anonymous said...

This city will never prosper. City makes a big deal about the lights. This is There only project, all year. Big deal. And don't forget you will have extra lights left over for your cheap DOUCHE pizza place. Terrible pizza, and it's bad for your health. (ONLY BECAUSE IT TASTE BAD)
And a company from out of town or state will have to put the LIGHTS together. There is no faith in PUB. BAD ENOUGH PUB CANNOT KEEP THE LIGHTS ON. ON A ONE DAY FREEZE. WOW.

Anonymous said...

Potholemetrics is what they need but in their asses

Anonymous said...

A do nothing mayor just lining his pockets, do you want him back???

Anonymous said...

Brownsville will always fight progress.

That's the poor man's DNA. It happens when your primary shopping destination is the flea market.

The discount-aisle cycle will never cease.

Anonymous said...

LoL, Browntown is such a joke. A shit stain on the map of Texas.

Anonymous said...

Juan, esto es bueno. Deja que el Musk compre todo para la ciudad. La pinche ciudad no haze nada. Pregunta, que le hicieron a todo el dinero del Cares y ARP? Se lo tronaron en chingaderas. Tenemos que tener a contabilidad. Ahora que el musk se preocupe en comprar más ambulancias, y camiones de bomberos, que si se revienta unos de sus cuetes grandes, que departamento va a responder? Pues el de Brosvill! También que se preocupe en poner banquetas en la Southmosr para que pongan los techitos para los que usan los camiones. Que bueno que llego el Musk. El si está haciendo el cambio que muchos alcaldes y comisionados no pudieron! Fierro!!!!!

Anonymous said...

“You can put lipstick on a pig” know how the rest of it goes!

Anonymous said...

A Los potholes se les dice "baches." Aqui somos puros pochos. Despite what people say or think there are a lot of good hearted hard working people here. There have been times in my life when I have needed help on the road and a Good Samaritan has always been there for me. All those who abuse their positions, life will eventually make them pay. A cada santo se le llega su dia y a cada perro su chingazo.

Anonymous said...

December 22, 2021 at 12:04 PM

Musk is Man of the Year (or Person of the Year)

Musk for Brownsville Mayor.

Anonymous said...

They should not put them to bright. That way we can’t see how horrible Brownsville is.

Anonymous said...

Boca Chica needs new lighting, it is horrible.

Anonymous said...

We need better lights all over town so we can can try to avoid the potholes. Alert! Bad deep pothole by Dirty Al's and Kohls. These shopping malls should also fix their parking lots and some doctor's offices , as well. Wells Fargo parking lot on Ruben Torres and Central is really bad. Nothing but band aid patching. You want our money, then fix your dang parking lots.

Anonymous said...

That blueprint of the new light poles looks like the light poles that are already in Market Square.

Anonymous said...

Wanna get really MAD take a drive on boca chica than you might feel like VOTING...

Anonymous said...

don't vote for meskin with gringo names

Anonymous said...

That's what happens in blue cities. Poor pendejos stay poor

Anonymous said...

Polishing Brass on a Sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

Puros flinstones
