Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Remember when Cameron County Sheriff-elect Eric Garza "appointed" now-Chief Deputy Robert Gracia to be his second-in-command even before he started his term?

Turns out that not only wasn't Gracia a county employee, but that he wasn't even a peace officer certified by Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (T-COLE) as required by the position's job description.

And it wouldn't be until the following March – three months after Garza took office and Gracia was "on the job," – that he finally passed the certification test required of all peace officers in the state.

This administration has shown a knack for showy dress and love to show off their badges, even when they aren't supposed to have them. In Gracia's case, his assuming command of the department's personnel and holding himself off to be a peace officer without a certification might have resulted in charges of impersonating a police officer, but no one did anything, although if the political will had been there, they could have.

Well, now we have Rick Cornejo, Garza's chief administrator when he was the district clerk, sporting a peace officer's badge (see graphic above). 

To add insult to injury, Cornejo drives an unmarked sheriff's unit with red and blue lights and carries a portable radio like a regular deputy. If he tries to pull  you over, do you have to stop? Department policy states that only peace officers can drive unmarked units and carry portables. 

Garza moved Cornejo over to the sheriff's even before the application period to the position was over, paying, as usual, lip service to the county's Human Resources policy. 

After he left his office, incoming district clerk Laura Garza-Perez discovered about $200,000 in uncashed checks stashed in a cardboard box in a corner of the office. 

As far as we know, Cornejo is not a peace officer and his wearing a badge is misrepresentation of law enforcement property.

The Texas Penal Code (37.12) states that:

(a) A person commits an offense if:

(1) the person makes, provides to another person, or possesses a card, document, badge, insignia, shoulder emblem, or other item, including a vehicle, bearing an insignia of a law enforcement agency that identifies a person as a peace officer or a reserve law enforcement officer;  and

(2) the person who makes, provides, or possesses the item bearing the insignia knows that the person so identified by the item is not commissioned as a peace officer or reserve law enforcement officer as indicated on the item.

(c-1) For purposes of this section, an item bearing an insignia of a law enforcement agency includes an item that contains the word “police,” “sheriff,” “constable,” or “trooper.”

Does the law apply to our local sheriff's department?


Anonymous said...

The cherife and his coherts running wild y el DA que? durmido en la oficina. Lets just re-elect everybody and don't forget the giving away the vaccine to family and friends. And you the voter well go suck an egg... but don't forget to vote for estos idiotas mamones otra ves y otra ves y otra ves..........

Anonymous said...

Its always tit for tat with this assholes isn't it? I mean that's his MO, why should we surprised, I mean the newest example is LT. Barron. What did he do? lets sweep the assault of his fellow officer under the rug. Capt. Rodriguez physically assaults his SGT and doesn't get suspended pending an investigation by the bull shit IA investigator, he gets told to stay and is told to stay away from INV. of course he does not and gets to continue to intimidate his employees. Who gets reprimanded the SGT and Barron turns a blind eye and a new promotion to LT. Keep this in mind when voting for State Senate, cause Gracia is in on all of this and he had to have taught his son a thing or 2. Im sure he will also get a job somewhere with his son and continue his bull shit.

Anonymous said...

E-Bikes Are Scarce. Maybe You Should Build One.

Good grief don't let la bruja read this story she'll want to install mechanic shops all along the bike trails... at your expense of course...

Anonymous said...

Woman gets prison for torturing boyfriend and posting it to Snapchat
In the case of hillbilly coco wanna be white his/her friend was given a hero's welcome for kicking his ass. Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaa ha

Former RGV LEO said...

That' what contributing over $30K (suspected Cartel money) to Garza' political campaign gets you! It also includes a lucrative commissary contract with the authority to bully employees.

Anonymous said...

Honorary deputies are to be found up and down Texas, bro.

Get with the program.

Anonymous said...

Man, how can this constant dogshit not wear you down? Montoya, you're like the all-world farmworker who won't quit until the last zurco is picked!

Get a life.

Get the convicting goods on these people or shut the fuck up!!!

Anonymous said...

In any other County of United States that would constitute a crime but in Cameron County our DA is busy doing something else.

Anonymous said...

My boy Lt.Barron has this one, im sure that by now he already at least took that unit away from him... You tell them Barron

Anonymous said...

A fucking mess everywhere in that department... a shame

Anonymous said...

Fake Deputy? I would assume that when a person shows off a badge and impersonates a law enforcement officer, they would be breaking the law and arrested. This entitlement and handing out these Cracker Jacks badges cheapens the ones that got the certification the right way. Stop the B.S.!!

Anonymous said...

Garza honestly I can do this all day bro, but now I do feel bad for you, i'm 110% sure where are you going to end up at, and all this clowns are going to turn their backs on you, ending up in a cell wearing orange aint a good feeling.... get your shit together

Anonymous said...

Y el DA???? Probably doing some school presentations

Anonymous said...

Juan, you're sucking air on the sheriff. And you still have nothing worth as shit on him.

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

The guy in the picture is only displaying a Badge of office. I don’t see a Duty weapon, magazines or handcuffs. Hopefully it was just for the picture and he doesn’t walk around public like that. It could be very Dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Montoya this aint shit you have no idea of the magnitude of what is happening here

Anonymous said...

The wife beater Charles Hawkins is also driving a county unit, with a portable, he even goes patrol on the county boat with a Sheriff's Office jacket

Anonymous said...

The change we need

Anonymous said...

Pobrecito eric..ta pendejo mijo

Anonymous said...

Blind Leading the blind l.,C.C.S.O LEGENDS IN THERE OWN MINDS.

Anonymous said...

Wannabecops all over...even jailers driving marked units with red and blues.. issued by Ramblado with Rodriguez' blessing

Anonymous said...

Garza, resign before is too late, no seas pendejo, everything is going to come down on you hard, and everyone is going to turn away from you..all your puppets... watch... at the end you're the only one responsable for this circus

Anonymous said...

Bomb is about to go off

Anonymous said...

This looney tunes are making it too easy for the 2024 candidate

Anonymous said...

What changes has eric brought to the dept so far?
The fucked up uniforms? Thats it
We are using Omar Lucio's policy, obviously they dont have the brain to create one from scratch.
Still using the same procedures, schedules, everything is the same.
Where is the change??

Anonymous said...

Dearest Deputy,

I really feel for you guys and what you are forced to endure. I think Eric and his deputy dog are a joke. However, the grammar police in me had to come out.

This vs These

This guy (singular)
These guys (plural)

“This is my house.”

“This is Joe and that is Adam.”

“These are my friends.”

∗  When we are using ‘these’ to introduce people, we don’t say ‘These are Joe and John.’ Instead, we use ‘This is Joe, and this is John.’ We only use ‘these’ with plural countable nouns.

I feel so much better now and effective immediately, I renounce my position with the grammar police.

Anonymous said...

Getting this job was your worst mistake in life eric, feel bad for your family they are going to see you go down

Anonymous said...

Enough with Rick get it through your heads he is the Sheriff’s Department Administrator that’s right people he is the office ADMINISTRATOR and there for needs a badge and unit with Red and Blues lights a siren and a radio should there be an emergency at the office such as 1.) Copy machine jam 2.) Copy machine low on toner 3.) Copy machine out of paper 4.) Restrooms out of TP 5.) Urinals in need of urninal cakes

Anonymous said...

Gus Reyna was working as Chief and was not rehired as such since he retired. Many vehicle accidents by him and other favorite deputies. Cmon Juan you know the drill. Your pockets are getting full of money provided by the sour grapes Reynas!

Anonymous said...

fake cops get no respect arrest all of them stop by el cherife that's where they are at...

Anonymous said...

11:44 am dumbass.
Yes, farmworker feeds you. Go to bed and suck on your bottom. You cannot pick and choose what Montoya wants, he is the man of the year. You heard it here first. Now the city is going to have a man of the year party.

Anonymous said...

12:46 pm dumbass.
It may be air. Butt, what you are sucking, it is all over your face. Shit head.

Ja ja ja!

Anonymous said...

11:44 am dumbass.
Yes, farmworker feeds you. Go to bed and suck on your bottom. You cannot pick and choose what Montoya wants, he is the man of the year. You heard it here first. Now the city is going to have a man of the year party.

December 23, 2021 at 6:03 AM

Congratulations Montoya. You are Man of the Year. Finally somebody is doing the right thing.

When is the celebration? I want to know.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News
Chief of Police Felix Sauceda-Bernal will be the first Chief of Police in Brownsville History to be indicted and sent to prison!!

Anonymous said...

Investigate the Ayala Brothers, Something is not right with those two..They have too much for making $45,000.00 A Yr. Too many trips to Matamoros.

Anonymous said...

He's deputizing all his family and every voter that voted for him just saying....

Anonymous said...

Stop all this Barney Fife B.S.! Maybe Barney had better qualifications .
