Saturday, January 8, 2022




Anonymous said...

Carlos Cascos is the Real Democrat!

U No it.

Anonymous said...

a real gofer for the racist republicans do something better than create a f*** board for the agriculture community (gringos).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would like to hear Dominguez elaborate on why he left the Texas legislature, when this blog and everybody said he was doing a great job there.

Going after a congressional seat seems awfully selfish.

Anonymous said...

What about transvestites in our women's bathrooms and sports? Perra Stapleton Barrera wants trannies in women's bathrooms and sports.

Anonymous said...

A Mexican in Congress is low on the Totem Pole. Fil Vela never overcame that.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Yo con Alex. He will make a great State Senator.

Anonymous said...

Notice how Republicans are damned quiet about the Trump-ordered election audit?

They found no fraud, but are not saying a damned thing.


Anonymous said...

When a Brownsville woman goes fat, she's not where it's at.

Anonymous said...

Ganaron los Caboys.

Adelante, equipo. Al Super Tazon!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rumor in town has it that Republicans are eating shit to fend off Covid-19.

A mojon swallow down the deep throat does it, they say.

Anonymous said...


OLD EDDIE LUCIO HE IS A INUTIL SPECTATOR SENATOR. Sen. Lucio, state leaders named 'worst' legislators By Elizabeth Hernandez/The Brownsville Herald | Updated Feb 8, 2013 AUSTIN - Texas Monthly magazine named Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. one of the 10 "Worst Leg-islators".There is no more unreliable senator veteran than Eddie Lucio Jr,"

Anonymous said...

Ted Cruz to Trump, the Con: "You’re absolutely right, Donald. I apologize for my wife’s ugliness. And I deeply regret that my father assassinated JFK.”

Anonymous said...

What is a "real democrat" one that sticks his/her nose in the Squads ass and follows the scent?

Anonymous said...

Why do you censor my comments ? Afraid of the truth ? Because I make you look stupid ?

Anonymous said...

Todos con Alex! El si va a hacer por el pueblo.

Anonymous said...

January 8, 2022 at 2:10 PM

elaborate! Pendejo can't even wipe his ass.

Anonymous said...

What difference does it matter, you did nothing for the valley. And everyone else knows.
State Sen. Eddie Lucio (D) criticized revisions to the House districts in the Rio Grande Valley, saying “In my time in the Legislature, I have never seen such blatant disregard for the process.
