Tuesday, December 14, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: See the dapper gent in the photo above? He is none other than Gilbert Velasquez, graphic designer extraordinaire and un hombre de buen aire. He actually initiated the idea in 2018.

He was the one who put the bug in people's ear to put up Brownsville's first Christmas tree in the public square. Of course, the official version is that the Brownsville Historical Museum did it, that city commissioners did it, that the Historical District did it, but it was really Gilbert who pushed for the tree and through his dogged persistence had the city people erect it. 

Why they didn't put the tree in its customary place in the middle of Market Square instead of along 12th Street across from Da Mayor's Dodici's Pizza is beyond us. But, well, stuff happens.

If you happen to be downtown one of these nights you can't miss it. Thanks, Gilbert!)


Anonymous said...

More free attractions and advertising for the Mayor's pizza business. Welcome to Brownsville where most elected officials are there only to make money at taxpayers expense.

Anonymous said...

A real pioneer...NOT!

Anonymous said...

Quote of The Year, from a Republican -

“The voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken.” — U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell, remarks on Senate floor, Jan. 6.

(Trump is sooooo-ooooh yesterday)

Anonymous said...

He was a good man.

RIP, Gilbert!!!

Anonymous said...

Gilbert thank you for your big heart and Joy in put in place. And forgive me, you look like the scrooge.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to pay 50 bucks for a slice of rancid pizza.
A condition produced by aerial oxidation of unsaturated fat (farts) when rancid pizzs is present. Spoils caused by somebody's hot air either by mouth or by watery Flatulence is cause for alarm.

Bacteria in the gut before it reaches the

Anonymous said...

Mr. Amigo 1977 Vicente Fernandez

Anonymous said...

Y El arbol de Washington park ?

Anonymous said...

Go Gilbert!

Anonymous said...

That xmas tree at washington park didn't make any money for anybody, they called it useless. Go ahead vote for them again maybe next time they'll call the voters useless after you voted of course...

Anonymous said...

Hilberto hasn't spoken spanish in 15 years maybe more
