Monday, January 3, 2022



Anonymous said...

El que la hace, la paga.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The whole town knows who to thank for that! GRACIAS THE CHANGE WE DESPERATELY NEEDED PINCHE GUEY I hope you rot in hell
Y los comisionados del condado y el D A NADA NADA NADA NADA....

Anonymous said...

Nevermind Cameron Park, Mongo -

Entire city is now in the grasp!

(Shit, ese, agarra la onda.)

Anonymous said...

What does BFD say - accidental, arson?

Keep digging, reporter. Deeper, guey.


Anonymous said...

At least the sheriff got to come out on TV

Anonymous said...

Poignant, bro.

Anonymous said...

Appears to have been hit by an asteroid.

Que no?

Anonymous said...

Republicans seeking to privatize Social Security.

(down, down, down go your benefits)

Say NO to GOP.

Anonymous said...

The SHIT is about to get worse for Cameron County. Eric (worthless) Garza shouldve taken care of all the people who were there but left because of his stupid chief Gracia who fucked everything up in the department. Where is he now? why so quiet and out of sight?. Is he sitting back looking at all the chaos he's caused both in the office and out in the streets. But then again, neither one of Garza or Gracia have real law enforcement experience. I mean Gracia should know about informants, he was an informant/snitch for many years. Unfortunately most of these new crimes being committed will more than likely not be solved. This department turned into shit.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County Sheriff, Amateur Hour, was responsible for this mess. Voters too stupid or too Mexican to care if he was qualified and competent.

Anonymous said...

Fuego! Fuego! Fuego!

Formense en fila con las cubetas de agua!!! Mangeras - rapido, gente!!!


Anonymous said...

Este pendejo needs to go before he hurts more pople or get them killed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Back in the mid-60s is was common for folks to be murdered elsewhere and their bodies dumped in rural Cameron County. The criminals knew it was unlikely the SO could solve the crime. Same ol...same ol.

Anonymous said...

NY Attorney General Subpoenas Republicans Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr.

(A mamar, babosos)

Anonymous said...

Really Montoya? Sharing the posts from the blog being run by Rodrigo Almanza and Javier Reyna… y’all are so desperate it’s hilarious to watch y’all throw your little tantrums

Anonymous said...

Republicans Ivanka Trump and Don Trump, Jr. slapped with subpoenas.

Both refuse to comply with fraud investigation.

(se creen chingones estos pinches Trumps. Me la pelan!)

Anonymous said...

What can be said about Cameron Park...anything that is BAD is happening here. It is a CANCER in a city that is already sick. Eminent Domain needs to be declared and immediately begin bulldozing this cancerous sore down to bare soil.

Anonymous said...

Is a house fire that rare in Cameron Park?

Anonymous said...

A Key Reason Jan. 6 Rioters Aren’t Facing Sedition Charges: They’re White

Looking back at historical trials of sedition, a pattern emerges. A few deportations of these Republican criminals are in order. They obviously hate America.

(Quite-White Greenland is what they want.)

Anonymous said...


What do you mean now, Brown Man?

Former RGV LEO said...

Wow, not that is interesting! Appears that the drug business or cartel business has come to the RGV! Not to say that they haven't been in the area and using the RGV as a sanctuary. They kept the business south of the border to avoid LE heat. But, it looks like they have crossed that line? For the Cruz' to be executed like they were, only means that they ripped off somebody and or stole somebody' money? Yea, yea, they were victims but they made a choice on what life to live and it cost them!
Let' just see if the newly elected sheriff and his posse can make an arrest, indict and prosecute?

Anonymous said...

No, to your headline question. It's just same as it's always been - Mexicans enjoying crime and soiling the city.

But you know that, Montoya.


Anonymous said...

Soy nuevo a Bronsvil. Cuales son los mejores retaurantes para el refin?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is the spillover from the Reyna brothers.

Anonymous said...

Definitely from the previous administration.

Anonymous said...

Let us blame all issues on everyone.

Anonymous said...

To January 3, 2022 at 1:28 PM. Instead of saying a source is not trustworthy, how about telling us what part of the story is false? Only an insider would know if the Cruz father and son were the source of the tape. For now it is a claim with no proof.

Truth Seeker.

Anonymous said...

Se olvidáron echarle agua a los frijóles.

Anonymous said...

1:49 pm. Dumbass.
Eminent domain has nothing to do with the sheriff being a snitch. Crime is everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Lol all the dir hards still keeping the Reynas dicks in their mouths. Get over it a year in office and he took the department lower than it has ever been. People like Gracia and the rest of his administration who apparently are above the law. Who cares of Lucio did it or the Reynas did it. They were voted out for a reason morons this is ridiculous and embarrassing. Both of them are a disgrace to the badge

Anonymous said...

No one complains about spillover money. Not the church
Not the private schools that charge the cartel kids $15k per year
Not the appraisal district that collects property taxes on all their properties....
And not the bars charging $200 per whiskey bottle to them every weekend

Just saying
Check y'all's self

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2022 at 3:53 PM

Idiota coco.

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2022 at 3:53 PM

pinche coco

Anonymous said...

The current investigators will try to avoid doing the job. They are the suckers of the previous administration and are on the side to destroy the departments based on trying to control it. They don't care to do the job anymore. Political bullshit. The Rangers should definitely look on them. They made an oath.

Anonymous said...

it looks like they have crossed that line?

January 3, 2022 at 2:21 PM

Even after retirement they're still stupid pinche idiota...

Anonymous said...

There has always been a spill over. The spill over has been kept on the down low by the powers that be. . . Move along nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't even their house. Either they were renting or squatting.

Anonymous said...

Even cameron park deserves better they pay taxes just like some of the elected officials I say SOME not all...
pinches mamones vote them out don't deserve our vote

Anonymous said...

Do your job investigators, have some pride and earn your paychecks. You feed your families with the money you earn. You too busy wanting to make a point and make the new Sheriff look bad while you are still taking your check home. Come on Man, just do your job that is all we the tax payers ask for. Leave your differences with the new Admin aside. If Gracia is no good, sooner or later the Sheriff will get rid of him. We can not have positions there and not wanting to solve crimes.
Thank You,

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck hired the salinas Brothers? That is the question. They were deputies under lucio admin.

Anonymous said...

January 5, 2022 at 2:56 PM

You are asking for a miracle idiota that will never happen stupidity is not fixable a pendejo is not curable lambiscon is inherit and baboso is natural. Idiota, pendejo, lambiscon and baboso are qualifications required to work at the sheriff's department, that means half of brownville can work there!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are asking for a miracle idiota that will never happen, stupidity is not fixable a pendejo is not curable lambiscon is inherit and baboso is natural. Idiota, pendejo, lambiscon and baboso are qualifications required to work at the sheriff's department, that means half of brownville can work there!!!!!!
