Thursday, January 20, 2022


(Ed,'s Note: Even in the face of incontrovertible evidence that both Texas Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. and his son Eddie Lucio III have hitched their wagon to the Hidalgo County millionaire Morgan LaMantia they have not admitted it , but her candidate campaign finance report bares the truth.

In it, she lists Lucio Jr.'s Chief of Staff Ruben O'Bell listed as the V&O Public Strategies LLC receiving $5,000 to work for her campaign, supposedly on his time off from his $126,000 annual salary. 

O'Bell is the principal agent in two LLCs, V&O and Ruben O'Bell LLC, both with the same address as 4681 Larkspur, in Brownsville, his residence.

The picture above of Mario Saenz, and O'Bell at La Pitada on Southmost drew a negative response from a reader who resented them taking over someone else's parade and said no one showed up because the Cowboys lost.

Additionally, Lucio III is allowing her to use his office on Madison Street as her campaign headquarters.

So the Lucios – instead of supporting a Brownsville candidate like Alex Dominguez or Sara Stapleton – have opted to go with an Hidalgo County resident who has never run for office or served in any elected position.

The Lucios, of course, are well known for using their position for self-enrichment, and O'Bell makes no bones (as can be seen above) in milking the system for all it's worth. It matters little to them (Democrats In Name Only) that she has contributed thousands to Republican candidates.

LaMantia also listed three loans of $250,000 each ($750,000) from her family members for the campaign, a huge investment for a job that pays $7,200 a year. Her family owns L & F Distributors, the largest beer and liquor distributors in South Texas.

Will the District 27 senate seat be up for sale, as it was with Lucio Jr.?

The question now becomes: Will Cameron County voters – many of who have been impacted negatively by the pandemic-struck economy – allow a political neophyte to succeed in buying the District 27 Texas Senate seat to represent a population with more than 30 percent poverty rates? 


Anonymous said...

New blood from better-off Hidalgo County will mean a step forward for Barrio Brownsville.

But you never know, que no, Raza?


Anonymous said...

This LaMantia is a Republican. Everybody in McAllen knows it!

Anonymous said...

In one simple word: RATS

Anonymous said...

If you dig deep enough, you'll find that a well-known Republican put her up to this. LaMantia will do NOTHING for Brownsville. Until last week, she didn't even know where Brownsville was!

Anonymous said...

You should do a report on which political factions are supporting which candidates! I hope you uncover the trucos and the DINOs! Viva la causa!

The Clock is Ticking said...

The Sucio Cabal has been giving it to South Texas in the FACE for YEARS, even DECADES! Why do they want to hide NOW?? The fact that they are supporting a Republican clueless candidate in DINO clothing should be NO surprise to anyone that has ever voted here.
On a another note, the Feds are STILL looking into the RICO activity related to the youth shelters of which all these people were a part of. Could the sudden resignation of Eddie III be related to that??
O’Bell may be the linchpin to the Feds investigation. He could bring a lot of these people down…BUT, would he?? To save his own hide, he will. He claims to have found Jesus but we’ll see. If he lays it all bare, he may need to be in the witness protection program.

Anonymous said...

No vote. She wants to be like Lucio and do nothing.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Another non-Democrat running as a Democrat. Just like Manchin and Sinema, the 2 "Democrat" Senators obstructing Voting Rights in Congress.

Anonymous said...

Lucio name, you will lose

Anonymous said...

Mexicans like the Lucios are an embarrassment even to their families.

O'Bell looks to be just a lard-ass looking for his next Quarterpounder.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eddie Lucio backing lamentada, she already lost. Not a smart move. They both nearly lost last election. What does that tell you. THE OTHER CANDIDATES SPENT 90% LESS THAN THE LUCIO, FOR THERE ELECTION. EL RRUN RRUN HAD A LOT TO DO WITH THEM ALMOST LOSING. THE PEOPLE OF BROWNSVILLE AND OTHER PARTS OF THE VALLEY HAVE AWAKEN. And now, everyone is fully aware.

Anonymous said...

Stapleton is a setback. She wants trannies in women's bathrooms and sports. As dumb as Alexandra Ojete Cortez.

Anonymous said...

Esa Mantia (LaMantia) apesta a puro republicano y los labuscos sucios lucios la quieren pasar como democrata. Que poca verguenza. Alex Dominguez es el verdadero Democrata.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather flock together, nope not voting for her, she is obviously affiliated with the Lucio’s and will not receive a vote from my family or myself. As Cameron county (more so Brownsville than any other city) slowly rises, I think it is in the best interest of Hidalgo county to put one of their citizens in control of our representation in order to maintain the spotlight they currently hold. She cannot represent us from a far, she is not one of us, doesn’t want to be one of us, and simply does not know us. The audacity this woman has to try and run for our area on basis that we’re stupid voters as the Sucios provide her the instructional manual to Cameron county really lites me up. We’re not stupid, we can see right through your empty plans and comfortable lies. You say you run on the basis of education, could this be because your Uncle is the president of UTRGV? Just as you have recently learned about us Brownsvillian’s we too have been doing our part as well. This candidate does not phase me one bit, citizens of Brownsville we must vote for an actual citizen of Brownsville not some rich girl riding the coat tails of the alcohol kingpin of our area pursuing a milestone at the mercy of our exploitation. BEGONE!!


Anonymous said...

The voters who voted for el cherife should be banned from voting ever again. Racist republican should become the 8th list of bad words so say George Carlin (shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, racistrepdublican 2022).

Anonymous said...

La misma chingadera mientras tengamos gente en el condado que no estén educados en el sistema político. Y claro mientras les inviten a una pachanga y les den una bolsita de miseries ya los políticos los tienen en la bolsa.

Same shit as long as the county voters are not educated in the political system. And of course as long as they get invited to a “pachanga” and they get a little bag of crap, the politicians have them in their pocket .

Anonymous said...

El Mario Saenz is a sell out. He has no loyalty to Cameron County or the Democratic Party. He sells out his party for money and beer. Vato Chafas corriente apestoso.

Anonymous said...

pigs on a blanket

Anonymous said...

Texas Monthly,
There is no more unreliable senator than thirty-year veteran Eddie Lucio. His nicknames say it all: Sucio (“Dirty”) Lucio and El Resbaloso (“the Slippery One”).

Anonymous said...

Ese Rubén O’ Bell es una cagada aguada de perro y muerto de hambre. Que le pasó a su restaurante Exclusivo en el centro? No que muy generoso regalando comida y tamales crudos. Ya no le dio negocio el Sr. Musk porque probó su comida fea de 20.00 el plato. Inmediatamente al quitarle el contrato, se puso a hablar mal de Space X y que era pura tranza. Como no se quejó el idiota estupido cuando le daban su cheque. Sr. O’Bell, hágale un favor a la ciudad de Brownsville y váyase a vivir a otra ciudad o mejor a otro país . Ya ni amigos tiene porque se la pasa hablando mal de todos por envidioso y infeliz. Luego se la pasa criticando a todos los gordos, ni Que estuvieras muy anoréxico animal . Se te olvidó cuando te sentabas con tus dis Que amigos a comer y hablabas mal de muchos. Hasta criticabas a los hermanos Sánchez a Laurita Pérez y su amiga la guera muy guapa. Hasta del Sr. Filemón hablabas. Y por último, qué pasó entre tú y el Gorilla Rosita?

Anonymous said...

Texas Monthly

Schnookie of the Year

The term “furniture” is thought to be as old as the Capitol. Originally it applied to lawmakers with a level of participation that is below average, indicating that they were indistinguishable from their desks, chairs, and inkwells. Today the definition also refers to the least consequential member:

Anonymous said...

House big spender #4: Eddie Lucio III
Eddie Lucio’s expenses also include 14 trips to Ben’s Liquors in Brownsville totaling $2,282 and 18 trips to Jones Liquor in Brownsville totaling $5,586.
Apartment rent payments reached above $2,800 per month.

Anonymous said...

Nelson curb your candidate you created this monster now do something it falls on you pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Turds are big spenders

Anonymous said...

Lucio's, again chasing coattails of prominent ones to get richer. They feel they can't be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Pinche vieja idiota va perder she's hiring a bunch of incompetent idiots and from brownsville que pendeja.

Anonymous said...

Le apesta las arcas wheeeeooo

Anonymous said...

El Majico Valle del Rio Grande es de nosotros los Democratas. Ay que salir a votar mi RAZA. No dejar que Republicanos y Cocos lambiscones nos controlen. EL VALLE ES DE NOSOTROS. Lo perdemos si no votamos. ALIVIANATE MI RAZA A VOTAR POR LOS DE NOSOTROS. ALEX DOMINGUEZ ES UNO DE NOSOTROS. ESA MANTIA APESTA A PURA REPUBLICANA y para cavarla de chingar se revuelca con los SUCIOS LUCIOS.
